BROKEN DOWN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BROKEN DOWN?

Need another word that means the same as “broken down”? Find 30 related words for “broken down” in this overview.

Associations of "Broken down" (30 Words)

blightedAffected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity.
Blighted urban districts.
collapseCause a lung or blood vessel to collapse.
The collapse of a railway bridge.
curtailPlace restrictions on.
Civil liberties were further curtailed.
debaseCorrupt debase or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones.
War debases people.
declensionA class of nouns or pronouns or adjectives in Indo-European languages having the same (or very similar) inflectional forms.
The first declension in Latin.
declivityA downward slope or bend.
A thickly wooded declivity.
decreaseThe amount by which something decreases.
The population of the area has decreased radically.
demoralizeCorrupt the morals of (someone.
The General Strike had demoralized the trade unions.
descend(of night or darkness) begin to occur.
Groups of visiting supporters descended on a local pub.
descendingMoving or sloping downwards.
The categories are listed in descending order of usefulness.
descentAn unexpected visit.
The plane had gone into a steep descent.
destroyedDestroyed physically or morally.
Alzheimer s is responsible for her destroyed mind.
downturnA worsening of business or economic activity.
A downturn in the housing market.
downwardTowards a lower place, point, or level.
The downward pull of gravity.
dropAn instance of falling or dropping.
I got to the depot and made the drop.
fallAn act of falling or collapsing.
A fall from virtue.
fallingComing down freely under the influence of gravity.
Falling temperatures.
flopWith a flopping sound.
He landed on the bed with a great flop.
irremediableImpossible to remedy or correct or redress.
Irremediable marital breakdowns.
irreparableImpossible to repair, rectify, or amend.
They were doing irreparable damage to my heart and lungs.
irreparablyIn an irreparable manner or to an irreparable degree.
His eye had been damaged irreparably.
lowOf a vowel pronounced with the tongue held low in the mouth open.
The weatherman talked about highs and lows.
lowerMove something or somebody to a lower position.
Lower expectations.
reductionThe amount by which something is made smaller, less, or lower in price.
We must see if the fracture requires reduction.
rundown(of a company or industry) in a poor economic state.
He gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition.
He was said to be absolutely shattered after losing his job.
sinkCause a ship to sink.
The doctor concluded that the lad was sinking fast.
submergenceSinking until covered completely with water.
Politicians may be blamed for submergence of principle.
substrateAny stratum or layer lying underneath another.
The Celtic languages of Britain are a substrate for English.
underUnder water.
An under secretary.

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