WRECKED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WRECKED?

Need another word that means the same as “wrecked”? Find 9 synonyms for “wrecked” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Wrecked” are: intoxicated, inebriated, drunken, befuddled, incapable, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence, maudlin

Wrecked as an Adjective

Definitions of "Wrecked" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “wrecked” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Destroyed in an accident.
  • Under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
  • Having been wrecked.
  • Exhausted.

Synonyms of "Wrecked" as an adjective (9 Words)

befuddledConfused and vague; used especially of thinking.
He has an air of befuddled unworldliness.
drunkenHabitually or frequently drunk.
His violent drunken father.
incapableUnable to do or achieve (something.
With the battery removed the car was incapable of being driven.
inebriatedStupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol.
I got mildly inebriated.
intoxicatedDrunk or under the influence of drugs.
Officials are reporting an increase in the number of intoxicated students requiring medical attention.
maudlin(of a book, film, or song) highly sentimental.
A maudlin jukebox tune.
the worse for drinkChanged for the worse in health or fitness.
tipsyUnstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated.
A tipsy boat.
under the influenceLocated below or beneath something else.

Usage Examples of "Wrecked" as an adjective

  • A highway full of wrecked cars.
  • A wrecked ship.
  • An old wrecked barge.
  • A wrecked marriage.
  • They got wrecked on tequila.

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