Adjectives That Start with A
In this article, we present one of the web’s largest lists of adjectives that begin with “A”. We give a definition and a quick usage example for each word.
Over 1440 adjectives in English start with “A”. The letter A is one of the most popular letter for adjectives.
If we sort the list of adjectives by their SECOND letter, it is very interesting to see that AN- is the clear winner (mainly due to the prefixes an- and anti-) followed by AL (135 words), AC (132 words) and AR (128 words). On the other end of the spectrum, AJ and AO only have 1 adjective each.
For your convenience, we have organized the list by the second letter. Feel free to jump right to the section you are interested in. Enjoy!
abactinal | Located on the surface or end opposite to that on which the mouth is situated. |
abandoned | Forsaken by owner or inhabitants. He has collected a menagerie of abandoned animals. |
abashed | Feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious. I was immensely thankful, touched, proud, astonished, abashed. |
abatable | Capable of being abated. All admitted students who need hostel accommodation will be required to apply in the prescribed application from abatable from hostel superintendent and almost of rooms will be in accordance with the merit of the student. |
abaxial | Facing away from the axis of an organ or organism. On the abaxial surface of the mature blade 5 to 6 sori develop in two rows. |
abbreviated | Cut short in duration. The name of the monarch is abbreviated. |
abdominal | Of or relating to or near the abdomen. The symptoms of infection are diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. |
abdominous | Having a large belly. |
abdominovesical | Of or relating to the abdomen and the urinary bladder. |
abducent | Especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part. |
abecedarian | Alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers). Both abecedarian and deadbeat contain more than just those four letters. |
aberdonian | Of or relating to aberdeen. As an Aberdonian, just be thankful a vengeful sheep didn’t gambol past. |
aberrant | Markedly different from an accepted norm. It’s description of the dialects is totally aberrant. |
abeyant | Inactive but capable of becoming active. This creation became abeyant again in 1951. |
abhorrent | Offensive to the mind. American acquiescence to these attacks on humanity is abhorrent. |
abiding | Unceasing. Abiding by the will, Mizuho cross dresses to attend the school. |
abient | Characterized by avoidance or withdrawal. |
abiogenetic | Originating by abiogenesis. |
abject | Showing utter resignation or hopelessness. I strongly abject to the user Nemanmarcus being blocked. |
abkhaz | Of or relating to abkazia or its people or their language. See Abkhaz phonology for an overview of the phonemic inventory of Abkhaz. |
abkhazian | Of or relating to abkazia or its people or their language. Today this dacha belongs to the Abkhazian government. |
ablated | Made smaller or less by melting or erosion or vaporization. The water ablated after all. |
ablative | Relating to the ablative case. This forms the ablative of comparison. |
ablaze | Resembling flame in brilliance or color. They set the place ablaze and ten people died in the fire. |
able | Having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity. They were not able to crystallized. |
ablutionary | Cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands. |
abnaki | Of or relating to the abnakis or their language. Abnaki spent the remainder of her Navy career operating along the west coast. |
abnormal | Departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development. This causes an abnormal largeness of the lips. |
abomasal | Relating to the abomasum (the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants). Adult worms are attached to abomasal mucosa and feed on the blood. |
abominable | Exceptionally bad or displeasing. The article is a prime example of abominable gotracruft. |
aboral | Opposite to or away from the mouth. In biology, aboral surfaces are surfaces away from or opposite the mouth. |
aboriginal | Having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state. The term is used in deformation of the aboriginal culture. |
abortifacient | Causing abortion. It is also cited as an antispasmodic and abortifacient. |
abortive | Failing to accomplish an intended result. The abortive effort ended in bankruptcy. |
aboulic | Suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions. |
about | On the move. It’s all about how users comport themselves around the project. |
above | Appearing earlier in the same text. The above is extremely provocative. |
aboveboard | Without concealment or deception; honest. Editing the page is certainly aboveboard. |
aboveground | On or above the surface of the ground. Most fairies consider it the most magical place aboveground. |
abranchial | Having no gills. |
abranchiate | Having no gills. |
abranchious | Having no gills. |
abrasive | Sharply disagreeable; rigorous. The abrasive coating is prepared using the glow discharge method. |
abreast | Being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge. He undertook computer classes to walk abreast with the modern world. |
abroach | Of a cask or barrel. |
abroad | In a foreign country. The programs involve studies in the USA and abroad. |
abrupt | Surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner. The ending of the book is also abrupt. |
absent | Not being in a specified place. Green colors and metallic iridescence are generally absent. |
absentminded | Lost in thought; showing preoccupation. He was a strange boy and was always absentminded. |
absolute | Not capable of being violated or infringed. The centeredness is contextual and not absolute. |
absolutist | Pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism. But I’m not an absolutist on the subject. |
absolutistic | Pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism. He flew to Spain after a absolutistic regime and he returned to Guayaquil. |
absolvitory | Providing absolution. |
absorbed | Retained without reflection. The mat is melted and absorbed into the ingot. |
absorbefacient | Inducing or promoting absorption. |
absorbent | Having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids or energy etc.). This allows the exhaled gas to bypass the absorbent. |
absorbing | Capable of arousing and holding the attention. The xenon is absorbed partly in the absorbing substance. |
abstemious | Sparing in consumption of especially food and drink- john galsworthy. Jesse did not seem to be abstemious. |
abstinent | Self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink. He was the first one to suggest the idea of abstinent societies. |
abstract | Dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention. Abstract expressionism was introduced in the 1950s. |
abstracted | Not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature. The case in point is Abstract expressionism. |
abstractive | Not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature. The case in point is Abstract expressionism. |
abstruse | Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge. I find the argument too abstruse. |
absurd | Incongruous;inviting ridicule. It is going from the ridiculous to the absurd. |
abulic | Suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions. |
abundant | Present in great quantity. It’s the most abundant element in the universe. |
abusive | Characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment. The use of abusive language is illegal. |
abuzz | Noisy like the sound of a bee. This area is abuzz with commercial activity. |
abysmal | Resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable. At the same time, the city’s health statistics are abysmal. |
academic | Associated with academia or an academy. The academic environment of the school is very inspiring and motivating. |
acanthoid | Shaped like a spine or thorn. |
acanthotic | Of or relating to or having acanthosis. It is also known as acral acanthotic anomaly, the two terms being synonymous. |
acanthous | Shaped like a spine or thorn. |
acapnial | Relating to or demonstrating acapnia. |
acapnic | Relating to or demonstrating acapnia. |
acapnotic | Relating to or demonstrating acapnia. |
acarpellous | Having no carpels. |
acarpelous | Having no carpels. |
acarpous | Producing no fruit. |
acatalectic | Metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot. |
acaudal | Lacking a tail or taillike appendage. Acaudal fin with a terminal black band. |
acaudate | Lacking a tail or taillike appendage. |
acaulescent | Having no apparent stem above ground. Sometimes appearing to be acaulescent. |
accelerando | Gradually increasing in tempo. Now I’m going to redirect ritardando and accelerando here as well. |
acceptable | Worthy of acceptance or satisfactory. Is the solicitation of funds here acceptable |
accepted | Generally approved or compelling recognition. The man accepted the deal. |
accepting | Tolerating without protest. This dispute was resolved with the deviant monks accepting the existing rules. |
acceptive | Accepting willingly. |
accessary | Aiding and abetting in a crime. The spelling accessary is occasionally used, but only in this legal sense. |
accessible | Easily obtained. It’s very accessible and lucid for the ignorant. |
accessorial | Aiding and abetting in a crime. He also described the accessory tear glands of the eye. |
accessory | Furnishing added support. The accessory accedes to the principal. |
accidental | Happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally. These are only the accidental results of the Reformation. |
accipitrine | Of or relating to or belonging to the genus accipiter (or to typical hawks). |
acclivitous | Sloping upward. |
accompanying | Following or accompanying as a consequence. The tower in the accompanying picture is the Levis Tower. |
accomplished | Settled securely and unconditionally. Daniel was an accomplished speaker and raconteur. |
according | As reported or stated by. According to Descartes, the soul is indivisible. |
accountable | Liable to account for one’s actions. The Arbitration Committee must be accountable to the community. |
accoutered | Provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military). And the rest of the play’s figures are similarly, gaudily accoutered. |
accoutred | Provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military). |
acculturational | Of or relating to acculturation. |
acculturative | Of or relating to acculturation. Psychological adaptation and development under acculturative stress. |
accumbent | Lying down; in a position of comfort or rest. |
accumulated | Periodically accumulated over time. Legal fees and accumulated debts erased the balance of the award. |
accurate | Characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct. The map of the artcle is accurate. |
accursed | Under a curse. I finally had to physically remove myself from the accursed Tivo. |
accurst | Under a curse. |
accusative | Serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes. The pronouns have additional cases of accusative and genitive, but no vocative. |
accusatorial | Specifically indicating a form of prosecution in which one is publicly accused of and tried for a crime and in which the judge is not also the prosecutor. Thank you for fixing that error, and for not being accusatorial. |
accusatory | Containing or expressing accusation. The current notice does seem rather unprofessional and accusatory. |
accusive | Containing or expressing accusation. |
accustomed | In the habit of or adapted to. We’ve all grown accustomed to hearing such superheated humbug. |
ace | Of the highest quality. In the second round, the ace will drop the king. |
acellular | Not made up of or divided into cells. Sato’s acellular pertussis vaccine was used in Japan since the autumn of 1981. |
acentric | Lacking a centromere. Acentric factor accounts for characteristic of molecular structure. |
acephalous | Lacking a head or a clearly defined head. Most foraging or hunter gatherer societies are acephalous. |
acerate | Narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves. |
acerb | Sour or bitter in taste. |
acerbic | Harsh or corrosive in tone. It is a combination of acerbic and cerberus. |
acerose | Narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves. |
acervate | Pertaining to a growth of fungi that forms a heaped-up mass. |
acetabular | Of the cup-shaped socket that receives the head of the thigh bone. Acetabular fossa is at centre, inside the lunate surface. |
acetic | Relating to or containing acetic acid. It is the triester of glycerol and acetic acid. |
acetonic | Of or relating to acetone. |
acetose | Tasting or smelling like vinegar. |
acetous | Tasting or smelling like vinegar. |
acetylenic | Of or related to acetylene. Internal alkynes feature carbon substituents on each acetylenic carbon. |
acetylic | Of or related to acetic acid. |
achaean | Of or relating to achaea or its ancient greek people. Samolas the Achaean was in command of this brigade. |
achenial | Pertaining to dry one-seeded indehiscent fruit. |
acheronian | Dark and dismal as of the rivers acheron and styx in hades-wordsworth. |
acherontic | Dark and dismal as of the rivers acheron and styx in hades-wordsworth. |
aching | Causing a dull and steady pain. The work was back aching and very tiring. |
achlamydeous | Not having a floral envelope or perianth. |
achlorhydric | Lacking hydrochloric acid. |
achondritic | Not having a granular structure. |
achondroplastic | Of or relating to achondroplasia. |
achromatic | Having no hue. Therefore, the achromatic number of the Clebsch graph is 8. |
achromatinic | Not readily colored by stains. |
achromatous | Having little or inadequate color. |
achromic | Having no color. |
achromous | Having no color. |
achy | Causing a dull and steady pain. The pain can feel like burning, pricking sensation, achy or dull. |
acicular | Narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves. A process for producing magnetic particles for a magnetic recording medium from an acicular goethite as a starting material comprises a step of growing a Si component containing goethite as an outer layer. |
aciculate | Related to plants or animals or crystals having aciculae or needlelike parts. C. and producing an aciculate textured coke by coking said mixture. |
acid | Being sour to the taste. The chemical compound calcium acetate is the calcium salt of acetic acid. |
acidic | Being sour to the taste. The stomach is an acidic environment the intestines are alkaline. |
acidimetric | Involving or related to acidimetry. |
acidophilic | Especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium. The high quantity of mitochondria gives the cells an acidophilic appearance. |
acidophilous | Especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium. I resumed taking the acidophilous with no further outbreaks since then. |
acidotic | Having or being characterized by acidosis. |
acidulent | Being sour to the taste. Fumaric acid is a food acidulent used since 1946. |
acidulous | Being sour to the taste. He hates the acidulous taste. |
aciduric | Especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium. |
acinar | Pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit like a blackberry. Acinar cell source of the parotid hormone. |
acinic | Pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland). Recurrence of pulmonary acinic cell carcinoma. |
acinose | Pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland). |
acinous | Pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland). |
acneiform | Resembling acne. Other sources classified acne vulgaris under acneiform eruption. |
acold | Of persons; feeling cold- shakespeare. |
acoustic | Of or relating to the science of acoustics. The range of the acoustic seeker was later improved. |
acoustical | Of or relating to the science of acoustics. Construction of the acoustical buffer zone. |
acquainted | Having fair knowledge of. He became acquainted with the ideals of the revolution. |
acquiescent | Willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest. The parents wanted their children to remain acquiescent. |
acquired | Gotten through environmental forces. Sequent was acquired by IBM in 1999. |
acquisitive | Eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas. He was very selfish, acquisitive, and resolute, very skilful schemer. |
acrid | Strong and sharp. The acrid smell reeking up the shaft was unmistakable. |
acrimonious | Marked by strong resentment or cynicism. It is an acrimonious system across the board. |
acritical | Without a crisis (as of some diseases). Itcorresponds to the Curie phase transition, and is also called acritical point. |
acrocarpous | Having the archegonia at the top of the stem. |
acrocentric | Having a subterminal centromere. |
acrogenic | Pertaining to flowerless plants (ferns or mosses) in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem. |
acrogenous | Pertaining to flowerless plants (ferns or mosses) in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem. |
acromegalic | Marked or affected by enlargement or hypertrophy of the extremities or the face. Midget is to giant as dwarf is to acromegalic. |
acropetal | Of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from base to apex. |
acrophobic | Suffering from acrophobia; abnormally afraid of high places. To an acrophobic person, this is scary. |
acroscopic | Facing or on the side toward the apex. |
actinal | Located on the surface or end on which the mouth is situated. |
acting | Serving temporarily especially as a substitute. He was notorious for acting like a martinet. |
actinic | Relating to or exhibiting actinism. Yellow and red light was non actinic. |
actinoid | Having a radial form. It is the seventh transuranic element, and an actinoid. |
actinometric | Of or related to actinometry. |
actinometrical | Of or related to actinometry. |
actinomorphic | Capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis. The flowers are actinomorphic and yellowish green. |
actinomorphous | Capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis. The result of the debate was Moving it to Actinomorphous flower. |
actinomycetal | Of or belonging to the actinomycetes. |
actinomycetous | Of or belonging to the actinomycetes. |
actinomycotic | Of or related to actinomycosis infection. |
actionable | Affording grounds for legal action. The results of the trial are quite actionable. |
active | Expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor:. Active erosive esophagitis is often present. |
activist | Advocating or engaged in activism. Her sister was the suffragette activist, Lady Constance Lytton. |
activistic | Advocating or engaged in activism. The Activist was replaced by the Slacker. |
actual | Being or existing at the present moment. The actual sockpuppets get evasive. |
actuarial | Of or relating to the work of an actuary. It has nothing to do with the actuarial profession. |
acuate | Ending in a sharp point. I fixed it so it’s acuate again. |
aculeate | Having or resembling a stinger or barb. The Sapygidae are a family of solitary aculeate wasps. |
aculeated | Having or resembling a stinger or barb. |
acuminate | Narrowing to a slender point. The leaf apex is acute to acuminate. |
acute | Of an angle; less than 90 degrees. I suddenly had an acute pain. |
acyclic | Not cyclic; especially having parts arranged in spirals rather than whorls. Flabby sheaves are soft and acyclic. |
adactylous | Without fingers and/or toes. |
adagio | Leisurely. But maybe Adagio will weigh in on that one in a bit. |
adamant | Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason- w.churchill. The others plead with the Count, but he is adamant. |
adamantine | Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason- w.churchill. Thomas was adamant about participating in the war. |
adaptable | Capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use. This made the Birkebeins more mobile and adaptable. |
adaptative | Having a capacity for adaptation. These adaptative traits may be structural, behavioral or physiological. |
adapted | Changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose. The bands are adapted to grip the user’s fingertip. |
adaxial | Nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism. They also contain small adaxial resin vesicles. |
addicted | Compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming. The incident left Nathan addicted to painkillers. |
addictive | Causing or characterized by addiction. Some of the research points to the drug and addictive nature of sugars. |
additional | Further or added. Additional CO2 produces more luxuriant growth. |
additive | Designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree. Hydrates of the additive compounds may also be used. |
addlebrained | Stupid and confused- isaac sterne. |
addlepated | Stupid and confused- isaac sterne. And finally, they bring this mass of addlepated wishful thinking toWikipedia. |
addressable | Capable of being addressed. It’s not an addressable concern. |
adducting | Especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part. |
adductive | Especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part. |
adenocarcinomatous | Of or pertaining to adenocarcinoma. |
adenoid | Relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue. Neutron radiotherapy for adenoid cystic carcinoma of minor salivary glands. |
adenoidal | Of or pertaining to the adenoids. She speaks with a distinctively adenoidal voice. |
adept | Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. He’s also adept in the rite of ressurection. |
adequate | Sufficient for the purpose. The name of the publication is adequate. |
adherent | Sticking fast. The building is adherent to the next one. |
adhesive | Tending to adhere. The receptacle and adhesive network covers the penile orifice. |
adiabatic | Occurring without loss or gain of heat. Non adiabatic chemical dynamics. |
adient | Characterized by acceptance or approach. |
adipose | Composed of animal fat. Leucine is utilized in the liver, adipose tissue, and muscle tissue. |
adjacent | Having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching. The adjacent walls are sheathed in ceramic tiles. |
adjectival | Relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law. The normal position of the adjective is after the noun. |
adjective | Relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law. I apologize for that obstreperous adjective. |
adjunct | Of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another. He is an adjunct professor of business school. |
adjunctive | Of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another. The first mill was important as an adjunct to the Hope Park plantation. |
adjustable | Capable of being changed so as to match or fit. The height of the weir may be adjustable. |
adjustive | Conducive to adjustment. First, adjustive instrument made the cut. |
adjuvant | Furnishing added support. Adjuvant chemotherapy in colorectal cancer. |
administrative | Of or relating to or responsible for administration. Read the administrative consideration of the case. |
admirable | Inspiring admiration or approval. Reticence is admirable in some circumstances, but not this one. |
admired | Regarded with admiration. It is admired for its alertness and ferocious attacks. |
admissible | Deserving to be admitted. It’s certainly not admissible in the article. |
admittable | Deserving to be allowed to enter. Your hearsay arguments are not admittable underWikipedia policy. |
admittible | Deserving to be allowed to enter. |
admonitory | Expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective. That definitely was an admonitory remark. |
adnate | Of unlike parts or organs; growing closely attached. The deeply trilobate lip is adnate to the column to its apex. |
adnexal | Of or pertaining to adnexa. On pelvic examination a unilateral adnexal mass may be found. |
adolescent | Relating to or peculiar to or suggestive of an adolescent. The youngest sister Renata is an immature and capricious adolescent. |
adonic | Or relating to or like adonis. The last line of a Sapphic stanza is an adonic. |
adoptable | Suitable or eligible for adoption. I mean only the adoptable form of Boleslas. |
adopted | Acquired as your own by free choice. The narrator adopted the religion enthusiastically. |
adorable | Lovable especially in a childlike or naive way. All the veggie shapes are adorable. |
adored | Regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god). He’s adored by all the girls and in particular, Bianca. |
adoring | Extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent. The Biography section is especially adoring unscientific content. |
adorned | Provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction. The Lord is adorned with flowers of the previous day. |
adpressed | Pressed close to or lying flat against something-l.v.pirsson. The hind limb reaches the wrist of the adpressed fore limb. |
adrenal | Of or pertaining to the adrenal glands or their secretions. It is proper to continue with the diagnosis of secondary adrenal insufficiency. |
adrenergic | Relating to epinephrine (its release or action). Beta adrenergic receptor kinase. |
adrenocortical | Of or derived from the cortex of the adrenal glands. The main etiologic factor of adrenocortical cancer is unknown. |
adrenocorticotrophic | Stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex. |
adrenocorticotropic | Stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex. Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency. |
adrift | Afloat on the surface of a body of water. Celidoine is set adrift in a rudderless boat. |
adroit | Quick or skillful or adept in action or thought. His adroit use of staccato was rare among modern jazz trumpeters. |
adscititious | Added or derived from something outside; not inherent. |
adscript | Bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner. There are no signs of iota adscript or iota subscript. |
adscripted | Bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner. |
adsorbable | Capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid. |
adsorbate | Capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid. The adsorbate is then evaporated onto the tip. |
adsorbent | Having capacity or tendency to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface. It is the most widely used adsorbent. |
adsorptive | Having capacity or tendency to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface. He is known for his work on the structure and adsorptive properties of carbons. |
adulatory | Obsequiously complimentary. I would speculate that more skeptical than adulatory articles exist. |
adult | Fully developed. I am the mature adult in the room. |
adulterant | Making impure or corrupt by adding extraneous materials. The scientists analyzed the adulterant chemical. |
adulterate | Mixed with impurities. I wasn’t out to adulterate, nor inflate. |
adulterated | Mixed with impurities. White candy might be adulterated with clay or plaster. |
adulterating | Mixed with impurities. Let us not adulterate pure faith with corruptible science. |
adulterine | Conceived in adultery. Adulterine in a dictionary gives a definition as being born of adultery. |
adulterous | Characterized by adultery. The focus of the text is consternation over an adulterous wife. |
adumbrative | Indistinctly prophetic. |
adust | Burned brown by the sun- sir walter scott. If I do make a mistake let me know so I can adust fire. |
advance | Situated ahead or going before. They become cathartic as they advance to maturity. |
advanced | Ahead in development; complex or intricate. Once again the disinherited advanced into Scotland. |
advancing | Situated ahead or going before. They planned to resume in advance at daybreak. |
advantageous | Appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness. Winning the fourth trick is advantageous. |
advective | Of or relating to advection. The salinity data highlighted the advective diffusion of the freshwater plume. |
adventitial | Of or pertaining to the adventitia. In the adventitial layer there was an abundance of collagen fibrils. |
adventitious | Associated by chance and not an integral part- frederick w. robertson. Propagated by division and by adventitious plantlets. |
adventive | Not native and not fully established; locally or temporarily naturalized. At times it is difficult to decide if a species is adventive or migratory. |
adventuristic | Of or pertaining to adventurism. |
adventurous | Willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises. Lucky is the most adventurous of the 99 puppies. |
adversative | Expressing antithesis or opposition. From the verb, through the addition of the adversative suffix to the stem. |
adverse | In an opposing direction. The most common adverse effect is recurrence of migraine. |
advertent | Giving attention. |
advisable | Worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise. Sometimes it is advisable to see the roses from the distance. |
advised | Having received information. The querent is advised to think outside the box. |
advisory | Giving advice,. Paralegal advisory firms are stepping in to fill the gap. |
adynamic | Characterized by an absence of force or forcefulness. |
aecial | Of or belonging to an aecium. Pycnial and aecial stages are produced on the alternate host. |
aegean | Of or relating to or bordering the aegean sea. Kremasti has a beach on the Aegean Sea. |
aeolian | Of or pertaining to aeolus, the greek god of the winds; relating to or caused by the wind. Aeolian turbidity currents are better known as dust storms. |
aeolotropic | Having properties with different values along different axes. |
aeonian | Continuing forever or indefinitely. |
aerial | Existing or living or growing or operating in the air. The earliest records of aerial reforestation date back from 1930. |
aeriferous | Conveying air; as the bronchial tubes. |
aeriform | Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air- thomas carlyle. |
aerobic | Depending on free oxygen or air. The use of aerobic granular sludge is one of them. |
aerobiotic | Living or active only in the presence of oxygen. |
aerodynamic | Of or relating to aerodynamics. The style of the saloon was modern and aerodynamic. |
aerolitic | Of or pertaining to certain stony meteorites. |
aerological | Of or pertaining to aerology. He studied possibilities of applying aerological data to the weather forecast. |
aeromechanic | Of or pertaining to aerodynamics. |
aeromedical | Of or relating to aviation medicine. It practiced for aeromedical evacuation missions. |
aeronautic | Of or pertaining to aeronautics. The city is home to several automobile and aeronautic manufacturing firms. |
aeronautical | Of or pertaining to aeronautics. The programs focused on aeronautical education. |
aerophilatelic | Of or relating to airmail stamps. Airmail stamps are an inherent part of every aerophilatelic collection. |
aerophilic | Depending on free oxygen or air. |
aerophilous | Depending on free oxygen or air. |
aerosolised | In the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas. Alternatively, aerosolised drugs, such as albuterol or clenbuterol, may be used. |
aerosolized | In the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas. Aerosolized pneumonic plague remains the most significant threat. |
aery | Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air- thomas carlyle. |
aeschylean | Of or relating to or in the manner of aeschylus. |
aesculapian | Of or belonging to aesculapius or the healing art. |
aesthetic | Relating to or dealing with the subject of aesthetics. The aesthetic has the advantage of greatest serenity. |
aesthetical | Concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste. There are modern underground facilities for aesthetical reasons. |
aestival | Of or occurring in summer. Aestival can be spelt with the ligature quit removing it. |
aetiologic | Of or relating to the philosophical study of causation. |
aetiological | Of or relating to the philosophical study of causation. The aetiological agent of ISA is the infectious salmon anemia virus ISAV . |
afeard | A pronunciation of afraid. |
afeared | A pronunciation of afraid. I’d be so afeared for anyone who ever even just looked at them funny. |
afebrile | Having no fever. Patients with this mutation have both febrile and afebrile seizures. |
affable | Diffusing warmth and friendliness. He is an affable and experienced legislator. |
affected | Acted upon; influenced. That adversely affected the health of the emigrants. |
affectionate | Having or displaying warmth or affection. Aman is a doting father and an affectionate man. |
affective | Characterized by emotion. The second aspect of homesickness is the affective state or emotional state. |
afferent | Of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the cns. The trajectory of pallidal afferent axons is complex. |
affiliated | Being joined in close association. The Institute is affiliated to the University of Mumbai. |
affinal | Related by marriage. Such ties are both affinal and consanguineous. |
affine | Related by marriage. Also the product of affine matrices is an affine matrix. |
affirmative | Expecting the best. They replied in the affirmative. |
afflicted | Mentally or physically unfit. I was severly afflicted by the pain. |
affluent | Having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value. It is the most affluent region in the nation. |
affordable | That you have the financial means for. The intention was to build additional affordable housing in the area. |
afghan | Of or relating to or characteristic of afghanistan or its people. They believe he was one of the extremist commanders of the Afghan Arabs. |
afghani | Of or relating to or characteristic of afghanistan or its people. The Afghani man picked the detainee up at the center. |
afghanistani | Of or relating to or characteristic of afghanistan or its people. Afghanistani may be a better term. |
afire | Lighted up by or as by fire or flame. The hot shot lodging in a ship’s dry timbers would set the ship afire. |
aflame | Lighted up by or as by fire or flame. The episode ends with the player inadvertently setting the whole asylum aflame. |
aflare | Lighted up by or as by fire or flame. |
aflicker | Shining unsteadily. |
afloat | Borne on the water; floating. Ships are afloat on the water. |
afoot | Traveling by foot. The move towards decimalisation was afoot for over a century. |
aforementioned | Being the one previously mentioned or spoken of. The aforementioned values are dependent on the temper of the alloy. |
aforesaid | Being the one previously mentioned or spoken of. The aforesaid frequency divider comprises a counter and an AND circuit. |
aforethought | Planned in advance. I can only suspect this was done with malice aforethought. |
afoul | Especially of a ship’s lines etc. Don’t want anyone to fall afoul of it. |
afraid | Filled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement. I’m afraid I confused this article a little bit because of my inattention. |
african | Of or relating to the nations of africa or their peoples. It will disrupt the decorum of the African American page. |
afrikaans | Belonging or relating to white people of south africa whose ancestors were dutch or to their language. I assumed it was Afrikaans and changed it. |
afrikaner | Belonging or relating to white people of south africa whose ancestors were dutch or to their language. Afrikaner diaspora and emigration. |
aft | Situated at or toward the stern or tail. The peak is the upper aft corner. |
after | Located farther aft. His face turned reddish after sitting right next to her. |
aftermost | Located closest to the stern or tail. Length The distance between the forwardmost and aftermost parts of the ship. |
aftershafted | Having an aftershaft (a small feather at the base of some feathers). |
agamic | Not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction. Abhisheka is also a special form of puja prescribed by Agamic injunction. |
agamogenetic | Not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction. |
agamous | Not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction. |
agape | With the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe. However, there are some examples of agape used to mean the same as eros. |
agaze | Open and fixed as if in fear or wonder. |
aged | At an advanced stage of erosion (pronounced as one syllable). Some wines are aged in oaken casks. |
ageless | Continuing forever or indefinitely. Birinchi Baba claims to be ageless. |
agelong | Lasting through all time. There is agelong spoken tradition that is known from folklore and songs. |
agglomerate | Clustered together but not coherent. They agglomerate many, competiting people, groups and ideologies. |
agglomerated | Clustered together but not coherent. But it should probably be agglomerated by disease in List of… |
agglomerative | Clustered together but not coherent. It has produced olivine basalt dykes, lavas, and agglomerate. |
agglutinate | United as if by glue. Hemagglutinin refers to a substance that causes red blood cells to agglutinate. |
agglutinative | Forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning. It certainly looks agglutinative to me. |
aggravating | Making worse. The judge applied the same aggravating circumstances for all. |
aggregate | Composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets. The aggregate winners advanced to the second round. |
aggregated | Composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets. The composer then presents the aggregate. |
aggregative | Formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole. The team with the higher aggregate score moves on to the second round. |
aggressive | Characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight. This is the most aggressive of the four strategies. |
aghast | Struck with fear, dread, or consternation. The second monk was aghast and yet said nothing. |
agile | Mentally quick. All of the birds in this genus are small and agile. |
aging | Growing old. Shortening of leukocyte telomeres is a marker of aging. |
agitated | Physically disturbed or set in motion. Even in the interview, she was agitated and anxious. |
agitative | Causing or tending to cause anger or resentment. The president spoke with a n agitative tone. |
agleam | Bright with a steady but subdued shining. |
aglitter | Having brief brilliant points or flashes of light. |
aglow | Softly bright or radiant. In its own loneliness in the sky I see the North Star aglow. |
agnate | Related on the father’s side. Mary I married her own agnate, thus keeping the crown in the family. |
agnatic | Related on the father’s side. The agnatic primogeniture follows the same principle. |
agnostic | Uncertain of all claims to knowledge. I’m agnostic about whether the quote belongs in the article at all. |
agnostical | Uncertain of all claims to knowledge. |
ago | Gone by; or in the past. They consummate two days ago. |
agog | Highly excited. I am still agog about the quadruple 10,000. |
agonadal | Lacking gonads. |
agonal | Pertaining to or associated with agony (especially death agonies). These people may or may not show a lot of sickling as an agonal event. |
agone | Gone by; or in the past. |
agonised | Expressing pain or agony. I agonised over this case, and I’m sure others did too. |
agonising | Extremely painful. Death was agonising and habitually slow. |
agonistic | Striving to overcome in argument. Others disagree with this agonistic historical view. |
agonistical | Striving to overcome in argument. |
agonizing | Extremely painful. The mood drops to agonizing disappointment, and hits Ives the hardest. |
agoraphobic | Suffering from agoraphobia; abnormally afraid of open or public places. An agoraphobic loner inexorably loses his mind within the confines of a bed sit. |
agranulocytic | Relating to the blood disorder of agranulocytosis. |
agraphic | Relating to or having agraphia. |
agrarian | Relating to rural matters. The agrarian and military sides of the festival are clearly distinguished. |
agreeable | Conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature- disraeli. All the changes you’ve made to the article are absolutely agreeable. |
agreed | United by being of the same opinion. The majority of the bishops agreed. |
agrestic | Characteristic of the fields or country. Sign this petition for an agrestic/majesticmerge. |
agricultural | Relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming. The agricultural and cattle productions are of subsistence. |
agrobiologic | Of or pertaining to agrobiology. |
agrobiological | Of or pertaining to agrobiology. |
agrologic | Of or related to agrology. |
agrological | Of or related to agrology. |
agronomic | Of or relating to or promoting agronomy. These agronomic practices facilitate harvest and increases bean quality. |
agronomical | Of or relating to or promoting agronomy. To my mother that was nothing but an agronomical ruse. |
aground | Stuck in a place where a ship can no longer float. They went aground on the beach or bar in winter. |
agrypnotic | Of or pertaining to agrypnia. |
aguish | Affected by ague. |
ahead | Having the leading position or higher score in a contest. All were screened for venereal diseases ahead of time. |
ahistorical | Unconcerned with or unrelated to history or to historical development or to tradition. Mentioning it before then is an ahistorical construct. |
ahorse | Traveling on horseback. |
ahorseback | Traveling on horseback. |
ailing | Somewhat ill or prone to illness. The actor has been ailing from cancer. |
aimless | Continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another. Just part of my temporary, aimless article ‘ennui’, I guess. |
ain | Belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive. There are no plans for the return of AIN. |
airborne | Moved or conveyed by or through air. Airborne reconnaissance goes back to the early era of ballooning. |
airheaded | Lacking seriousness; given to frivolity. He is naive, friendly and airheaded, but loves to eat rice. |
airless | Lacking fresh air. This sets an artificial, airless tone fatal to the iki audience. |
airlike | Resembling air or having the form of air. |
airsick | Experiencing motion sickness. According to some witnesses, he appeared to be airsick and held his head. |
airtight | Having no weak points. The airtight rear doors of the troop compartment also contain fuel tanks. |
airworthy | Fit to fly. Not all are currently airworthy. |
airy | Not practical or realizable; speculative. She is the writer of the ‘Airy Fairy’ books. |
ajar | Slightly open. The photograph in this article shows the door ajar. |
akimbo | Bent outward with the joint away from the body. He is standing with arms akimbo and speaking to the umpire in front of him. |
akin | Related by blood. The Romans considered the Aquitanians akin to the Spaniards. |
alabaster | Of or resembling alabaster. The Alabaster Dairy Queen moved to the Colonial Promenade in 2009. |
alabastrine | Of or resembling alabaster. The tomb consists of a slab of alabaster mounted in gilded bronze. |
alar | Of or relating to the axil. Laterally of this are a pair of alar folds. |
alarmed | Experiencing a sudden sense of danger. The gun toting guards alarmed the locals. |
alarming | Frightening because of an awareness of danger. There is an alarming number of things in the direction of fascism. |
alary | Having or resembling wings. The President of the General Council is Damien Alary of the Socialist Party. |
alaskan | Relating to or characteristic of the state or people of alaska. The Alaskan article needs to be specific and be footnoted. |
alate | Having winglike extensions. Stem erect, distinctly alate, cylindrical between the whorls triangular. |
alated | Having winglike extensions. |
albanian | Of or relating to albania or its people or language or culture. As such, he may justly bear the title of father of Albanian prose. |
albescent | Becoming or shading into white. |
albigensian | Of or relating to albigenses or albigensianism. At least in the uncontrolled way of the Albigensian Crusade. |
albinal | Of or pertaining to or affected by albinism. |
albinic | Of or pertaining to or affected by albinism. |
albinistic | Of or pertaining to or affected by albinism. Not an animal at all, but a supernatural being, ergo not albinistic. |
albinotic | Of or pertaining to or affected by albinism. That is the reason why fully albinotic animals and people are half blind. |
albitic | Of or related to albite feldspar. |
albuminous | Relating to or containing or resembling albumin. Seeds with an endosperm at maturity are termed albuminous seeds. |
albuminuric | Of or related to the state of albuminuria. |
alcalescent | Tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline. |
alchemistical | Of or relating to alchemists. |
alcoholic | Characteristic of or containing alcohol. The traditional alcoholic beverage of the region is beer. |
aldehydic | Of or related to or containing aldehydes. Uninhibited Perfume has top notes of bergamot, orange oil and aldehydic accords. |
aldermanly | Of or relating to or like an alderman. |
aleatory | Dependent on chance. The term aleatory, I think, is often misused as meaning completely random. |
alert | Quick and energetic. Independent, curious and alert, yet imperturbable. |
aleuronic | Of or related to aleurone. |
aleutian | Of or relating to the aleut or their language or culture. Aleutian Disease was first recognized in ranch raised mink in 1956. |
alexandrian | Of or relating to alexander the great or his empire. Alexandrian edition of Sappho’s poetry. |
alexic | Of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia. |
alfresco | In the open air. These offer alfresco dining, along with occasional street markets. |
algebraic | Of or relating to algebra. The opposite is true in the algebraic and holomorphic settings. |
algebraical | Of or relating to algebra. |
algerian | Of or relating to or characteristic of algeria or its inhabitants. From 1954 to 1962, the Algerian War preoccupied the French. |
algid | Chilly. |
algoid | Of or resembling algae. |
algolagnic | Of or relating to algolagnia. |
algometric | Of or related to algometry. |
algometrical | Of or related to algometry. |
algonkian | Of or relating to an algonquian tribe or its people or language. When we used this strategy in the reconstruction of Proto Algonkian we were fortunate to be dealing with polysyllabic words. |
algonquian | Of or relating to an algonquian tribe or its people or language. The Massachusett belong to the Algonquian family of peoples. |
algonquin | Of or relating to an algonquian tribe or its people or language. The name is derived from the Algonquin language. |
algophobic | Suffering from algophobia; abnormally afraid of pain. |
algorithmic | Of or relating to or having the characteristics of an algorithm. An additional feature is to propose several algorithmic models designed to be of maximal adequacy and generality as well as of minimal computational complexity. |
alien | Being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world. Ultraman King had arrived to thwart the diabolical alien. |
alienable | Transferable to another owner. Alienable and inalienable possession is distinguished. |
aliform | Having or resembling wings. Her aliform acted like a Venus flytrap, and she had an elastic tongue. |
alight | Lighted up by or as by fire or flame. This set the tire alight which ignited the magnesium hub. |
aligned | Brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or cause. The horizontal canal is aligned roughly horizontally in the head. |
aligning | Causing to fall into line or into position. The challenges included aligning the cultural aspects of the organizations. |
alike | Having the same or similar characteristics. Morbid minds think alike and perversity is a shared trait. |
alimental | Of or providing nourishment. |
alimentary | Of or providing nourishment. A proctodeum is the back ectodermal part of an alimentary canal. |
alimentative | Related to the supply of aliment. |
aliphatic | Having carbon atoms linked in open chains. The cyclic diol may be aliphatic or aromatic. |
aliquot | Signifying an exact divisor or factor of a quantity. In the field of science, a liquid sample is sometimes called an aliquot. |
alive | Capable of erupting. They caught the crustacean alive. |
alkahestic | Of or pertaining to the alkahest that alchemists assumed to exist. |
alkalescent | Tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline. |
alkalic | Relating to or containing an alkali; having a ph greater than 7. It occurs as a secondary beryllium mineral in granitic and alkalic pegmatites. |
alkaline | Relating to or containing an alkali; having a ph greater than 7. The fungus is known to thrive in moist and alkaline soils. |
alkaloidal | Pertaining to or consisting of alkaloids. The first is a chemically basic and alkaloidal substance. |
alkalotic | Marked by alkalosis (or a tendency toward alkalosis). If severe, it may cause tetany alkalotic tetany . |
alkylic | Of or related to an alkyl. |
all | Quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class. All of the weight percents are of the total aqueous sizing composition. |
allantoic | Relating to or characterized by an allantois. Allantoic acid is an organic compound with the chemical formula C4H8N4O4. |
allantoid | Shaped like a sausage. Virions are bacilliform, ovoid, and allantoid. |
allargando | Gradually decreasing in tempo and broadening in manner. |
alleged | Doubtful or suspect. The alleged difference then is in the teaching. |
allegiant | Steadfast in devotion (especially to your lawful monarch or government). I’m a democrat but I’m not blindly allegiant. |
allegoric | Used in or characteristic of or containing allegory. The film is an allegoric drama about an eight year old girl dealing with loss. |
allegorical | Used in or characteristic of or containing allegory. And as such, is an allegorical myth. |
allegretto | Faster than allegro. The second movement was not taken with its usual lachrymose funeral treatment, but at a very sensible allegretto pace. |
allegro | Fast. A sonata allegro movement is divided into sections. |
allelic | Of or relating to alleles. This shows that there are many possible types of allelic combination. |
allelomorphic | Of or relating to alleles. |
allergenic | Relating to or having the effect of an allergen. This is in line with allergenic effects. |
allergic | Having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor). In the event of skin allergic reaction, cease using. |
alleviatory | Moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear. |
alliaceous | Of or pertaining to the botanical genus allium. |
allied | United in a confederacy or league. The allied forces took the Japanese news as a ploy. |
alligatored | Of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide. |
allocable | Capable of being distributed. Moreover, prepaid insurance may be easily allocable. |
allochronic | Occurring in different geologic times. |
allochthonous | Of rocks, deposits, etc.; found in a place other than where they and their constituents were formed. Energy sources can be autochthonous or allochthonous. |
allogamous | Relating to cross-fertilization in plants. |
allogeneic | Denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to the same species but genetically dissimilar (and hence immunologically incompatible). Rather, it refers to surgery performed without transfusion of allogeneic blood. |
allographic | Of or relating to an allograph. |
allomerous | Pertaining to allomerism. |
allometric | Relating to or marked by allometry. Allometric scaling is any growth with deviates from isometry. |
allomorphic | Pertaining to allomorphs. |
allopathic | Of or relating to the practice of allopathy. This is not an allopathic encyclopedia. |
allopatric | Occurring in areas isolated geographically from one another. Generalization in response to allopatric mate recognition signals. |
allophonic | Pertaining to allophones. Some of these may be allophonic. |
allotropic | Of or related to or exhibiting allotropism. There are three allotropic forms of iron, known as alpha, gamma, and delta. |
allotropical | Of or related to or exhibiting allotropism. |
allotted | Given as a task. The album was produced to the point of spending triple the allotted budget. |
allover | Covering the entire surface. People from allover Mumbai gather here to celebrate the main festivals. |
allowable | Deserving to be allowed or considered. The following two are the user allowable Forest Updates. |
alloyed | Blended to obtain a desired property. It may occur alloyed with gold as electrum. |
alluring | Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire. The sight at dusk is especially alluring. |
alluvial | Of or relating to alluvium. The soil is alluvial and fertile. |
allylic | Of or pertaining to the allyl radical. Polarity also has an effect on allylic strain. |
almighty | Having unlimited power. God almighty is omnipotent. |
alone | Radically distinctive and without equal. Do you like processing alone |
aloof | Remote in manner. He is quite aloof and a bit slow on the uptake. |
alopecic | Pertaining to loss of hair or wool or feathers. Affected areas become progressively more alopecic. |
alpestrine | Growing at high altitudes. |
alpha | First in order of importance. Alpha was the original prototype of the Internet. |
alphabetic | Arranged in order according to the alphabet. Arranged by alphabetic order of the first subject in the title. |
alphabetical | Arranged in order according to the alphabet. The Alphabetical Order of the D’ni Language. |
alphabetised | Having been put in alphabetical order. I alphabetised the list and added one. |
alphabetized | Having been put in alphabetical order. In the process of cleaning up the dab page I alphabetized the links. |
alphameric | Of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters. The first letter must be alphabetic; the second must be alphameric. |
alphamerical | Of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters. |
alphanumeric | Of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters. The taxiways are given alphanumeric identification. |
alphanumerical | Of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters. That include non alphanumerical characters. |
alpine | Living or growing above the timber line. The mountains were created during the Alpine Orogeny in the Tertiary. |
alright | Nonstandard usage. I was cordially and said it was alright. |
alsatian | Of or relating to or characteristic of alsace or its inhabitants. Foggerty An Alsatian, the fourth pirate to die in the battle. |
altaic | Of or pertaining to or written in altaic. Especially history of altaic theory is useful. |
alternate | Occurring by turns; first one and then the other. The successive magnets of the row are of alternate polarity. |
alternating | Reversing direction. The alternating magnetic field induces eddy currents in the plates. |
alternative | Necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities. The alternative is fractional degrees. |
altissimo | Very high. The second register key makes the altissimo range much easier to play. |
altitudinous | Indefinitely high; lofty. |
alto | Of or being the highest male voice; having a range above that of tenor. The tone of the alto is more brilliant than that of the tenor or bass trombone. |
altricial | Naked and blind and dependent on parents for food. The chicks are altricial and take around 12 days to fledge. |
altruistic | Showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others. Because of this an altruistic behavior can take hold by the following reasoning. |
alular | Pertaining to alulae. |
aluminiferous | Containing alum or aluminum. |
aluminous | Pertaining to or containing aluminum or alum. Stuffed derivatives of aluminous quartz may also be provided. |
alveolar | Pertaining to the tiny air sacs of the lungs. Alveolar stops and are either apico alveolar or apico dental. |
alveolate | Pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb). |
alvine | Of or relating to the intestines. |
amalgamate | Joined together into a whole. The decision was taken to amalgamate the two undertakings. |
amalgamated | Joined together into a whole. Hey I can amalgamate the OVAs here and then combine it with the list. |
amalgamative | Characterized by or tending toward amalgamation. |
amaranthine | Of an imaginary flower that never fades. The club color is dark amaranthine. |
amateur | Engaged in as a pastime. The rest of the squad was constituted of amateur players. |
amateurish | Lacking professional skill or expertise. The amateurish nature of the site would suggest otherwise. |
amative | Inclined toward or displaying love. |
amatory | Expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance. I think this article neglects the satirical quality of amatory fiction. |
amaurotic | Pertaining to blindness caused by amaurosis. The genetic basis of amaurotic family idiocy. |
amazed | Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock. The script amazed a cluster of people. |
amazing | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. The amazing scenes were startling. |
ambagious | Roundabout and unnecessarily wordy. I do not object to appropriate levels of prolixity and ambagious dialectic. |
amber | Of a medium to dark brownish yellow color. The internal callus is reddish brown to amber, and the operculum is pale. |
ambidextrous | Equally skillful with each hand. Second, the people listed there were obvious ambidextrous people. |
ambient | Completely enveloping. The absorption of water is affected by the ambient temperature. |
ambiguous | Having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns. The interpretation of the statement is ambiguous. |
ambitious | Having a strong desire for success or achievement. The album is among the most ambitious of Joel’s albums. |
ambivalent | Uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow. The public’s attitude toward the elite is ambivalent. |
ambiversive | Intermediate between introversive and extroversive. |
amblyopic | Pertaining to a kind of visual impairment without apparent organic pathology. These deficits are usually specific to the amblyopic eye. |
ambrosial | Worthy of the gods. The ambrosial dish was excellent in its taste. |
ambulacral | Pertaining to the ambulacra of radial echinoderms. This ambulacral groove extends from the mouth to the end of each ray or arm. |
ambulatory | Able to walk about. Its mission is to advance the art and science of ambulatory care nursing. |
ameban | Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. |
amebic | Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. Amebic dysentery usually calls for a two pronged attack. |
ameboid | Like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape). This action is carried out in the ameboid and resting states. |
amebous | Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. |
amelioratory | Tending to ameliorate. |
amenable | Liable to answer to a higher authority. Caesar was no longer the amenable silent partner of the trio. |
amenorrheal | Related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy. |
amenorrheic | Related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy. |
amenorrhoeal | Related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy. Derived adjectives are amenorrhoeal and amenorrhoeic. |
amenorrhoeic | Related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy. Derived adjectives are amenorrhoeal and amenorrhoeic. |
amentaceous | Bearing or characterized by aments or catkins. |
amentiferous | Bearing or characterized by aments or catkins. |
amerciable | Of a crime or misdemeanor; punishable by a fine set by a judge. |
american | Of or relating to the united states of america or its people or language or culture. My grandpa was the founder of the American Indian Movement. |
amerind | Of or pertaining to american indians or their culture or languages. A virtual who’s who of Americanists lined up against Amerind. |
amerindic | Of or pertaining to american indians or their culture or languages. |
ametabolic | Undergoing slight or no metamorphosis. |
ametabolous | Undergoing slight or no metamorphosis. These are known as ametabolous insects. |
amethyst | Of a moderate purple color. The occidental amethyst is easily engraved and is found in a variety of sizes. |
amethystine | Containing or resembling amethyst. Veins of amethystine quartz are apt to lose their color on the exposed outcrop. |
ametropic | Of or relating to an abnormal condition of the eye in which visual images are not in focus on the retina. |
amharic | Related to or characteristic of or written in amharic. I will know that it makes sense in Amharic. |
amiable | Disposed to please- hal hinson. Hoglan left the band on amiable terms in January, 2007. |
amicable | Characterized by friendship and good will. Thanks for being so amicable in the discussion. |
amidship | Located in the middle part of a ship or aircraft. The forward section lies on its port side, with the amidship section keel up. |
aminic | Pertaining to or containing any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen derived from ammonia. |
amino | Pertaining to or containing any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen derived from ammonia. The subscript indicates the number of amino acid residues in the fragment. |
amiss | Not functioning properly. Henry Ford’s understandings of the issues were obviously amiss. |
amitotic | Pertaining to a simple method of cell division. |
ammino | Pertaining to or characteristic of an ammine (an inorganic coordination compound of ammonia and a metallic salt). |
ammoniac | Pertaining to or containing or similar to ammonia. Sal ammoniac is a rare mineral composed of ammonium chloride, NH4Cl. |
ammoniated | Combined or treated with ammonia. The preferred use of the ammoniated straw is as an animal feed. |
ammonitic | Of or related to an order of fossil cephalopods. The suture is ammonitic but rather simple. |
amnesic | Suffering from a partial loss of memory. Tolerance to the amnesic effects, generally, does not occur. |
amnestic | Of or relating to or caused by amnesia. The amnestic attack has a sudden onset. |
amnic | Of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion. |
amnionic | Of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion. |
amniotic | Of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion. Membranes of the amniotic fluid rupture, lubricating the vagina. |
amoeban | Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. |
amoebic | Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. Invasion of the intestinal lining causes amoebic dysentery or amoebic colitis. |
amoeboid | Like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape). Amoeboid sperm crawl along the spicule into the female worm. |
amoebous | Pertaining to or resembling amoebae. |
amok | Frenzied as if possessed by a demon. But Amok is a valuable member of the GRRM fan community. |
amoristic | Of or pertaining to romantic love. |
amorous | Expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance. She and Boris are somewhat amorous. |
amorphous | Lacking the system or structure characteristic of living bodies. The amorphous creature is a common trope in science fiction. |
amort | Utterly cast down. |
amphibian | Relating to or characteristic of animals of the class amphibia. The chemistry of poisons in amphibian skin. |
amphibiotic | Having an aquatic early or larval form and a terrestrial adult form. |
amphibious | Operating or living on land and in water. For the amphibious drive the vehicle used two screws installed at the back. |
amphiprostylar | Marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure. |
amphiprostyle | Marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure. A pseudoperipteral building with a portico at each end is called amphiprostyle. |
amphiprotic | Having characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of reacting as either. Seems to be much commonality between Amphoteric and Amphiprotic. |
amphistylar | Having columns either at both ends or at both sides. |
amphitheatric | Of or related to an amphitheater. The village is built in an amphitheatric layout under Mount Zalaka. |
amphitheatrical | Of or related to an amphitheater. As in 1926, the chairs on the stage were placed in an amphitheatrical grouping. |
amphitropous | Partly inverted; turned back 90 degrees on its stalk. |
amphoric | The sound heard in auscultation resembling the hollow sound made by blowing across the mouth of a bottle. |
amphoteric | Having characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of reacting as either. Sodium bicarbonate is an amphoteric compound. |
ample | Affording an abundant supply. There is ample room in the body of the article. |
ampullar | Of or related to an ampulla. |
ampullary | Of or related to an ampulla. These new organs have been described as ampullary organs. |
amuck | Frenzied as if possessed by a demon. Not as a place for annoyed admins to run amuck. |
amusing | Arousing or provoking laughter. She’s amusing the hell out of herself on the phone. |
amusive | Providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining. |
amygdaliform | Shaped like an almond. |
amygdaline | Related to or resembling an almond. |
amygdaloid | Shaped like an almond. The amygdaloid complex comprises both nuclear and cortical layers. |
amygdaloidal | Shaped like an almond. Rocks containing amygdules can be described as amygdaloidal. |
amylaceous | Resembling starch. A stabilized proteinaceous particle containing either egg or cottage cheese is formed by combining therewith a binder and an amylaceous component. The resultant particle is incorporated in a moist food and is stable under retort canning conditions used to sterilize a moist food. |
amyloid | Resembling starch. In 1985 succeeded the biochemical identification of amyloid beta. |
amyloidal | Resembling starch. |
amylolytic | Of or related to the process of amylolysis. The amylolytic process is used in the brewing of alcohol from grains. |
anabatic | Of an air current or wind; rising especially up a slope. Anabatic winds can be detrimental to the maximum downhill speed of cyclists. |
anabiotic | Of or related to the state of anabiosis. |
anabolic | Characterized by or promoting constructive metabolism. Behavioural manifestations of anabolic steroid use. |
anachronic | Chronologically misplaced. I suggest such colourful boxes be used sparingly and not in an anachronic way. |
anachronistic | Chronologically misplaced. I don’t see the word in the in the latin, and suspect it is anachronistic. |
anachronous | Chronologically misplaced. Menorca could therefore be included on an anachronous map. |
anaclinal | Of valleys and rivers; progressing in a direction opposite to the dip in surrounding rock strata. |
anaclitic | Of or related to relationships that are characterized by the strong dependence of one person on another. |
anacoluthic | Of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as anacoluthons. |
anadromous | Migrating from the sea to fresh water to spawn. Alewife and other anadromous fish are migratory. |
anaemic | Lacking vigor or energy. Other poets only need to use artificial rhetoric to enhance anaemic figures. |
anaerobic | Living or active in the absence of free oxygen. The first requires anaerobic conditions and the second aerobic conditions. |
anaerobiotic | Living or active in the absence of free oxygen. |
anaesthetic | Characterized by insensibility. At the end of surgery the volatile or intravenous anaesthetic is discontinued. |
anaglyphic | Related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy. Anaglyphic processes are not always able to reconstruct full color 3D images. |
anaglyphical | Related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy. |
anaglyptic | Related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy. |
anaglyptical | Related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy. |
anagogic | Based on or exemplifying anagoge. The Imperial Saik Anagogic School indentured to the Emperor of Nansur. |
anagogical | Based on or exemplifying anagoge. There is the literal, the allegorical, the anagogical, and the… the… |
anagrammatical | Related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram. |
anal | A stage in psychosexual development when the child’s interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc.. The chief symptom is itching in the anal area. |
analeptic | Stimulating the central nervous system. The compounds are useful as anorexigenic or analeptic agents. |
analgesic | Capable of relieving pain. The compounds of the invention exert analgesic and antiinflammatory activity. |
analgetic | Capable of relieving pain. These have anti inflammatory or analgetic activity. |
analog | Of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input. The radio would handshake with the repeater using a single analog tone. |
analogous | Corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin. However, the process of the perm is quite analogous. |
analogue | Of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input. After the analogue closedown, a fourth multiplex named MUX E was launched. |
analphabetic | Having little acquaintance with writing. Kosovo has been a region of poverty and analphabetic for most of its History. |
analytic | Using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus. The group was the beginning of analytic philosophy. |
analytical | Using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole–intellectual or substantial–into its elemental parts or basic principles);. The analytical hierarchy of sets of natural numbers. |
analyzable | Capable of being partitioned. An incomplete study indicates that these may be analyzable within our model. |
anamnestic | Of or relating to anamnesis; aiding the memory. Anamnestic signs always point to the ‘past’. |
anamorphic | Pertaining to gradual evolution from one type of organism to another. The film was shot with the anamorphic process. |
anapaestic | Characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one. Some anapaestic verses in praise of Euripides are preserved in Gellius. |
anapestic | Characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one. Also, the anapestic rhythm is taken from the previous variation. |
anaphasic | Of or related to the stage of mitosis known as anaphase. |
anaphoric | Relating to anaphora. Anaphoric links to the name remain possible by means of the index variable as long as its value remains unchanged. |
anaphrodisiac | Tending to diminish sexual desire. For this reason alcohol is considered an anaphrodisiac. |
anaphylactic | Related to the hypersensitivity known as anaphylaxis. Compounds for use as orally active anaphylactic inhibitors are disclosed. |
anaplastic | Of or relating to anaplasia. It can appear very similar to anaplastic large cell lymphoma. |
anasarcous | Characterized by or affected by dropsy. |
anastigmatic | Not astigmatic. All modern photographic lenses are close to being anastigmatic. |
anastomotic | Of or relating to or exhibiting anastomosis. Almost all joints receive anastomotic blood supply from more than one source. |
anatomical | Of or relating to the structure of the body. The form was anatomical and graphic, highlighting the femininity of the body. |
anatropous | Completely inverted; turned back 180 degrees on its stalk. Ovules are anatropous, with micropyles directed downward. |
ancestral | Inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent. The ancestral seat of the family was established in 1632 in the city of Bielz. |
anchoritic | Characterized by ascetic solitude. The anchoritic life is one of the earliest forms of Christian monastic living. |
ancient | Belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the western roman empire. The ancient minstrel was full of joy. |
ancillary | Furnishing added support. The ancillary materials are not the movie. |
andalusian | In or relating to andalusia. Andalusian horses generally stand between high. |
andante | Moderately slow. The result of the debate was Delete, at a gentle andante pace. |
andantino | Moderately fast. It is hard to play in an andantino tempo. |
andean | Relating to the andes and their inhabitants. Andean textile manufacture has an ancient and advanced history. |
andorran | Of or relating to or characteristic of andorra or its people. Andorran euro coins have not yet been designed. |
androgenetic | Of or related to androgenesis. |
androgenic | Of or related to the male hormone androgen. Androstenedione is a substance of moderate androgenic activity. |
androgenous | Of or related to androgenesis. The linux penguin is a little faggy boy wonder to the mighty androgenous gnu. |
androgynous | Having both male and female characteristics. All powerful gods and the gods of Egypt were described as androgynous. |
ane | Used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. Same etymology ane meaning as for 1. |
anecdotal | Having the character of an anecdote. The first bit of trivia is anecdotal. |
anecdotical | Characterized by or given to telling anecdotes. Fining for a phone call in catalan is anecdotical. |
anechoic | Not having or producing echoes; sound-absorbent. Perhaps I ought to more closely model this after the Anechoic chamber concept. |
anemic | Lacking vigor or energy. It is weak because of the anemic nature of coverage. |
anemographic | Pertaining to the recording of wind measurements. |
anemometrical | Pertaining to the measurement of wind speed and direction. |
anemophilous | Of flowering plants (especially grasses etc) that are pollinated by the wind. Anemophilous flowering plants generally have inconspicuous flowers. |
anencephalic | Characterized by partial or total absence of a brain. Longest anencephalic on record is said to be twelve years old. |
anencephalous | Characterized by partial or total absence of a brain. |
aneroid | Containing no liquid or actuated without the use of liquid. This aneroid capsule cell is made from an alloy of beryllium and copper. |
anesthetic | Relating to or producing insensibility. Amylocaine was the first synthetic local anesthetic. |
anestric | Of or relating to anestrus. |
anestrous | Not in a state of estrus; not in heat. |
aneuploid | Having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number. These cells can generate aneuploid offspring. |
aneurismal | Relating to or affected by an aneurysm. |
aneurismatic | Relating to or affected by an aneurysm. |
aneurysmal | Relating to or affected by an aneurysm. The term aneurysmal is derived from its radiographic appearance. |
aneurysmatic | Relating to or affected by an aneurysm. |
anfractuous | Full of twists and turns. It can easily explode if an oil spot remains inside the anfractuous air pipes. |
angelic | Of or relating to angels. Angelic Abhorrence devote themselves to end game pve content. |
angelical | Marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint. Her angelical glance and her voice, give a more spiritual touch to the band. |
anginal | Of or related to the pain of angina pectoris. It is a class 3 anti anginal drug, and a class IV antiarrhythmic. |
anginose | Of or related to the pain of angina pectoris. |
anginous | Of or related to the pain of angina pectoris. |
angiocarpic | Having or being fruit enclosed in a shell or husk. |
angiocarpous | Having or being fruit enclosed in a shell or husk. |
angiomatous | Of or related to or having a tumor of the kind known as an angioma. |
angiospermous | Of or related to or characteristic of plants that are angiosperms. |
anglican | Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the anglican church. She’s the pope of the Anglican Church. |
anglophilic | Characterized by anglophilia. |
anglophobic | Characterized by anglophobia. To omit him would be anglophobic. |
angolan | Of or relating to or characteristic of angola or its people. Ambassador exhorts reinforcement of work with Angolan community. |
angry | Severely inflamed and painful. The angry citizens ripped the tents. |
anguillan | Of or relating to or characteristic of anguilla or its people. The Anguillan company was moved to a Cyprus company at some point. |
anguine | Of or related to or resembling a snake. |
anguished | Experiencing intense pain especially mental pain. Are players typically upset or anguished when they lose The Game |
angular | Having angles or an angular shape. Angular rhythms clash with the insistent groove of the bass. |
anhydrous | Without water; especially without water of crystallization. Simply heating the hydrates does not afford the anhydrous dichloride. |
anicteric | Without jaundice. |
anile | Of or like a feeble old woman. |
animal | Marked by the appetites and passions of the body. The name of the species refers to the nose shape of the animal. |
animalistic | Of or pertaining to animalism. The Sithi are often described in animalistic terms. |
animate | Belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings. My cat’s misbehavior concerns me, but I am both animate and sapient. |
animated | Having life or vigor or spirit. Hidebound is their first animated film. |
animating | Giving spirit and vivacity. In addition, the animators did as little animating as possible. |
animatistic | Of or pertaining to animatism. |
animist | Of or pertaining to the doctrine of animism. Idrissou did not wish to manage the affaires of the animist Mafa populations. |
animistic | Of or pertaining to the doctrine of animism. Some faiths and religions can be both pantheistic and animistic. |
anionic | Of or relating to anions. Rearrangements of carbanions of allyl ethers are anionic. |
aniseikonic | Relating to or characteristic of the visual defect aniseikonia. |
anisogametic | Relating to either of a pair of dissimilar (anisogamic) gametes combining in sexual reproduction. |
anisogamic | Relating to a type of sexual reproduction in which the gametes are dissimilar in some respect (as size or shape). |
anisogamous | Relating to a type of sexual reproduction in which the gametes are dissimilar in some respect (as size or shape). |
anisometric | Having unsymmetrical parts or unequal dimensions or measurements. |
anisometropic | Relating to a difference in the refractive power of the two eyes. Refractive or anisometropic amblyopia. |
anisotropic | Not invariant with respect to direction. As a whole, such structure is an anisotropic medium. |
ankylotic | Relating to or characteristic of the abnormality ankylosis. |
annelid | Relating to or belonging to or characteristic of any worms of the phylum annelida. Studies on the life history of the marine annelid ‘Nereis vexillosa’. |
annelidan | Relating to or belonging to or characteristic of any worms of the phylum annelida. |
annexal | Of or pertaining to adnexa. |
annexational | Relating to annexation. Mostly of the annexational kind. |
annoyed | Troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances. He is annoyed whenever she is being prudential. |
annoying | Causing irritation or annoyance. All of this is very displeasing and annoying. |
annual | Occurring or payable every year. The biggest event of the year is the annual Carnival. |
annular | Shaped like a ring. A first annular plate is arranged as an annular base plate. |
annulate | Shaped like a ring. It looks like the male, but with more annulate legs. |
annulated | Shaped like a ring. The legs and palp are annulated yellow and black. |
annunciatory | Relating to the act of announcing or being announced. |
anodyne | Capable of relieving pain. It is used as an anodyne or as a hypnotic. |
anoestrous | Of or relating to anestrus. |
anomalous | Deviating from the general or common order or type. The changed statistics arises from anomalous dimensions of the fields. |
anonymous | Having no known name or identity or known source. The anonymous user is the idiot. |
anoperineal | Relating to the anus and surrounding perineum. |
anopheline | Relating to or characteristic of malaria mosquitoes. |
anorectal | Pertaining to the anus and rectum considered together. Diagnosis of anorectal abscess begins with a medical history and physical exam. |
anorectic | Causing loss of appetite. It has potent anorectic effects in animal studies. |
anorexic | Suffering from anorexia nervosa; pathologically thin. She was anorexic and constantly self mortified. |
anorexigenic | Causing loss of appetite. One of the goals was to find an endogenous anorexigenic substance. |
anorthic | Having three unequal crystal axes intersecting at oblique angles. |
anorthitic | Characteristic of anorthite. |
anosmatic | Relating to an impairment or loss of the sense of smell. |
anosmic | Having impaired sense of smell. Some people may be anosmic for one particular odor. |
another | Any of various alternatives; some other. Another support means supports the other end of the bunk bed. |
anoxemic | Relating to or marked by abnormally little oxygen in arterial blood. |
anoxic | Relating to or marked by a severe deficiency of oxygen in tissues or organs. Sewage is treated by an anoxic oxic system. |
anserine | Of or resembling a goose. |
answerable | Capable of being answered. It was held that the manufacturer was not answerable to the lessee. |
answering | Replying. Great answering of the objection on the history. |
antacid | Acting to neutralize acid (especially in the stomach). Administering an antacid will reduce the acidity. |
antagonistic | Indicating opposition or resistance. The antagonistic pricks who you have learned to hate in the movie. |
antarctic | At or near the south pole. The south of the country faces the Antarctic Ocean. |
antebellum | Belonging to a period before a war especially the american civil war. Culturally, the term can be used to describe the antebellum period. |
antecedent | Preceding in time or order. Later, you reversed the antecedent and consequent in justifying the step. |
antecubital | Of or relating to the region of the arm in front of the elbow. Other parts of the body may be involved, for example, the antecubital fossa. |
antediluvial | Of or relating to the period before the biblical flood. |
antediluvian | Of or relating to the period before the biblical flood. This antediluvian method of transportation has largely passed out of currency. |
antemeridian | Before noon. |
antemortem | Preceding death. |
antenatal | Occurring or existing before birth. He received antenatal diagnosis in genetic disease. |
antenuptial | Relating to events before a marriage. |
antepartum | Occurring or existing before birth. It is a leading cause of antepartum haemorrhage vaginal bleeding . |
antepenultimate | Third from last. A proparoxytone is stressed on the antepenultimate syllable. |
anterior | Of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body. The incisive nerve runs forward in the mandible and supplies the anterior teeth. |
anterograde | Of amnesia; affecting time immediately following trauma. Damage to this area typically results in anterograde amnesia. |
anthelminthic | Capable of expelling or destroying parasitic worms. |
anthelmintic | Capable of expelling or destroying parasitic worms. Geraniol, the putative anthelmintic principle of ‘Cymbopogon martinii’. |
antheridial | Relating to or characterized by an antheridium. |
anthophagous | Feeding on flowers. |
anthophilous | Feeding on flowers. |
anthropic | Relating to mankind or the period of mankind’s existence. Character of anthropic reasoning. |
anthropical | Relating to mankind or the period of mankind’s existence. |
anthropocentric | Human-centered. The party aspires to turn away from the anthropocentric view of life. |
anthropogenetic | Of or relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings. |
anthropogenic | Of or relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings. These articles relate to the anthropogenic effects on the natural environment. |
anthropoid | Resembling apes. She owns Kuu, an exceptionally intelligent anthropoid cat. |
anthropoidal | Resembling human beings. It is an early Miocene anthropoid skull from the Chilean Andes. |
anthropological | Of or concerned with the science of anthropology. The data is copyright of the Royal Anthropological Institute. |
anthropometric | Of or relating to anthropometry. Additional anthropometric measurements may be relevant to designing a chair. |
anthropometrical | Of or relating to anthropometry. |
anthropomorphic | Suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things. Badrang the Tyrant is an anthropomorphic stoat and the main villain. |
anthropomorphous | Suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes will no doubt be exterminated. |
anthropophagous | Of or relating to eaters of human flesh. |
anti | Not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.). It may have anti inflammatory and anticancer effects. |
antiadrenergic | Relating to blocking or reducing adrenergic effects in the body. Antiadrenergic agents inhibit the signals of epinephrine and norepinephrine. |
antiaircraft | Designed for defense from a surface position against air attack. Normally assigned antiaircraft and antisubmarine duties. |
antiapartheid | Opposing the policy of apartheid in south africa. Even in prison I was a leader of the antiapartheid movement. |
antiauthoritarian | Opposed to authoritarianism. |
antibacterial | Destroying bacteria or inhibiting their growth. Antibacterial and antifungal effects. |
antibiotic | Of or relating to antibiotic drugs. The antibiotic is accumulated in the culture liquor and is isolated therefrom. |
antiblack | Discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion. A prime example is that there are black antiblack racists. |
antic | Ludicrously odd. Soon after, Antic was elected the youngest member of G 17 Plus presidency. |
anticancer | Used in the treatment of cancer. It was the first anticancer chemotherapeutic. |
anticholinergic | Inhibiting or blocking the action of acetylcholine at a receptor site. Pyrrobutamine is an antihistamine and anticholinergic. |
anticipatory | In anticipation. I think all this anticipatory stuff can be deleted. |
anticlimactic | Of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style. It seems a little anticlimactic at the end. |
anticlimactical | Of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style. |
anticlinal | Sloping downward away from a common crest. The discordance comes from its injection into an anticlinal extensional fault. |
anticlockwise | In the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock. The course was and, except for 1956, was run in an anticlockwise direction. |
anticoagulative | Of or relating to an anticoagulant. |
antidromic | Conducting nerve impulses in a direction opposite to normal. |
antiferromagnetic | Relating to antiferromagnetism. Piezomagnetism is a phenomenon observed in some antiferromagnetic crystals. |
antifertility | Capable of preventing conception or impregnation. Compounds of the present invention are useful as antifertility agents. |
antifungal | Capable of destroying fungi. Bifonazole is an imidazole antifungal drug. |
antiguan | Of or relating to or characteristic of antigua or its people. SAP FC have clinched the Antiguan league title thrice. |
antiheretical | Opposed to heresy. |
antiknock | Suppressing or eliminating engine knock in combustion engines. TEL was used as an antiknock agent and that’s all. |
antiknocking | Suppressing or eliminating engine knock in combustion engines. |
antimagnetic | Impervious to the effects of a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization. |
antimicrobial | Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. Lactoperoxidase is an effective antimicrobial agent. |
antimicrobic | Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. |
antimonial | Containing antimony. |
antimonic | Relating to or derived from antimony. |
antimonious | Relating to or derived from antimony. |
antimonopoly | Of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices. This includes tax, currency, labor and antimonopoly legislation. |
antineoplastic | Used in the treatment of cancer. Mifamurtide has adverse effects typical of antineoplastic drugs. |
antinomian | Relating to or influenced by antinomianism. Such theories provide an outlet for antinomian tendencies. |
antiparallel | Parallel but oppositely directed. The membrane channel is formed by an antiparallel beta barrel. |
antipathetic | Characterized by antagonism or antipathy. It was cherry picked in by editors antipathetic to the subject. |
antipathetical | Strongly opposed. |
antipersonnel | Designed to inflict death or personal injury rather than material destruction. It also features a torso mounted antipersonnel machine gun. |
antiphlogistic | Counteracting inflammation. The compounds have spasmolytic, antiphlogistic and tranquilizer activity. |
antiphonal | Relating to or resembling an antiphon or antiphony. In the early church, the music consisted of hymns and antiphonal psalmody. |
antiphonary | Relating to or resembling an antiphon or antiphony. I’m afraid there is nothing more I can say about this antiphonary. |
antipodal | Relating to the antipodes or situated at opposite sides of the earth. The balls are hollow and have two small antipodal holes. |
antipodean | Relating to the antipodes or situated at opposite sides of the earth. Maybe it’s just my crazy antipodean logic. |
antipollution | Intended to reduce pollution. |
antipyretic | Preventing or alleviating fever. It also has analgesic, antipyretic, and platelet inhibitory actions. |
antiquarian | Of or relating to persons who study or deal in antiques or antiquities. Antiquarian and expert in heraldry. |
antiquated | So extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period. The Bibliography is dreadfully thin and antiquated. |
antique | Out of fashion. The person looked into the antique bowl to appraise its value. |
antisatellite | Of or relating to a system to destroy satellites in orbit. |
antisemitic | Relating to or characterized by anti-semitism; hating jews. There is the islam is antisemitic side and the islam is not antisemitic side. |
antiseptic | Thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms. The bark of the tree acts as an antiseptic. |
antisocial | Shunning contact with others. That is hijacking of lemma’s and destructive antisocial behavior. |
antistrophic | Of or relating to an antistrophe. |
antisubmarine | Defensive against enemy submarines. Hungerford was placed in charge of antisubmarine warfare. |
antitank | Designed for defense against armored vehicles. However, it was not designed to provide protection from antitank weapons. |
antithetic | Sharply contrasted in character or purpose. The masterpiece was antithetic to the former work of the author. |
antithetical | Sharply contrasted in character or purpose. Facism is antithetical to individualism and militates against it. |
antithyroid | Having the effect of counteracting excessive thyroid activity. An antithyroid agent is a hormone antagonist acting upon thyroid hormones. |
antitoxic | Counteracting a toxin or poison. |
antitrust | Of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices. The challenge of antitrust law is to grapple with such questions. |
antitumor | Used in the treatment of cancer. The compounds are useful as antitumor, antiprotozoal and antifungal agents. |
antitumour | Used in the treatment of cancer. |
antitypic | Of or relating to an antitype. |
antitypical | Of or relating to an antitype. |
antiviral | Inhibiting or stopping the growth and reproduction of viruses. It is hoped they will have antiviral effects. |
antlered | Having antlers. Heracles sought the golden antlered hind of Artemis in Hyperborea. |
antrorse | Bent or curved forward or upward. |
antsy | Nervous and unable to relax. Although, I am getting a bit antsy concerning the delay. |
anuran | Relating to frogs and toads. Asexual phase in adult anuran host. |
anuretic | Of or relating to an inability to urinate. |
anuric | Of or relating to an inability to urinate. Patients being treated for burns, develop sudden anuric renal failure. |
anurous | Not having a tail. |
anxiolytic | Anxiety relieving. Bentazepam is effective as an anxiolytic. |
anxious | Causing or fraught with or showing anxiety. Even in the interview, she was agitated and anxious. |
any | One or some or every or all without specification. Do you know any mollification method |
aoristic | Of or relating to the verbal aspect that expresses a momentary or completed action, especially in past time. |
apart | Having characteristics not shared by others- vannever bush. The flat is torn apart by the Stasi, but the typewriter remains elusive. |
apathetic | Marked by a lack of interest. I’m apathetic on the matter, content with the lot handed to me. |
aperient | Mildly laxative. Apenta is a still and sparkling Hungarian aperient water. |
aperiodic | Not recurring at regular intervals. As I see it, aperiodic to periodic is just as rational to irrational. |
apetalous | Having no petals. The flowers are apetalous and unisexual, and borne in panicles. |
aphaeretic | Relating to or formed by or consisting of aphaeresis. |
aphakic | Of or relating to or afflicted with aphakia. Aphakic reading adds an error in traditional teaching. |
aphanitic | Of or relating to aphanite. In thin section, dacites may have an aphanitic to porphyritic texture. |
aphasic | Unable to speak because of a brain lesion. Some linguistic structures in the speech of a Broca’s aphasic. |
apheretic | Relating to or formed by or consisting of aphaeresis. |
aphetic | Produced by aphesis. Partly an aphetic form of, partly directly from. |
aphonic | Being without sound through injury or illness and thus incapable of all but whispered speech. |
aphoristic | Terse and witty and like a maxim. There is also in the school a strong tendency towards aphoristic statement . |
aphotic | Lacking light; especially not reached by sunlight. Along with pelagic aphotic zones there are also benthic aphotic zones. |
aphrodisiac | Exciting sexual desire. So apparently turkey is an aphrodisiac. |
aphrodisiacal | Exciting sexual desire. The aphrodisiacal effects are actually side effects. |
aphyllous | Having no leaves. |
apian | Relating to or having the characteristics of bees. The house Markt 13 shows the coat of arms of the family Apian. |
apiarian | Relating to bees or beekeeping. An arm and hand protector for apiarian use. |
apical | Situated at an apex. Shells are compressed with the apical portion curved and the anterior straight. |
apiculate | Having a short sharply pointed tip. |
apicultural | Relating to the care and breeding of bees. |
apish | Being or given to servile imitation. A couple of his informants also recognize the apish man in the picture. |
apivorous | Feeding on bees. |
aplacental | Having no placenta. It is presumably aplacental viviparous like other members of its family. |
aplanatic | Free from or corrected for spherical aberration. He invented the aplanatic lens and also coined this term. |
aplitic | Of or related to aplite. Later healed by aplitic material and concentrations of alkali feldspar. |
apneic | Of or relating to apnea. Apneic oxygenation is more than a physiologic curiosity. |
apnoeic | Of or relating to apnea. Symptoms include cyanosis, dyspnoea and apnoeic spells. |
apocalyptic | Prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom. His millenarian views are said to have pointed to 1655 as apocalyptic. |
apocalyptical | Prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom. That the thousand apocalyptical years are not passed but future. 2. |
apocarpous | Consisting of carpels that are free from one another as in buttercups or roses. |
apochromatic | Corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration. |
apocrine | Producing a secretion in which part of the secreting cell is released with the secretion. They use both apocrine and merocrine methods for secretion. |
apocryphal | Of or belonging to the apocrypha. Some of the other comments in the article sound apocryphal and speculative. |
apocynaceous | Of or relating to tropical plants of the family apocynaceae. |
apodal | Naturally footless. |
apodeictic | Of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain. |
apodictic | Of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain. But you are not even willing to to admit the plain meaning of apodictic. |
apodous | Naturally footless. |
apogametic | Of or relating to the development of an embryo in the absence of fertilization. |
apogamic | Of or relating to the development of an embryo in the absence of fertilization. |
apogamous | Of or relating to the development of an embryo in the absence of fertilization. |
apolitical | Politically neutral. Army is absolutely an apolitical organization. |
apologetic | Offering or expressing apology. The webmaster deleted the blog and sent an apologetic letter. |
apomictic | Of or relating to a plant that reproduces by apomixis. They are not exclusively apomictic, at least most zones of southern Europe. |
apomictical | Of or relating to a plant that reproduces by apomixis. |
aponeurotic | Of or relating to an aponeurosis. Acquired ptosis is most commonly caused by aponeurotic ptosis. |
apopemptic | Addressed to one who is departing. |
apophatic | Of or relating to the belief that god can be known to humans only in terms of what he is not (such as `god is unknowable’). Thus he is a major figure in the history of apophatic theology and spirituality. |
apophyseal | Of or relating to an apophysis. |
apoplectic | Pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy. Mackenzie died on August 28, 1861, following an apoplectic seizure. |
apoplectiform | Resembling apoplexy. |
apoplectoid | Resembling apoplexy. |
aposiopetic | Relating to or characteristic of aposiopesis. |
apostate | Not faithful to religion or party or cause. Basil was caught up in the persecution of Julian the Apostate. |
apothecial | Of or relating to the apothecium of some lichens and fungi. |
apothegmatic | Given to or characterized by terse apothegms. |
apothegmatical | Given to or characterized by terse apothegms. |
apotropaic | Having the power to prevent evil or bad luck. Religion was often apotropaic; specifically, it involved sympathetic magic. |
appalachian | In or relating to appalachia. The Appalachian Trail crosses the town. |
appalled | Struck with fear, dread, or consternation. The results of it appalled me. |
appalling | Causing consternation. All it proves is the appalling extent of illiteracy. |
apparent | Appearing as such but not necessarily so. The apparent efficiency of the Dobbs was counterfeit. |
apparitional | Resembling or characteristic of a phantom. |
appealing | Able to attract interest or draw favorable attention- vincent starrett. It is both genuinely desperate and irresistibly appealing. |
appeasing | Intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions. First and foremost, I believe there is simply no appeasing him. |
appellant | Of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals). The appellant was over 20 years the senior of this unsuspecting country girl. |
appellate | Of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals). The court affirmed the appellate court’s order. |
appellative | Pertaining to or dealing with or used as a common noun. Further, it is not appellative since it is not universal. |
appendaged | Having an appendage. |
appendicular | Relating to or consisting of an appendage or appendages; especially the limbs. The appendicular skeleton contains the fore and hindlimbs. |
apperceptive | Able to relate new percepts to past experience. Prosopagnosia can also be divided into apperceptive and associative subtypes. |
appetent | Marked by eager desire. |
appetising | Appealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in appearance or aroma. I love crumble but that image isn’t really that appetising. |
appetizing | Appealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in appearance or aroma. Generally the flesh smells pleasant and appetizing. |
applicable | Capable of being applied; having relevance. The process is particularly applicable to the production of vinyl chloride. |
applied | Concerned with concrete problems or data rather than with fundamental principles- sidney hook. I applied salve on my scar. |
appointed | Selected for a job. He was appointed Alabama’s state climatologist in 2000. |
apposable | Capable of being placed opposite to something. |
apposite | Being of striking appropriateness and pertinence. In fact your question , Jack of Oz, is apposite to the extreme. |
appreciable | Enough to be estimated or measured. Its matchless economic growth over the years is appreciable. |
appreciated | Fully understood or grasped. The reassurance is very much appreciated. |
appreciative | Having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion. The goal is only to be more appreciative of the expert editors. |
apprehensible | Capable of being apprehended or understood. The style of the art work was apprehensible. |
apprehensive | In fear or dread of possible evil or harm. Not very comforting words for the apprehensive Shia community of that country. |
appressed | Pressed close to or lying flat against something-l.v.pirsson. Pitchers arise from the end of the tendril, forming a tightly appressed curve. |
approachable | Capable of being read with comprehension. The article aims to be approachable. |
approaching | Of the relatively near future. The camera would be the person approaching the theater. |
appropriable | Suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc. A scowl would of been more appropriate. |
appropriate | Suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc. The man’s joke was not appropriate. |
appropriative | Suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc. The man’s joke was not appropriate. |
approved | Established by authority; given authoritative approval. The board approved the addition. |
approving | Expressing or manifesting praise or approval. The decree approving the miracles was published in March 1925. |
approximate | Located close together. The approximate population of the area is 4093. |
approximative | Not quite exact or correct. Recent Past sounds to me as an approximative translation of Passato Prossimo. |
appurtenant | Furnishing added support. An appurtenant profit may only be used by the owner of the adjacent property. |
apractic | Having uncoordinated muscular movements, symptomatic of a cns disorder. |
apraxic | Having uncoordinated muscular movements, symptomatic of a cns disorder. |
apropos | Of an appropriate or pertinent nature. This is apropos because the book was the subject of many cited references. |
apsidal | Of or relating to an apse. The apsidal chancel is enclosed by a narrow ambulatory. |
apt | At risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant. The actions were criminal and the terms the legal system has provided are apt. |
apteral | Without wings. |
apterous | Without wings. These groups are said to be primarily apterous. |
aquacultural | Of or relating to aquiculture. There are aquacultural cooperatives and a central aquaculture office. |
aquaphobic | Abnormally afraid of water. |
aquatic | Relating to or consisting of or being in water. In 1981 the Foster Aquatic Center replaced the pool. |
aqueous | Similar to or containing or dissolved in water. Effervescence is the escape of gas from an aqueous solution. |
aquicultural | Of or relating to aquiculture. |
aquiferous | Of or relating to an aquifer. |
aquiline | Curved down like an eagle’s beak. There has never been negative prejudice surrounding the aquiline nose. |
arabian | Of or relating to arabian horses. The Arabian blood was added to offset possible flaws of the Thoroughbred. |
arabic | Relating to or characteristic of arabs. Slaves, hides, beeswax, ambergris and, later, gum arabic were exported. |
arable | Capable of being farmed productively. The soil and equable climate of the Isle have always encouraged arable farming. |
araceous | Relating to a plant of the family araceae. |
arachnidian | Relating to or resembling a member of the class arachnida. |
arachnoid | Relating to or resembling a member of the class arachnida. Myelograms are contraindicated for people with arachnoid cysts. |
aramaean | Of or relating to aram or to its inhabitants or their culture or their language. They even claim that there was a huge Aramaean empire and everything. |
aramaic | Of or relating to the ancient aramaic languages. The inscription below the bow is in Aramaic. |
aramean | Of or relating to aram or to its inhabitants or their culture or their language. Julia was of Aramean origin from the ancient city of Emesa. |
araneidal | Relating to or resembling a spider. |
araneidan | Relating to or resembling a spider. |
arawakan | Of or relating to the peoples who speak the language of the arawak. The language spoken by the woman belonged to the Arawakan language family. |
arbitral | Relating to or resulting from arbitration. If the parties do not choose the applicable law the arbitral tribunal will. |
arbitrary | Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice. The fixation of the cut off date was arbitrary. |
arboraceous | Abounding in trees. |
arborary | Of or relating to or formed by trees. |
arboreal | Inhabiting or frequenting trees. The Panamanian Night Monkey is arboreal and nocturnal. |
arboreous | Inhabiting or frequenting trees. |
arborescent | Resembling a tree in form and branching structure. It contains fifteen species displaying shrub or arborescent habit. |
arboresque | Resembling a tree in form and branching structure. |
arborical | Of or relating to or formed by trees. |
arboriform | Resembling a tree in form and branching structure. |
arborous | Of or relating to or formed by trees. |
arcadian | Idyllically rustic. Hi Arcadian, well done for this template. |
arcane | Requiring secret or mysterious knowledge. The Order of the Thorn specialize in arcane magic, as wizards or as sorcerers. |
arch | Characteristic of those who treat others with condescension. Part of the proscenium arch is also still intact. |
archaean | Of or relating to the earliest known rocks formed during the precambrian eon. The Precambrian is divided into the Hadean, Archaean and Proterozoic eons. |
archaeologic | Related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology. Show me any similar carved stone object, found in any Mayan archaeologic site. |
archaeological | Related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology. The tour marks the archaeological remains of the fort’s buildings. |
archaeozoic | Of or belonging to earlier of two divisions of the precambrian era. |
archaic | Little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type. Even the hilts of the lightsabers were very archaic and ancient. |
archangelical | Of or relating to or resembling archangels. |
archdiocesan | Of or relating to an archdiocese. He also served as a judge on the archdiocesan matrimonial court. |
archducal | Belonging to or befitting an archduke or his archduchy. Besides the archducal hat there are two other coronets. |
archean | Of or relating to the earliest known rocks formed during the precambrian eon. The Hamersley basin covers the Pilbara archean craton in the north. |
arched | Characteristic of those who treat others with condescension. The keystone of the arch is tall and deep. |
archegonial | Of or relating to an archegonium. |
archegoniate | Of or relating to an archegonium. |
archeologic | Related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology. |
archeozoic | Of or belonging to earlier of two divisions of the precambrian era. |
archepiscopal | Of or associated with an archbishop. The archepiscopal see is in the city of Poitiers. |
archesporial | Of or relating to the cells in a sporangium that give rise to spores. |
archetypal | Representing or constituting an original type after which other similar things are patterned. Blackbeard is often regarded as the archetypal image of the seafaring pirate. |
archetypical | Representing or constituting an original type after which other similar things are patterned. The history of SQL is an archetypical example. |
archidiaconal | Of or relating to an archdeacon or his office. |
archiepiscopal | Of or associated with an archbishop. He also sat on the archiepiscopal council. |
arching | Naughtily or annoyingly playful. The arch of the bridge over the river is pentagon. |
architectural | Of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture. It spread the Dravidian culture, the literary and architectural grandeur. |
archosaurian | Of or relating to reptiles of the subclass archosauria. A basal archosaurian origin for birds. |
arciform | Forming or resembling an arch. It is also called arciform rhythm because of the shape of the waveforms. |
arco | To be played with the bow. Possibly a rewritten para would be appropriate in ARCO. |
arctic | Extremely cold. Much of the Canadian Arctic is covered by ice and permafrost. |
arcuate | Forming or resembling an arch. The columella is arcuate and thin. |
ardent | Characterized by strong enthusiasm. He is an ardent supporter of legalization and regulation of the industry. |
arduous | Characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort. The race proves to be long and arduous. |
arenaceous | Resembling or containing or abounding in sand; or growing in sandy areas. |
arenicolous | Growing or living or burrowing in sand. |
areolar | Relating to or like or divided into areolae. The papillary region is composed of loose areolar connective tissue. |
areolate | Relating to or like or divided into areolae. |
argent | Of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver. From centre hill, a spring argent with water flowing to pool argent . |
argentic | Relating to compounds in which silver is bivalent. The oxidation is advantageously conducted by the use of argentic oxide. |
argentiferous | Containing or yielding silver. Two companies mined for argentiferous galena, a source of silver. |
argentine | Of or relating to or characteristic of argentina or its people. The U.S. government was indifferent to the Argentine claims. |
argentinian | Of or relating to or characteristic of argentina or its people. Paz was featured on an Argentinian post stamp. |
argentous | Relating to compounds in which silver is univalent. |
argillaceous | Resembling or containing clay. Clays and shales are thus predominantly argillaceous. |
argive | Of or relating to the ancient greek city of argos or its people. Cydippe was travelling from Argos to a festival in honor of Argive Hera. |
arguable | Capable of being supported by argument. As for the loss of the links, it’s arguable both ways. |
argumentative | Given to or characterized by argument. Crockspot was argumentative to the end, in my opinion. |
arid | Lacking sufficient water or rainfall. The land is arid, as if desertification was imminent. |
ariled | Having a fleshy and usually brightly colored cover. |
arillate | Having a fleshy and usually brightly colored cover. Seeds few to many, arillate; aril often lobed or lacerate. |
ariose | Having a melody (as distinguished from recitative). |
aristocratic | Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy. Kalundborg is also the traditional seat of the aristocratic Lerche family. |
aristocratical | Belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy. There was opposition in the conservative aristocratical circles. |
aristotelean | Of or relating to aristotle or his philosophy. Such is the Aristotelean solution of the problem of universals. |
aristotelian | Of or relating to aristotle or his philosophy. Life and death of Aristotelian physics. |
aristotelic | Of or relating to aristotle or his philosophy. |
arithmetic | Relating to or involving arithmetic. Pomerene designed the adder portion of the arithmetic unit. |
arithmetical | Relating to or involving arithmetic. Not every implicitly arithmetical set is arithmetical, however. |
armed | Characterized by having or bearing arms. Armed gangs roam the streets and terrorize the neighborhood. |
armenian | Of or pertaining to armenia or the people or culture of armenia. No lectern is provided for the Gospel reading in the Armenian sanctuary. |
armillary | Of or relating to bracelets. Hipparchus probably used an armillary sphere of four rings. |
arminian | Of or relating to arminianism. Finney held to the Perseverance of the Saints, so he cannot be an Arminian. |
armless | Having no arms. They look like armless rabbits with human faces. |
armlike | Resembling an arm. Each bracket fixedly and snugly receives therein the armlike mounting portion. |
armored | Equipped with the complete arms and armor of a warrior. It was armored and reinforced to support the weight of the mount. |
armorial | Of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms. Thomas illement was an armorial painter of windows. |
armoured | Equipped with the complete arms and armor of a warrior. The primary weapon of the armored infantryman was the M1 Garand rifle. |
aroid | Relating to a plant of the family araceae. Also known as the Arum family, members are often colloquially known as aroid. |
aromatic | Having a strong pleasant odor- jean stafford. There is regular aromatic rice and glutinous or sticky rice. |
aroused | Excessively affected by emotion. The tragedy aroused the pity of the nation. |
arranged | Disposed or placed in a particular kind of order. The feathery leaves are arranged in a nest. |
arrant | Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers;. Because honestly, that numerology stuff is such arrant nonsense. |
arrayed | In ceremonial attire and paraphernalia. The following order of battle was arrayed on the day. |
arresting | Commanding attention. Allen Love were in the process of arresting Reodica. |
arrhythmic | Lacking a steady rhythm. The speed of the car was arrhythmic. |
arrhythmical | Without regard for rhythm. |
arrogant | Having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride. Are they wrong and the unbelievably arrogant |
arsenical | Relating to or containing arsenic. If there is an outbreak of this species, an arsenical spray can be used. |
arsenious | Relating to compounds in which arsenic is trivalent. Arsenites are salts of arsenious acid. |
artefactual | Of or relating to artifacts. There is no such word as artefactual. |
arterial | Of or involving or contained in the arteries. Lower was the first to observe the difference in arterial and venous blood. |
arteriolar | Of or relating to or involving arterioles. It is a type of arteriolosclerosis which refers to hardening of arteriolar wall. |
arteriosclerotic | Not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness- david cannadine. The carefully modelled serifs follow an artful logic of asymmetry. |
arteriovenous | Connecting an artery to a vein. As a consequence, arteriovenous malformations often form. |
artesian | Rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure. Drawdown test to determine effective radius of artesian well. |
artful | Marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft. Hip hop lyrics have also explored the artful possibilities of doggerel. |
arthralgic | Of or relating to arthralgia. He notes the arthralgic symptoms are present in most cases of brucellosis. |
arthromeric | Of or relating to one of the body segments of jointed animals. |
arthrosporic | Of or relating to arthrospores. |
arthrosporous | Of or relating to arthrospores. |
arthurian | Of or relating to king arthur and the knights of the round table. The man was living in an Arthurian era. |
articled | Bound by contract. He was a law student and articled clerk there. |
articular | Relating to or affecting the joints of the body. Repairing articular cartilage damage. |
articulary | Relating to or affecting the joints of the body. |
articulate | Expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language. He is genteel, articulate, poised and charming. |
articulated | Expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language. Dot Com appears to be the more articulate and sensible member of the entourage. |
articulative | Of or relating to articulation. |
articulatory | Of or relating to articulation. Traditional articulatory phonetics. |
artificial | Artificially formal. Artificial insemination is the means of conception. |
artiodactyl | Of or relating to or belonging to mammals of the order artiodactyla. Hippos are a kind of non ruminating artiodactyl. |
artiodactylous | Of or relating to or belonging to mammals of the order artiodactyla. |
artistic | Satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities. It was an eye opener for this artistic troglodyte. |
artless | Showing lack of art. I’m very sorry, but your revisions were artless. |
arty | Showily imitative of art or artists. Field arty fire control is generally covered in the Indirect fire article. |
arundinaceous | Of or relating to or resembling reedlike plants of the genus arundinaria. |
aryan | Of or relating to the former indo-european people. The Age of Cancer Capricorn marks the beginning of the Aryan Epoch. |
asat | Of or relating to a system to destroy satellites in orbit. It has the traditional name asat. |
ascendant | Tending or directed upward- john ruskin. The next in line is the Ascendant Prince. |
ascendent | Most powerful or important or influential. To put it mildly, they were arguably not the ascendent cultural presence. |
ascending | Moving or going or growing upward. Dutt followed by ascending to the top of the ladder to try and grab the ring. |
ascensive | Tending or directed upward- john ruskin. |
ascetic | Practicing great self-denial- william james. Humbert is at the center of ascetic writers in the Dominican Order. |
ascetical | Pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline. The ascetic spent day and night in prayer and psalmody. |
ascitic | Of or relating to or resulting from an abnormal accumulation of protein and electrolyte rich fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Pleural or ascitic fluid should be sent for analysis. |
asclepiadaceous | Of or relating to plants of the milkweed family. |
ascocarpous | Of or relating to ascocarps. |
ascomycetous | Related to or characteristic of fungi of the class ascomycetes. The Xylariaceae are a family of mostly small ascomycetous fungi. |
ascosporic | Of or relating to ascospores. |
ascosporous | Of or relating to ascospores. |
aseptic | Free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms. Finally, please try to be aseptic. |
asexual | Not having or involving sex. I wondered about the dismissal of asexual reproduction. |
ashamed | Feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse. He is not ashamed of being a scullion. |
ashen | Made of wood of the ash tree. He was ashen and appeared to be in shock. |
asian | Of or relating to or characteristic of asia or the peoples of asia or their languages or culture. The victims of Asian fetish are objectified by the perpetrators. |
asiatic | Of or relating to or characteristic of asia or the peoples of asia or their languages or culture. The Bole languages belong to the Afro Asiatic family and are spoken in Nigeria. |
asinine | Devoid of intelligence. The reference to his plane is asinine. |
askance | Directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy- elizabeth bowen. Ponsford Botts would look at him askance. |
askant | Directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy- elizabeth bowen. |
askew | Turned or twisted toward one side- g.k.chesterton. The man looked at the sculpture with an askew eye. |
aslant | Having an oblique or slanted direction. |
asleep | Lacking sensation. Asleep in a Krell laboratory, Morbius is wakened by Altaira’s scream. |
aslope | Having an oblique or slanted direction. |
asocial | Hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior. Individuals in the state of nature were apolitical and asocial. |
aspectual | Of or belonging to an aspect (as an aspect of the verb). Translation of PB annotations to logical representations with eventuality variables and tagging these variables according to their aspectual type would thus make it possible to provide an analysis of temporal relations. |
aspheric | Varying slightly from a perfectly spherical shape. In preferred forms some of the lens surfaces are aspheric. |
aspherical | Varying slightly from a perfectly spherical shape. The correction lenses may have a relatively simple aspherical surface. |
asphyxiated | In a state of asphyxia. There, she is asphyxiated with a bag and her eyes are pulled out. |
asphyxiating | Tending to deprive of oxygen. A grotesque image rises to mind of 5 million people slowly self asphyxiating. |
aspirant | Desiring or striving for recognition or advancement. Gavallan is an aspirant to the office of tai pan. |
aspiring | Desiring or striving for recognition or advancement. Ambitious and urbane, Leighton was an aspiring diplomat. |
asquint | Directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy- elizabeth bowen. |
assamese | Of or relating to or characteristic of assam or its people or culture or language. The Mughals could not stand the dash and fury of the Assamese onset. |
assertable | Capable of being affirmed or asserted. No available sources,no assertable notability. |
asserting | Relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration. I therefore object to asserting the effect or the intent is otherwise. |
assertive | Aggressively self-assured. I apologize for being overly assertive about the notability of the author. |
assiduous | Marked by care and persistent effort. As a player, he was assiduous and adroit. |
assigned | Appointed to a post or duty. The designation was assigned in the 1960s. |
assistant | Of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another. The identity of the male assistant is unknown. |
assistive | Giving assistance. Measures of assistive technology predisposition and use. |
associable | Having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status. The Society is an associate member of the International Actuarial Association. |
associate | Having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status. Talmud teachers of the fourth century associate quite familiarly with him. |
associational | Of or relating to associations or associationism. The tone of the poems is less surreal than associational or intoxicated. |
associative | Having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status. Some studies associate the HP with the risk of developing schizophrenia. |
associatory | Having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status. He is the Associate Conductor of the Arizona Arts Chorale. |
assonant | Having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables. Too much dominant harmony makes you sound assonant. |
assorted | Of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity. The Israelis have sold the rest to assorted countries, many in Latin America. |
assumed | Adopted in order to deceive. The title was assumed in the content. |
assuming | Excessively forward. Assuming the end of the horn itself generates gravity. |
assured | Marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence. The victory assured qualification to the tournament. |
assurgent | Rising from the sea. |
assuring | Giving confidence. DeWine won the Republican nomination, assuring him of election in November. |
astatic | Not static or stable. |
asteriated | Exhibiting asterism. Cymophane, the chatoyant chrysoberyl known as cat’s eye, may also be asteriated. |
asterismal | Relating to asterisms or constellations. |
asternal | Not connected to the sternum or breastbone. |
asteroid | Shaped like a star. This Asteroid is named after the Swiss pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. |
asteroidal | Of or relating to or resembling an asteroid. |
asthenic | Having a slender physique. |
asthmatic | Relating to breathing with a whistling sound. Rosen was an asthmatic child, which had prompted the family’s move south. |
astigmatic | Of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images. Above I wrote that Bates was the first person to perform astigmatic keratotomy. |
astir | Out of bed. The setting was the Astir Palace hotel and the nearby beach. |
astomatal | Lacking a stoma or stomata. |
astomatous | Having no mouth or mouthlike opening. |
astonied | Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock. |
astonished | Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock. I have often been astonished with his perspicuity. |
astonishing | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. The amount of confusion is astonishing. |
astounded | Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock. Bernard is similarly astounded that his master could be so indiscreet. |
astounding | So surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm. The maturity of debate within the forum is astounding. |
astragalar | Of or relating to the anklebone. |
astral | Being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars. The Anunnaki have great influence over the astral world also. |
astringent | Sour or bitter in taste. The leaves have strong astringent properties. |
astrocytic | Of or relating to or containing large star-shaped cells in the neuroglia. The identity of the astrocytic factors is not yet known. |
astronautic | Of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics. He was a pioneer of aeronautic and astronautic material engineering in China. |
astronautical | Of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics. Furthermore he read papers for several international Astronautical Congresses. |
astronomic | Relating or belonging to the science of astronomy. Researchers believe that it was built as an astronomic clock or calendar. |
astronomical | Inconceivably large. The astronomical unit of mass is the solar mass. |
astrophysical | Of or concerned with astrophysics. Baliunas’s main focus is on astrophysical research. |
astute | Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence. Cirt, thank you for the fair deliberation on The Astute Recorder page. |
astylar | Lacking columns or pillars. |
asunder | Widely separated especially in space. I can see a connection between asunder and knife. |
asymmetric | Characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components. The balance was asymmetric. |
asymmetrical | Irregular in shape or outline. The last segment of the frond is irregular and asymmetrical, on a short stem. |
asymptomatic | Having no symptoms of illness or disease. An AAA may remain asymptomatic indefinitely. |
asymptotic | Relating to or of the nature of an asymptote. The aim of the asymptotic approach is to simplify the object. |
asynchronous | Pertaining to a transmission technique that does not require a common clock between the communicating devices; timing signals are derived from special characters in the data stream itself. Channels may be synchronous or asynchronous. |
asyndetic | Lacking conjunctions. |
asynergic | Of or relating to the state of asynergy; lacking synergy. |
atactic | Lacking motor coordination; marked or caused by ataxia. In atactic macromolecules the substituents are placed randomly along the chain. |
ataractic | Tending to soothe or tranquilize. The novel compounds are useful as ataractic, analgesic, and hypotensive agents. |
ataraxic | Tending to soothe or tranquilize. |
atavistic | Characteristic of an atavist. He does not degenerate into an atavistic state. |
ataxic | Lacking motor coordination; marked or caused by ataxia. A dog may appear to walk as though ‘drunken’ ataxic . |
ateleiotic | Of or relating to ateleiosis. |
atheist | Related to or characterized by or given to atheism. He was a freethinker, and atheist. |
atheistic | Related to or characterized by or given to atheism. The situation for atheistic scouts and scouters is somewhat different. |
atheistical | Related to or characterized by or given to atheism. He’s apparently the founder of the Scottish Atheist Council. |
athenian | Of or relating to or characteristic of athens or its inhabitants. However the arrival of Alexander charmed the Athenian public. |
atheromatic | Of or relating to or resembling atheroma. |
atheromatous | Of or relating to or resembling atheroma. It has two main causes fibromuscular dysplasia and atheromatous stenosis. |
atherosclerotic | Of or relating to atherosclerosis. An atherosclerotic lesion is indeed a blood vessel with inflammation, i.e. |
athirst | Extremely desirous. |
athletic | Vigorously active. The school’s athletic moniker is the Warrior. |
atilt | Departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal. |
atlantic | Relating to or bordering the atlantic ocean. Transatlantic refers to the Atlantic Ocean. |
atmospheric | Relating to or located in the atmosphere. The weight of the atmosphere is certainly significant as atmospheric pressure. |
atomic | Immeasurably small. The atomic bomb was not mentioned in the communique. |
atomistic | Divided into separate and often disparate elements. The romantic outsider is replaced by atomistic narrators in uncaring society. |
atomistical | Divided into separate and often disparate elements. |
atonal | Characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality. Mixed interval chords occur more in atonal music and tend to be dissonant. |
atonalistic | Of or relating to atonalism. |
atonic | Used of syllables. Carbachol can be used to treat atonic bowel and bladder. |
atoxic | Not producing or resulting from poison. |
atrabilious | Irritable as if suffering from indigestion. |
atrial | Of or relating to a cavity or chamber in the body (especially one of the upper chambers of the heart). In general, atrial flutter should be treated the same as atrial fibrillation. |
atrioventricular | Relating to or affecting the atria and ventricles of the heart. It can appear similar to atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. |
atrip | Just clear of the bottom. |
atrocious | Shockingly brutal or cruel. The Biography pages of the members of the band are atrocious. |
attached | Being joined in close association. The transcription is attached. |
attainable | Capable of being attained or accomplished. First is to make the study of cursive Egyptian script more attainable. |
attempted | Tried unsuccessfully. None of the protestant countries even attempted toleration. |
attendant | Following or accompanying as a consequence. The attendant winds down the ring rails to the bottom. |
attentive | Giving care or attention. She had adored the courteous and attentive old gentleman. |
attenuate | Reduced in strength. The device serves to attenuate spikes of current and to limit peak currents. |
attenuated | Reduced in strength. The base of the lamina is gradually attenuate towards the petiole. |
attic | Of or relating to attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in athens in classical times. Alphabetic representation of the vowels of Attic. |
attired | Dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination. This is to ensure that officers are properly and professionally attired. |
attractive | Having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull;. It makes the face lustrous and attractive. |
attributable | Capable of being attributed. The third attributable hand is that of Ende. |
attrited | Worn by rubbing or friction. |
attritional | Relating to or caused by attrition. The attritional influence of the book still gave inspiration to many. |
atypical | Not representative of a group, class, or type. The cause of atypical odontalgia is not yet clear. |
auburn | Colored a moderate reddish-brown. I was very impressed with LSU’s upset of Auburn at Auburn this year. |
auctorial | Of or by or typical of an author. The usual debates about auctorial voice and heteronormativity ensue. |
audacious | Invulnerable to fear or intimidation. The metaphor of drawing a bullseye is however audacious. |
audenesque | In the manner of w. h. auden. |
audible | Heard or perceptible by the ear. The sound is clearly audible on the tape. |
audile | Of or relating to the process of hearing. |
audiometric | Of or relating to audiometry. Audiometric analysis may be necessary to assess the severity of ototoxicity. |
audiovisual | Involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids). Cinematographic and other audiovisual works. |
auditive | Of or relating to the process of hearing. So music in Africa is not necessarily an auditive art. |
auditory | Of or relating to the process of hearing. The auditory test is the same process. |
augean | Extremely filthy from long neglect. From Augean Stable I don’t understand what you mean in your edit summary. |
augitic | Of or relating to or containing the mineral augite. |
august | Profoundly honored. I saw The Drowsy Chaperone in early August. |
augustan | Relating to or characteristic of the times of the roman emperor augustus. Such extravagant claims are characteristic of the Augustan age. |
auld | A scottish word. Just call it an auld pharts inability to change. |
aural | Relating to or characterized by an aura. The Magic City is an aural snapshot of that metamorphic process. |
aureate | Elaborately or excessively ornamented. It is made of nickel plated with aureate bronze. |
auric | Of or relating to or containing or derived from gold. Georges Auric was hired as the composer for the film. |
auricular | Relating to or perceived by or shaped like the organ of hearing- george santayana. As a juvenile, the Red Warbler is pinkish brown with a whitish auricular patch. |
auriculate | Having auricles. |
auriculated | Having auricles. |
auriculoventricular | Relating to or affecting the atria and ventricles of the heart. |
auriferous | Containing gold. Auriferous jem is very valuable. |
auriform | Having a shape resembling an ear. The shell is oval auriform, depressed, and rugosely striate. |
auroral | Of or relating to the atmospheric phenomenon auroras. The rockets carried an Auroral research payload for the University of Iowa. |
aurorean | Characteristic of the dawn. |
aurous | Of or relating to or containing or derived from gold. Curiously, aurous complexes of water are rare. |
auspicious | Auguring favorable circumstances and good luck. The Fitzgeralds held the more auspicious title of ‘The Earls of Desmond’. |
austenitic | Composed of austenite. Austenitic steels are not hardenable by heat treatment. |
austere | Severely simple. The trustees deliberately kept the structure austere to save money. |
austral | Of the south or coming from the south. Thanks for adding the Clubs category tag to the Austral Society. |
australasian | Relating to or found in australasia. Asian debates are largely an adaptation of the Australasian format. |
australian | Of or relating to or characteristic of australia or its inhabitants or its languages. Australian inferno previews fire prone future. |
australopithecine | Of or belonging to the hominid genus australopithecus. Scientists have recently discovered a new australopithecine in South Africa. |
austrian | Of or relating to austria or its people or culture. The proposals by the Austrian communists were therefore brushed aside. |
austronesian | Of or relating to or characteristic of austronesia or its people or culture. A group of the Austronesian speaking people. |
autacoidal | Of or relating to an autacoid. |
autarkic | Of countries; not relying on imports. Energy autarkic houses can be taken off the grid. |
autarkical | Of countries; not relying on imports. |
authentic | Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief. She bought the authentic piece of music. |
authenticated | Established as genuine. I simply added in the rest when I authenticated the permission. |
authorised | Sanctioned by established authority. The executive director was authorized to procure the necessary resources. |
authoritarian | Expecting unquestioning obedience. It works by the authoritarian command of a clique of users. |
authoritative | Of recognized authority or excellence. For the article to be authoritative, the credibility of the writers do count. |
authorized | Endowed with authority. The man was authorized by the pope. |
autistic | Characteristic of or affected with autism. Discovery of autistic psychopathy. |
autobiographic | Of or relating to or characteristic of an autobiographer. The Russian version of the book also has an autobiographic part. |
autobiographical | Of or relating to or characteristic of an autobiographer. Looks suspiciously autobiographical. |
autocatalytic | Relating to or proceeding by autocatalysis. In this way the set as a whole is said to be autocatalytic. |
autochthonal | Originating where it is found. The rest have a mixture of both traditional and autochthonal beliefs. |
autochthonic | Originating where it is found. Autochthone seem to have the same meaning as autochthonic. |
autochthonous | Of rocks, deposits, etc.; found where they and their constituents were formed. Amenokal is an autochthonous title for the highest Tuareg traditional chiefs. |
autocratic | Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty. In Russian the term neans ultimate autocratic ruler of a country. |
autodidactic | Relating to or having the characteristics of an autodidact. He more or less learned his techniques the autodidactic way. |
autoecious | Of parasites especially rust fungi; completing the entire life cycle on a single host. An autoecious pathogen, it can complete its life cycle using a single host. |
autoerotic | Sexually satisfying yourself (as by masturbation). A case of autoerotic asphyxia associated with multiplex paraphilia. |
autofluorescent | Emitting light via self-induced fluorescence. |
autogamic | Characterized by or fit for autogamy. |
autogamous | Characterized by or fit for autogamy. A few are autogamous and are able to pollinate themselves. |
autogenetic | Of or relating to autogenesis. The switch to autogenetic excitation is a form of positive feedback. |
autogenic | Originating within the body. Look on and search for autogenic training. |
autogenous | Originating within the body. For example, the mixture is reacted under autogenous pressure at |
autoicous | Having male and female reproductive organs in separate clusters on the same plant. |
autoimmune | Of or relating to the immune response of the body against substance normally present in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. |
autoloading | Capable of automatic loading and firing continuously. Pre set triggers are only on autoloading pistols. |
autologous | Derived from organisms of the selfsame individual. Autologous patient specific tumor antigen response. |
autolytic | Of or relating to self-digestion. |
automated | Operated by automation. The hard part is the automated archiving. |
automatic | Without volition or conscious control. Welcome to the semi automatic vandalism paging system. |
automatonlike | Resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine. |
automotive | Of or relating to motor vehicles. In the nineties paper honeycomb was introduced in the automotive industry. |
autonomic | Relating to or controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy. |
autonomous | Existing as an independent entity. The autonomous power of the local church is highly valued. |
autophytic | Of or relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources by photosynthesis. |
autoplastic | Of or relating to or involved in autoplasty. |
autoradiographic | Of or relating to or produced by autoradiography. Biochemical and autoradiographic characterization. |
autosemantic | Of a word or phrase meaningful in isolation, independent of context. |
autosomal | Of or relating to an autosome. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney. |
autotelic | Of or relating to or believing in autotelism. Autotelic is defined by one having a purpose in and not apart from itself . |
autotomic | Of or relating to autotomy. |
autotrophic | Of or relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources by photosynthesis. All algae produce oxygen, and many are autotrophic. |
autotypic | Of or relating to autotypy. |
autumnal | Of or characteristic of or occurring in autumn. The autumnal or Sharadiya ceremony is known as various names in Orissa. |
auxetic | Of or relating to growth by auxesis. The use of the word auxetic to refer to this property probably began in 1991. |
auxiliary | Furnishing added support. The yacht was an auxiliary of the coast guard. |
auxinic | Relating to or containing auxins. |
available | Not busy; not otherwise committed. Boots are available only in factory mode. |
avaricious | Immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth. Asians were sallow, avaricious and easily distracted. |
avascular | Without blood vessels. After 5 days it was found that he was suffering from avascular necrosis. |
avellan | Pertaining to filberts or hazelnuts. |
avellane | Pertaining to filberts or hazelnuts. |
average | Lacking exceptional quality or ability. The average size of a cocci is approximately 0.5 to 1 micrometer. |
averse | Strongly opposed. But there is an evil and averse counterpart corresponding to the ovine nature. |
aversive | Tending to repel or dissuade. In Australia, there is a broad suspicion of aversive psychology. |
avestan | Of or pertaining to the avesta (sacred text of zoroastrianism). This article deals with the ‘phonology of the Avestan language’. |
avian | Pertaining to or characteristic of birds. The pecten is a specialised structure in the avian retina. |
avid | Ardently or excessively desirous. His wife, Mythili, is an avid marathoner. |
avifaunal | Of or relating to birds of a particular region or period. Mesopredator release and avifaunal extinctions in a fragmented system. |
avifaunistic | Of or relating to birds of a particular region or period. |
avionic | Of or relating to avionics. It has an identical avionic characteristic as the MiG 29M. |
avirulent | Not virulent; unable to produce disease. |
avitaminotic | Of or relating to or characteristic of avitaminosis. |
avocado | Of the dull yellowish green of the meat of an avocado. The tree structure is much like that of an Avocado. |
avocational | Of or involved in an avocation. |
avuncular | Being or relating to an uncle. My avuncular advice is, try to write some less controversial articles. |
awake | Mentally perceptive and responsive. People were awake by the sound of toot. |
aware | Having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception. An aeronaut should be aware of aerodynamics. |
awash | Covered with water. In fall, the hills are awash in the beautiful colours of autumn leaves. |
away | On the far side of home plate from the batter. Harry sneaks out of the circle and away from the fire. |
aweary | Physically and mentally fatigued. |
aweigh | Just clear of the bottom. The school’s fight song is sung to the tune of Anchors Aweigh. |
awesome | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. The quality of the editing here is awesome. |
awestricken | Having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread. Nick is awestricken by the number of instruments at the party. |
awestruck | Having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread. An awestruck congregation gapes at the silhouetted goat devil. |
awful | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. Disrespecting adults is awful. |
awheel | Traveling by wheeled vehicle such as bicycle or automobile e.g.. It cannot be followed on horse or awheel. |
awing | Inspiring awe or admiration or wonder. |
awkward | Socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner. The first sentence here is awkward and ungrammatical. |
awned | Having awns i.e. bristlelike or hairlike appendages on the flowering parts of some cereals and grasses. Forked three awned grass is designated as a species at risk. |
awnless | Lacking or having only very short awns. |
awny | Having awns i.e. bristlelike or hairlike appendages on the flowering parts of some cereals and grasses. |
awol | Absent without permission. Seems to me,come monday,you’re both awol and fugitives from justice. |
awry | Turned or twisted toward one side- g.k.chesterton. The incident goes awry as Charlie nearly dies in the attempt. |
axenic | Raised under sterile conditions. Axenic cultures are usually checked routinely to ensure that they remain axenic. |
axial | Relating to or attached to the axis. Glucose prefers the axial conformation in the gas phase. |
axile | Relating to or attached to the axis. In axile placentation, they are attached to radial spokes within the ovary. |
axillary | Of or relating to the armpit. Primary subclavian axillary vein thrombosis. |
axiological | Of or relating to the study of values. Value claims are subject to the AXIOLOGICAL JUDGMENTS of good and bad. |
axiomatic | Containing aphorisms or maxims. We cannot use the modern axiomatic method to establish the theory of sets. |
axiomatical | Of or relating to or derived from axioms. |
azerbaijani | Of or pertaining to azerbaijan or the people or culture of azerbaijan. Azerbaijani media misrepresent remarks of Iranian President’s advisor. |
azido | Relating to or containing the azido group n3. Introduction of the 2 azido moiety to glycals. |
azimuthal | Of or relating to or in azimuth. There are a wide variety of ‘azimuthal’ map projections. |
azo | Relating to or containing the azo radical. The drug is one of the azo dyes. |
azoic | Before the appearance of life. I’ve suggested a merge of the currently minimal Azoic Age article to here. |
azonal | Not divided into zones. They are azonal soils and occur in nearly all climates. |
azonic | Not restricted to any particular zone or region. |
azotemic | Of or involving excess nitrogenous waste products in the urine (usually due to kidney insufficiency). |
azotic | Of or containing nitrogen. |
azure | Of a deep somewhat purplish blue color similar to that of a clear october sky. Many of the scenes include the use of an azure blue 1953 Cadillac Eldorado. |
azygos | Occurring singly; not one of a pair. The name for this vein is derived from that of the azygos vein. |
azygous | Occurring singly; not one of a pair. The azygous fins have prickly beams. |
Adjectives that start with A
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Adjectives that start with Q
The synonyms and related words of "Brag" are: blow, bluster, boast, gas, gasconade, shoot a…
The synonyms and related words of "Pierce" are: thrust, make a hole in, penetrate, puncture,…
The synonyms and related words of "Weary" are: aweary, tired, tired out, exhausted, fatigued, overtired,…
The synonyms and related words of "Kick" are: complain, kvetch, plain, quetch, sound off, give…
The synonyms and related words of "Useless" are: futile, pointless, purposeless, impractical, vain, in vain,…
Want to describe something with adjectives that start with 'J'? Though they are not numerous,…