Need another word that means the same as “yearn”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “yearn” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Yearn” are: ache, languish, pine, yen, hanker, long, crave, desire, want, want badly, wish, feel a longing, have a longing, covet, lust, pant, hunger, thirst, be aching, itch, be itching
Yearn as a Verb
Definitions of "Yearn" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “yearn” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Have affection for; feel tenderness for.
- Desire strongly or persistently.
- Have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.
- Be filled with compassion or warm feeling.
- Have a desire for something or someone who is not present.

Synonyms of "Yearn" as a verb (21 Words)
ache | Be the source of pain. She ached for a cigarette. |
be aching | Form or compose. |
be itching | Be identical to; be someone or something. |
covet | Wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person. She covets her sister s house. |
crave | Have a craving, appetite, or great desire for. I must crave your indulgence. |
desire | Feel or have a desire for want strongly. He never achieved the status he so desired. |
feel a longing | Perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles. |
hanker | Feel a strong desire for or to do something. She hankered to go back. |
have a longing | Go through (mental or physical states or experiences. |
hunger | Feel or suffer hunger. When he had fasted forty days and forty nights he afterwards hungered. |
itch | Of a person experience an itch. She is itching to start the project. |
languish | Assume a sentimentally tender or melancholy expression or tone. She still languished after Richard. |
long | Desire strongly or persistently. |
pant | Utter while panting as if out of breath. He was panting when he reached the top. |
pine | Have a desire for something or someone who is not present. |
thirst | Feel the need to drink. An opponent thirsting for revenge. |
want | Hunt or look for want for a particular reason. I want my own room. |
want badly | Have need of. |
wish | Order politely express a wish for. We wished for peace. |
yen | Have a desire for something or someone who is not present. |

Usage Examples of "Yearn" as a verb
- She yearned for a glimpse of him.
- They yearned to go home.
- No fellow spirit yearned towards her.

Associations of "Yearn" (30 Words)
ambition | Have as one s ambition. Her ambition was to become a pilot. |
aspiration | The act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing. There is no aspiration if the syllable begins with s. |
aspire | Rise high; tower. Above the domes of loftiest mosques these pinnacles aspire. |
covet | Wish, long, or crave for (something, especially the property of another person. She covets her sister s house. |
crave | Have a craving, appetite, or great desire for. If only she had shown her daughter the love she craved. |
craving | An intense desire for some particular thing. A craving for chocolate. |
desideratum | Something that is needed or wanted. Integrity was a desideratum. |
desire | Something desired. John spake unto him and desired him in like manner and contestation as before. |
desperation | Desperate recklessness. She wrote to him in desperation. |
eagerly | With eagerness; in an eager manner. Original illustrations are eagerly sought by collectors. |
hanker | Feel a strong desire for or to do something. She hankered to go back. |
hankering | A strong desire to have or do something. He had a hankering to return to Scotland. |
homesick | Longing to return home. He was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe. |
homesickness | A longing to return home. I lived four years in London without a single pang of homesickness. |
hunger | Feel or suffer hunger. Hunger for affection. |
insatiable | Of a person having an insatiable appetite or desire for something especially sex. An insatiable demand for old buildings to restore. |
interminable | Tiresomely long; seemingly without end. We got bogged down in interminable discussions. |
lengthen | Make or become longer. The mascara will lengthen your lashes. |
long | Of relatively long duration. He couldn t wait any longer. |
longing | Prolonged unfulfilled desire or need. Miranda felt a wistful longing for the old days. |
pine | A pineapple. Pine potpourri. |
protracted | Relatively long in duration tediously protracted. Protracted negotiations. |
sabbatical | Relating to a sabbatical. She s away on sabbatical. |
starve | Deprive of something necessary. The arts are being starved of funds. |
thirst | A strong desire for something. They quenched their thirst with spring water. |
unquenchable | Impossible to quench. His enthusiasm was unquenchable. |
unrequited | (of a feeling, especially love) not returned. Unrequited unanswered love. |
want | Feel or have a desire for want strongly. The wheel wants greasing. |
weariness | Extreme tiredness; fatigue. Weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep. |
yearning | Involving or expressing yearning. He felt a yearning for the mountains. |