ALIENATING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ALIENATING?

Need another word that means the same as “alienating”? Find 30 related words for “alienating” in this overview.

Associations of "Alienating" (30 Words)

alienationA state of depersonalization or loss of identity in which the self seems unreal, thought to be caused by difficulties in relating to society and the resulting prolonged inhibition of emotion.
Most leases contain restrictions against alienation.
aloneHaving no one else present.
It was a smile for him alone.
antagonize(of a substance) act as an antagonist of (a substance or its action.
Two other drugs antagonized the antidepressant like effect.
complacentShowing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.
He had become complacent after years of success.
detachmentComing apart.
He felt a sense of detachment from what was going on.
dissociatePart; cease or break association with.
These compounds are dissociated by solar radiation to yield atoms of chlorine.
divorceGet a divorce formally terminate a marriage.
Her divorce from her first husband.
estrangeCause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone.
Years of boarding school estranged the child from her home.
estrangementThe feeling of being alienated from other people.
The growing estrangement of the police from their communities.
insularRelating to or from an island.
Insular illumination of the 6th century.
isolateA person or thing that has been or become isolated.
The governor urged residents to isolate to limit the spread of the virus.
isolatedMarked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements.
An isolated pawn.
isolationA country’s withdrawal from international politics.
He opposed a policy of American isolation.
lonelinessSadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned.
The loneliness of the farm.
partitionThe act of dividing or partitioning separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart.
The hall was partitioned to contain the noise of the computers.
quarantinePlace a person or animal in quarantine in order to prevent the spread of an infectious disease.
Quarantine laws.
remoteA remote control device.
A remote contingency.
schismDivision of a group into opposing factions.
Another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy.
secludeKeep away from others.
I secluded myself up here for a life of study and meditation.
secluded(of a place) not seen or visited by many people; sheltered and private.
The gardens are quiet and secluded.
seclusionThe quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others.
They enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion.
segregateSomeone who is or has been segregated.
The sun segregates the carbon.
segregationThe separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes.
An official policy of racial segregation.
separateA separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication.
The friends separated after the party.
separationThe division of something into constituent or distinct elements.
The separation of church and state.
sequesterSet apart from others.
The organic sequestering agent EDTA.
severanceDivision by cutting or slicing.
Employees were offered severance terms.
solePut a new sole on to a shoe.
Sole the shoes.
solitudeA state of social isolation.
She savoured her few hours of freedom and solitude.
underpopulatedHaving a lower population density than normal or desirable.
The rocky and underpopulated west coast.

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