WENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WENT?

Need another word that means the same as “went”? Find 30 related words for “went” in this overview.

Associations of "Went" (30 Words)

acrossReferring to a crossword answer which reads horizontally.
A crater some 30 metres across.
antipodalDiametrically opposed to.
Antipodal points on a sphere.
astrayInto error or morally questionable behaviour.
We went astray but a man redirected us.
athwartSo as to be perverse or contradictory.
Our words ran athwart and we ended up at cross purposes.
bereavementThe fact or condition of being bereaved.
There is no right way to experience bereavement.
beyondThe unknown, especially in references to life after death.
Messages from the beyond.
christendomThe collective body of Christians throughout the world and history (found predominantly in Europe and the Americas and Australia.
continuingWithout a break in continuity; ongoing.
A continuing controversy.
crossDraw a line or lines across mark with a cross.
A crossed cheque.
crossoverRelating to or denoting trials of medical treatment in which experimental subjects and control groups are exchanged after a set period.
A jazz classical crossover album.
decampBreak up or leave a military camp.
She persuaded him to decamp.
departBe at variance with; be out of line with.
He will soon depart his post as high commissioner to Britain.
goingThe act of departing.
Don t lose track of your child s comings and goings.
horizonThe great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane passes through the sensible horizon and the center of the Earth.
It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge.
intercontinentalExtending or taking place between or among continents.
An intercontinental flight.
intersectDivide (something) by passing or lying across it.
Lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles.
intertwineSpin,wind, or twist together.
Intertwined hearts.
itinerateTravel from place to place, as for work.
Regular use of itinerating magistrates was made.
migrateChange or cause to change from one system to another.
Cells that can form pigment migrate beneath the skin.
migrationThe periodic passage of groups of animals (especially birds or fishes) from one region to another for feeding or breeding.
There is virtually no cell migration in plants.
moveMove so as to change position perform a nontranslational motion.
His family moved the Special Court for adequate maintenance expenses to run the household.
pedestrianA person who travels by foot.
The road is so dangerous pedestrians avoid it.
roadThe part of a road intended for vehicles especially in contrast to a verge or pavement.
The low road of apathy and alienation.
roodA crucifix especially one positioned above the rood screen of a church or on a beam over the entrance to the chancel.
routeSend via a specific route.
All lines of communication were routed through London.
transverseSituated or extending across something.
From the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully.
travelTravel upon or across.
Travel the oceans.
traverseAn area of land surveyed with a traverse.
The plaintiff must assert certain facts which if traversed he would be put to prove.
tripMake a trip for pleasure.
A couple of boys were tripping.
underwayCurrently in progress.
Preparations for the trial are underway.

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