Need another word that means the same as “beaten”? Find 33 synonyms and 30 related words for “beaten” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Beaten” are: unprofitable, unprosperous, defeated, losing, unsuccessful, conquered, bettered, subdued, crushed, broken, foiled, hapless, luckless, abused, battered, maltreated, ill-treated, mistreated, misused, downtrodden, whipped, stirred, mixed, blended, hammered, forged, formed, shaped, moulded, fashioned, modelled, fabricated, sculpted
Beaten as an Adjective
Definitions of "Beaten" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “beaten” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Much trodden and worn smooth or bare.
- Very tired.
- (of precious metal) hammered to form thin foil for ornamental use.
- Having been beaten or struck.
- (of a path) well trodden; much used.
- (of food) stirred vigorously to a uniform consistency.
- (of metal) shaped by hammering, typically so as to give the surface a dimpled texture.
- Having been defeated.
- Exhausted and dejected.

Synonyms of "Beaten" as an adjective (33 Words)
abused | Subjected to cruel treatment. Next generation is an abused term. |
battered | Damaged by blows or hard usage. A pair of battered black boots. |
bettered | More than half. |
blended | Combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable. |
broken | Having been broken. Broken lines of defense. |
conquered | (of a place or people) having been overcome and taken control of by military force. A conquered people. |
crushed | Deformed, pulverized, or forced inwards by compression. Crushed velvet. |
defeated | Demoralized and overcome by adversity. She looked defeated quite unlike her normal self. |
downtrodden | Abused or oppressed by people in power. A downtrodden proletarian struggling for social justice. |
fabricated | Formed or conceived by the imagination. A fabricated excuse for his absence. |
fashioned | Planned and made or fashioned artistically. Beautifully fashioned dresses. |
foiled | Disappointingly unsuccessful. Their foiled attempt to capture Calais. |
forged | Copied fraudulently; fake. A forged twenty dollar bill. |
formed | Having or given a form or shape. |
hammered | Very drunk. We went to a wine bar and got totally hammered. |
hapless | Deserving or inciting pity. The hapless victims of the disaster. |
ill-treated | Subjected to cruel treatment. |
losing | Suffering, resulting in, or relating to defeat in a game or contest. A losing streak. |
luckless | Having or bringing misfortune. An osprey seized the luckless fish with its talons. |
maltreated | Subjected to cruel treatment. |
mistreated | Subjected to cruel treatment. |
misused | Used incorrectly or carelessly or for an improper purpose. Misused words are often laughable but one weeps for misused talents. |
mixed | Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds. I had mixed feelings about seeing Laura again. |
modelled | Worthy of imitation. |
moulded | (of a column, ceiling, or other part of a building) having a decorative moulding. The moulded fibreglass hull eliminates leaks and is immune to attack from marine organisms. |
sculpted | Cut into a desired shape. |
shaped | Shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass as by work or effort. An enclosed back garden with a shaped lawn. |
stirred | Set into a usually circular motion in order to mix or blend. |
subdued | (of colour or lighting) soft and restrained. A subdued whisper. |
unprofitable | Producing little or no profit or gain. The mines became increasingly unprofitable. |
unprosperous | Not enjoying or bringing financial success. |
unsuccessful | Failing to accomplish an intended result. An unsuccessful attempt to enter Parliament. |
whipped | Dominated or controlled by a woman (typically used of a man. Jason s so totally whipped he agreed to her demand. |

Usage Examples of "Beaten" as an adjective
- Beaten copper coffee tables.
- Last year's beaten finalist.
- He sat feeling old and beaten.
- Did not stray from the beaten path.
- Magnificent howdahs covered with beaten gold and silver.
- He trudged home like a beaten cur.
- Beaten egg.

Associations of "Beaten" (30 Words)
aggressor | A person or country that attacks another first. |
assailant | A person who physically attacks another. The police have no firm leads about the identity of his assailant. |
bludgeon | Beat someone repeatedly with a bludgeon or other heavy object. He bludgeoned his way through the crowd. |
captor | A person who captures and holds people or animals. He managed to escape from his captors two nights later. |
chastise | Rebuke or reprimand severely. The General cruelly chastised them with a whip. |
conquer | Bring under control by force or authority. The second Briton to conquer Everest. |
conquest | The invasion and assumption of control of England by William of Normandy in 1066. The conquest of inflation. |
cudgel | Beat with a cudgel. They would lie in wait and cudgel her to death. |
defeat | An instance of defeating or being defeated. The amendment was defeated. |
diagonal | Mathematics a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entry. The bishop moves on the diagonals. |
disarm | Remove offensive capability from. The other militias had disarmed by the agreed deadline. |
enslave | Cause (someone) to lose their freedom of choice or action. They were enslaved by their need to take drugs. |
flog | Beat (someone) with a whip or stick as a punishment. He made a fortune flogging beads to hippies. |
hit | Hit against come into sudden contact with. The sniper fired and hit a third man. |
kick | Chiefly in rugby score a goal by a kick. He kicked the door open. |
lash | An eyelash. They were living under the threat of the lash. |
overpower | Be too intense for; overwhelm. He overpowered the two men and frogmarched them to the police station. |
pummel | Criticize severely. He felt like a boxer who had been pummelled mercilessly against the ropes. |
slash | An act of urinating. For what felt like hours we climbed behind the trackers slashing the undergrowth ahead. |
stab | Stab or pierce. One strong stab to the heart killed him. |
subdue | Get on top of; deal with successfully. Subdue one s appetites. |
subjection | The act of conquering. The country s subjection to European colonialism. |
subjugate | Bring under domination or control, especially by conquest. The new ruler firmly subjugated the Church to the state. |
suppress | Consciously restrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior. She could not suppress a rising panic. |
surmount | Be or do something to a greater degree. All manner of cultural differences were surmounted. |
thrash | Give a thrashing to beat hard. The thrash of the waves. |
thump | Play a tune enthusiastically but heavy-handedly. A bible thumping Southern Baptist. |
violently | In a very strong or vigorous manner. He woke up feeling violently ill. |
whip | A blow with a whip or similar implement. He whipped round to face them. |