ANTAGONIZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANTAGONIZE?

Need another word that means the same as “antagonize”? Find 7 synonyms and 30 related words for “antagonize” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Antagonize” are: antagonise, counteract, arouse hostility in, alienate, set someone against someone else, estrange, disaffect

Antagonize as a Verb

Definitions of "Antagonize" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “antagonize” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • (of a substance) act as an antagonist of (a substance or its action.
  • Act in opposition to.
  • Provoke the hostility of.
  • Cause (someone) to become hostile or angry.

Synonyms of "Antagonize" as a verb (7 Words)

alienateTransfer property or ownership.
The association does not wish to alienate its members.
antagoniseAct in opposition to.
arouse hostility inSummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.
counteractOppose or check by a counteraction.
This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues.
disaffectMake (someone) dissatisfied, especially with people in authority or a system of control; alienate.
What these ads do is disaffect the voting public.
estrangeCause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone.
He became estranged from his father.
set someone against someone elseInsert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink.

Usage Examples of "Antagonize" as a verb

  • Two other drugs antagonized the antidepressant-like effect.
  • Don't antagonize your boss.
  • The aim was to antagonize visiting supporters.

Associations of "Antagonize" (30 Words)

abhorFind repugnant.
He abhorred sexism in every form.
abhorrentInspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.
An abhorrent deed.
acrimonyBitterness or ill feeling.
The AGM dissolved into acrimony.
agitateCause to be agitated excited or roused.
The thought of questioning Toby agitated him extremely.
alienateTransfer property or ownership.
The association does not wish to alienate its members.
alienationThe state or experience of being alienated.
The power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership.
aloneWithout others’ help or participation; single-handedly.
Was alone with her thoughts.
animosityA feeling of ill will arousing active hostility.
He no longer felt any animosity towards her.
aversionA strong dislike or disinclination.
My dog s pet aversion is visitors particularly males.
competitivelyIn a way that strives to gain or win something by defeating others.
I began swimming competitively nearly 30 years ago.
complacentContented to a fault with oneself or one’s actions.
You can t afford to be complacent about security.
counteractOppose or check by a counteraction.
Should we deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming.
detachmentThe action or process of detaching; separation.
Structural problems resulted in cracking and detachment of the wall.
dislikeHave or feel a dislike or distaste for.
She disliked any kind of unnecessary rudeness.
divorceGet a divorce formally terminate a marriage.
One in three marriages ends in divorce.
enmityA state of deep-seated ill-will.
Decades of enmity between the two countries.
estrangeCause (someone) to be no longer on friendly terms with someone.
Years of boarding school estranged the child from her home.
fomentBathe with warm water or medicated lotions.
His legs should be fomented.
hostilityA state of deep-seated ill-will.
He could no longer contain his hostility.
inexperienceLack of experience.
Procedural inexperience created difficulties.
isolateA person or thing that has been or become isolated.
The best way to isolate sick fish is to set up a hospital tank.
isolationAn instance of isolating something, especially a compound or microorganism.
Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.
lonelinessSadness because one has no friends or company.
The loneliness of a sailor s life.
remoteA remote control device.
A remote cousin.
segregateSomeone who is or has been segregated.
The sun segregates the carbon.
separateBecome separated into pieces or fragments.
A house with a separate garage.
separationThe termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal.
The damage that might arise from the separation of parents and children.
sequesterKeep away from others.
The artist sequestered himself in his studio for two years.
solitudeThe state or situation of being alone.
The battle to preserve beloved solitudes flared up all over the country.
stirAn act of stirring food or drink.
Francis was always stirring trying to score off people.

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