Categories: GeneralSynonyms

COLORLESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COLORLESS?

Need another word that means the same as “colorless”? Find 1 synonym and 30 related words for “colorless” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Colorless” are: colourless

Colorless as an Adjective

Definitions of "Colorless" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “colorless” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Weak in color; not colorful.
  • Lacking in variety and interest.
  • Having or capable of producing colors.

Synonyms of "Colorless" as an adjective (1 Word)

colourlessWeak in color; not colorful.
Her colourless cheeks.

Usage Examples of "Colorless" as an adjective

  • A colorless and unimaginative person.
  • A colorless description of the parade.

Associations of "Colorless" (30 Words)

blueOf a person s skin having turned blue as a result of cold or breathing difficulties.
Far out upon the blue were many sails.
brilliantlyWith brightness.
He seems to be coping brilliantly.
coloredHaving skin rich in melanin pigments.
Colored crepe paper.
discolorLose color or turn colorless.
The painting discolored.
dyeAdd a colour to or change the colour of something by soaking it in a solution impregnated with a dye.
A black dye.
hueThe quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength.
The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine.
iridescentHaving a play of lustrous rainbow colors.
The drake s head has an iridescent purple sheen.
monochromatic(of light or other radiation) of a single wavelength or frequency.
It employs diffraction to focus monochromatic light.
monochromeHaving or appearing to have only one color.
motleyA garment made of motley especially a court jester s costume.
A motley crew.
opalescentShowing many small points of shifting colour against a pale or dark ground.
A milky opalescent or opaline luster.
orangeUsed in names of plants with similar fruit or flowers to the orange tree e g mock orange.
Orange juice.
paintBasketball a space including the foul line in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court usually painted a different color from the rest of the court.
The program enables you to paint images on your screen.
paintedCoated with paint.
Freshly painted lawn furniture.
paletteOne of the rounded armor plates at the armpits of a suit of armor.
He commands the sort of tonal palette which this music needs.
piebaldA piebald horse.
A piebald horse.
piedHaving sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly.
Pied daisies.
pigmentColour something with or as if with pigment.
Carotenoid pigments are red orange or yellow.
pigmentationAbnormal colouring of a person’s skin, typically resulting from disease.
polychromeColor with many colors make polychrome.
Painters gilded and polychromed the wooden carvings.
purpleBecome purple.
Purple tyrant.
redA red light.
The company was 4 million in the red.
roanA roan animal.
A blue roan.
smearStain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance.
There was an oil smear on his jacket.
spotMake a spot or mark onto.
They changed his spot on the program.
stainProduce or leave stains.
The awful events would unfairly stain the city s reputation.
stainedMarked or dyed or discolored with foreign matter.
A stained beer mat.
tintDye someone s hair with a tint.
A tint of glamour.
variegateChange the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors.
The musicians variegate the pitch.
whiteThe white part of an egg the nutritive and protective gelatinous substance surrounding the yolk consisting mainly of albumin dissolved in water.
Wide white margins.

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