Need another word that means the same as “blaster”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “blaster” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Blaster” are: chargeman
Blaster as a Noun
Definitions of "Blaster" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blaster” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- (in science fiction) a weapon like a gun that is able to destroy something solid, typically using light or sound energy.
- A highly pleasurable or exciting experience.
- A sudden very loud noise.
- A move in which a ball is kicked or struck forcefully.
- An explosion (as of dynamite.
- Intense adverse criticism.
- A workman employed to blast with explosives.
- A person or thing that emits or uses blasts.
- A type of physical exercise intended to strengthen specific muscle groups.
- A very long fly ball.
- A strong current of air.

Synonyms of "Blaster" as a noun (1 Word)
chargeman | A workman employed to blast with explosives. |

Usage Examples of "Blaster" as a noun
- Where was a super sonic death ray blaster gun when you needed one?
- Squats represent a total blaster for quads.
- Don't try to stand in the way of laser blasters.
- Blasters were paid according to how much rock they broke.
- The glute blaster.
- He let fly with a 35-yard blaster.

Associations of "Blaster" (30 Words)
anthracite | A hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat. A wide range of colours from anthracite to blush pink. |
bomb | Attack a place or object with a bomb or bombs. We were bombing down the motorway at breakneck speed. |
burst | The act of exploding or bursting. The swollen river was expected to burst its banks. |
coke | Become coke. Petroleum oils coke after distillation. |
combust | Undergo combustion. The oily rags combusted spontaneously. |
detonate | Explode or cause to explode. A trigger that can detonate nuclear weapons. |
detonation | A loud explosion. Atom bomb detonations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. |
effusion | An act of talking or writing in an unrestrained or heartfelt way. He studied the rates of effusion of gases. |
erupt | Erupt or intensify suddenly. A boil had erupted on her temple. |
eruption | The emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum. The eruption of Vesuvius. |
explode | (of a person) suddenly give expression to violent emotion, especially anger. Lead ensures that petrol burns rather than explodes. |
explosion | The noise caused by an explosion. Three explosions damaged buildings at the barracks. |
explosive | Serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst. Explosive gas. |
firework | An outburst of anger, or a display of great skill or energy. They were oohing and aahing as if they were watching the fireworks. |
flak | Strong criticism. He has been getting flak from certain quarters lately for pointing this out. |
flare | Become flared and widen usually at one end. Tempers flared at the meeting. |
fulminate | Express vehement protest. Thunder fulminated around the house. |
grenade | A small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile. |
gush | Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet. Everyone came up to me and gushed about how lucky I was. |
ignite | Catch fire or cause to catch fire. Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter. |
implode | Burst inward. He lost money when the market imploded. |
kindle | Set (something) on fire. The young man kindled at once. |
nebula | An immense cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen) and dust in interstellar space. |
ordnance | A branch of government service dealing especially with military stores and materials. Unexploded ordnance. |
outburst | An unrestrained expression of emotion. An outburst of heavy rain. |
outpouring | A natural flow of ground water. A massive outpouring of high energy gamma rays. |
pyrotechnic | Suggestive of fireworks. A pyrotechnic wit. |
pyrotechnics | A firework display. He thrilled his audience with vocal pyrotechnics. |
supernova | A star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the process. |
volcano | A fissure in the earth’s crust (or in the surface of some other planet) through which molten lava and gases erupt. Clare had been building up a silent volcano of resentment. |