Need another word that means the same as “warring”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “warring” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Warring” are: belligerent, militant, war-ridden, opposing, conflicting, clashing, fighting
Warring as an Adjective
Definitions of "Warring" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “warring” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of two or more people or groups) in conflict with each other.
- Engaged in war.

Synonyms of "Warring" as an adjective (7 Words)
belligerent | Characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight. The mood at the meeting was belligerent. |
clashing | Sharply and harshly discordant. Clashing colors. |
conflicting | Incompatible or at variance; contradictory. Conflicting opinions. |
fighting | Displaying or engaging in violence, combat, or aggression. Review the fighting forces. |
militant | Favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause. Militant in fighting for better wages for workers. |
opposing | In conflict or competition with someone or something. The brothers fought on opposing sides in the war. |
war-ridden | Engaged in war. |

Usage Examples of "Warring" as an adjective
- Belligerent (or warring) nations.
- Warring factions.
- A warring couple.

Associations of "Warring" (30 Words)
activism | A policy of taking direct and militant action to achieve a political or social goal. Growing activism on the abortion issue. |
activist | A militant reformer. A committed animal rights activist. |
aggressive | Behaving or done in a determined and forceful way. We needed more growth to pursue our aggressive acquisition strategy. |
argumentative | Using or characterized by systematic reasoning. An intelligent but argumentative child. |
army | The army of the United States of America the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare. He joined the army at 16. |
barbaric | Savagely cruel. Barbaric use of color or ornament. |
bellicose | Demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight. Bellicose young officers. |
belligerent | Characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight. Ships and goods captured at sea by a belligerent. |
combatant | A person engaged in conflict or competition with another. In the long Russo Swedish conflict both combatants endured terrible sacrifices. |
combative | Ready or eager to fight or argue. He made some enemies with his combative style. |
competitive | Involving competition or competitiveness. Highly competitive sales representative. |
confrontational | Of or relating to confrontation. He distanced himself from the confrontational approach adopted by his predecessor. |
crossfire | A lively or heated interchange of ideas and opinions. A photographer was killed in crossfire. |
demobilize | Cease military operations. He was demobilized in February 1946. |
disarm | Make less hostile; win over. Police yesterday disarmed a parcel bomb. |
fighter | A person or animal that fights. World War II fighter planes. |
hostile | Characterized by enmity or ill will. Hostile tender offer. |
hostility | A hostile (very unfriendly) disposition. He could no longer contain his hostility. |
invader | Someone who enters by force in order to conquer. The arrival of Spanish invaders. |
martial | Roman poet noted for epigrams (first century BC. Martial law. |
menacing | Suggesting the presence of danger; threatening. Our officers encountered menacing looks from teenagers. |
militant | A militant person. The army are in conflict with militant groups. |
military | Characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military. As a young man he joined the military and pursued a career in the Army. |
militia | A military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. Their troops were untrained militia. |
pugnacious | Ready and able to resort to force or violence- Herman Melville. His public statements became increasingly pugnacious. |
scrappy | Determined, argumentative, or pugnacious. He had a scrappy New York temperament. |
truculent | Eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant. A truculent speech against the new government. |
war | A legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply. Japan declared war on Germany. |
warlike | Suggesting war or military life. A warlike clan. |
warrior | (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. I really love the warrior pose it makes me feel centred and strong. |