Need another word that means the same as “bowing down”? Find 30 related words for “bowing down” in this overview.
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Associations of "Bowing down" (30 Words)
abase | Cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of. I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees. |
beneath | In or to a place that is lower. A house built on stilts to allow air to circulate beneath. |
condescend | Treat condescendingly. He condescended to see me at my hotel. |
declension | The inflection of nouns and pronouns and adjectives in Indo-European languages. The declension of the new generation. |
declivity | A downward slope. A thickly wooded declivity. |
decrease | Decrease in size extent or range. He decreased his staff. |
demoralize | Cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope. The General Strike had demoralized the trade unions. |
descend | Move or fall downwards. An air of gloom descended on Labour Party headquarters. |
descending | (of sound) becoming lower in pitch. A passage of descending chords. |
descent | An act of moving downwards, dropping, or falling. A descent on the Channel ports. |
diminish | Make or become less. The new law is expected to diminish the government s chances. |
disparagement | A communication that belittles somebody or something. |
downgrade | Reduce to a lower grade, rank, or level of importance. A steep downgrade for which he had to put the car in second. |
downturn | A decline in economic, business, or other activity. The market took a downturn. |
downward | Moving or leading towards a lower place or level. He lay face downward. |
drop | The act of dropping something. He had a drop too much to drink. |
fall | A waterfall or cascade. Fall into a strange way of thinking. |
falling | Coming down freely under the influence of gravity. A falling market. |
flop | With a flopping sound. The show flopped in London. |
low | Of a river or lake below the usual water level. The reservoir is low. |
lower | Move something or somebody to a lower position. Land of a lower quality. |
reduce | Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements. Increase the heat and reduce the liquid. |
reduction | An arrangement of an orchestral score for piano or for a smaller group of performers. The process of vowel reduction. |
rundown | An analysis or summary of something by a knowledgeable person. He gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition. |
settle | Dispose of make a financial settlement. This land was settled by Germans. |
sink | Cause to sink. He saw the coffin sink below the surface of the waves. |
sit | Be or remain in a particular position or state. The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue. |
submergence | The action of completely covering or obscuring something. Total submergence of plants results in heavy crop losses. |
substrate | An indigenous language that contributes features to the language of an invading people who impose their language on the indigenous population. The Celtic languages of Britain are a substrate for English. |
under | Under water. Weaving the body through the crossbars over and under over and under. |