Need another word that means the same as “benchmark”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “benchmark” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Benchmark” are: bench mark, standard, point of reference, basis, gauge, criterion, specification, canon, convention, guide, guideline, norm, touchstone, yardstick, test, litmus test, barometer, indicator, measure, model, exemplar, classic example, pattern, paradigm, archetype, prototype, ideal
Benchmark as a Noun
Definitions of "Benchmark" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “benchmark” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.
- A surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point.
- A surveyor's mark cut in a wall, pillar, or building and used as a reference point in measuring altitudes.
- A standard by which something can be measured or judged.
- A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

Synonyms of "Benchmark" as a noun (27 Words)
archetype | Something that serves as a model or a basis for making copies. Mythological archetypes of good and evil. |
barometer | An instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in forecasting the weather and determining altitude. Furniture is a barometer of changing tastes. |
basis | The fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained. The whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture. |
bench mark | The seat for judges in a courtroom. |
canon | A collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired. The Shakespeare canon. |
classic example | An artist who has created classic works. |
convention | Orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional. To attract the best patrons the movie houses had to ape the conventions and the standards of theatres. |
criterion | A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided. They award a green label to products that meet certain environmental criteria. |
exemplar | A person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate model. The place is an exemplar of multicultural Britain. |
gauge | Diameter of a tube or gun barrel. A fuel gauge. |
guide | Something that offers basic information or instruction. A comprehensive guide to British hotels and restaurants. |
guideline | A rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior. The organization has issued guidelines for people working with prisoners. |
ideal | Model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal. Tolerance and freedom the liberal ideals. |
indicator | An animal or plant species that can be used to infer conditions in a particular habitat. An altitude indicator. |
litmus test | A set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge. |
measure | Measuring instrument having a sequence of marks at regular intervals used as a reference in making measurements. Cost cutting measures. |
model | A person employed to pose for an artist, photographer, or sculptor. The project became a model for other schemes. |
norm | A statistic describing the location of a distribution. Strikes were the norm. |
paradigm | The class of all items that can be substituted into the same position or slot in a grammatical sentence are in paradigmatic relation with one another. The discovery of universal gravitation became the paradigm of successful science. |
pattern | A repeated decorative design. He set the pattern for subsequent study. |
point of reference | A V shape. |
prototype | A first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed. These objects are the prototypes of a category of rapidly spinning neutron stars. |
specification | (patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and use of an invention. One of the telescope s mirrors had been manufactured to incorrect specifications. |
standard | Any distinctive flag. Distance was marked by standards every mile. |
test | The act of testing something. This is the first serious test of the peace agreement. |
touchstone | A piece of fine-grained dark schist or jasper formerly used for testing alloys of gold by observing the colour of the mark which they made on it. They tend to regard grammar as the touchstone of all language performance. |
yardstick | A measuring rod a yard long, typically divided into inches. League tables are not the only yardstick of schools performance. |

Usage Examples of "Benchmark" as a noun
- The pay settlement will set a benchmark for other employers and workers.
- We thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone.
- His painting sets the benchmark of quality.
Associations of "Benchmark" (30 Words)
ammeter | A meter that measures the flow of electrical current in amperes. |
amount | Be tantamount or equivalent to. An adequate amount of food for four people. |
calculate | Intend (an action) to have a particular effect. The program can calculate the number of words that will fit in the space available. |
calibrate | Measure the caliber of. The regulators cannot properly calibrate the risks involved. |
calorimeter | An apparatus for measuring the amount of heat involved in a chemical reaction or other process. |
comparatively | To a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively. Inflation was comparatively low. |
count | The total number counted. I can count my colleagues in the opposition. |
estimate | Judge tentatively or form an estimate of quantities or time. The aim is to estimate the effects of macroeconomic policy on the economy. |
gage | A measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc. A guide sent to them by the headman of this place gaged his life as a forfeit if he failed. |
gauge | Measure the dimensions of an object with a gauge. When dry the assemblies can be gauged exactly and planed to width. |
index | Link the value of prices wages or other payments automatically to the value of a price index. The government indexes wages and prices. |
indicator | An animal or plant species that can be used to infer conditions in a particular habitat. An altitude indicator. |
magnitude | A number assigned to the ratio of two quantities two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10. They may feel discouraged at the magnitude of the task before them. |
measurable | Something that can be quantified, especially a sports player’s height and weight. Objectives should be measurable and achievable. |
measure | Express as a number or measure or quantity. This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches. |
measurement | The action of measuring something. The measurements were carefully done. |
metric | A decimal unit of measurement of the metric system based on meters and kilograms and seconds. The external structure of space time is described by the Schwarzschild metric. |
micrometer | Caliper for measuring small distances. |
number | A symbol used to represent a number. They go from one melodious number to another. |
plumb | Conforming to the direction of a plumb line. They are valuable aids in plumbing the frames and keeping the side of the ship fair. |
pricing | The evaluation of something in terms of its price. |
quantifiable | Capable of being quantified. Quantifiable data. |
quantify | Express as a number or measure or quantity. Can you quantify your results. |
surveying | The profession or work of examining and recording the area and features of a piece of land so as to construct a map, plan, or detailed description of it. Many estate agents have no expertise in property surveying. |
tachometer | An instrument which measures the working speed of an engine (especially in a road vehicle), typically in revolutions per minute. |
tantamount | Being essentially equal to something. His statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt. |
touchstone | A standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized. They tend to regard grammar as the touchstone of all language performance. |
voltmeter | Meter that measures the potential difference between two points. |
weathercock | (of a boat or aircraft) tend to turn to head into the wind. He sometimes has a problem with the boat weathercocking before she can gather way on a new tack. |
yardstick | A standard used for comparison. League tables are not the only yardstick of schools performance. |