Need another word that means the same as “waddle”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “waddle” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Waddle” are: coggle, dodder, paddle, toddle, totter, wobble, shamble
Waddle as a Verb
Definitions of "Waddle" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “waddle” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Walk unsteadily.
- Walk with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.

Synonyms of "Waddle" as a verb (7 Words)
coggle | Walk unsteadily. |
dodder | Walk unsteadily. An elderly couple gave us a concerned glance as they doddered past. |
paddle | Propel a boat along a stretch of water using paddles. Paddle your own canoe. |
shamble | (of a person) move with a slow, shuffling, awkward gait. He shambled off down the corridor. |
toddle | Walk unsteadily. Small children toddle. |
totter | Walk unsteadily. The building began to totter and then the roof gave way. |
wobble | Move unsteadily. Enthusiastic thumping may wobble the lectern. |

Usage Examples of "Waddle" as a verb
- Three geese waddled across the road.

Associations of "Waddle" (30 Words)
changed | Changed in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism. A greatly changed country after the war. |
collapse | Collapse due to fatigue an illness or a sudden attack. The church roof is in danger of collapse. |
dodder | Move in a feeble or unsteady way, especially because of old age. An elderly couple gave us a concerned glance as they doddered past. |
fall | Go as if by falling. The hills around here fall towards the ocean. |
falter | Lose strength or momentum. Their enthusiasm is faltering. |
lurch | Defeat by a lurch. The truck lurched down the road. |
motion | An optical illusion of motion produced by viewing a rapid succession of still pictures of a moving object. Councillor Byrne motioned that the committee call on the area manager to install street lighting. |
move | Move so as to change position perform a nontranslational motion. The debate moved from family values to the economy. |
mug | The quantity that can be held in a mug. He was mugged by three men who stole his bike. |
oscillate | Be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action. The grain pan near the front of the combine oscillates back and forth. |
paddle | A paddle shaped instrument used for mixing food or stirring or mixing in industrial processes. A gentle paddle on sluggish water. |
playground | An area where many people go for recreation. Playground games. |
quiver | Shake with fast, tremulous movements. She couldn t help the quiver in her voice. |
ride | Ride over along or through. She rides the bus across 42nd Street. |
roller | Relating to or involving roller skates. It s best to put rollers in when hair is slightly damp after washing. |
seesaw | Move up and down as if on a seesaw. |
shakily | In an insecurely shaky manner. |
stagger | An arrangement of things in a zigzag formation or so that they are not in line. The collision staggered her and she fell. |
stumble | Find or encounter by chance. She stumbled over the words. |
suddenly | On impulse; without premeditation. Suddenly I heard a loud scream. |
sway | Move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner. Wind rattled and swayed the trees. |
teeter | Be unable to decide between different courses; waver. She teetered after him in her high heeled sandals. |
topple | Cause to topple or tumble by pushing. Disagreement had threatened to topple the government. |
totter | Walk unsteadily. The building began to totter and then the roof gave way. |
tumble | Cause to topple or tumble by pushing. Property prices tumbled. |
unstable | Disposed to psychological variability. Everything was unstable following the coup. |
vibrate | (of a sound) resonate; continue to be heard. The bumblebee vibrated its wings for a few seconds. |
walk | Allow or enable a batter to walk. She spotted a man walking his retriever. |
waver | Be undecided between two opinions or courses of action. She never wavered from her intention. |
wobble | Waver between different courses of action; vacillate. They wobble around on their bikes. |