COME ACROSS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COME ACROSS?

Need another word that means the same as “come across”? Find 30 related words for “come across” in this overview.

Associations of "Come across" (30 Words)

alongUsed to refer to the passage of time or the making of progress.
Move along.
antipodalRelating to or denoting cells formed at the chalazal end of the embryo sac.
Antipodal regions of the earth.
arriveReach a destination arrive by movement or progress.
We will be in touch with them when the time arrives.
ashoreTo or on the shore or land from the direction of the sea.
We spent the day ashore.
bridgeThe central part of a pair of glasses fitting over the bridge of the nose.
His letters provided a bridge across the centuries.
circumambulateWalk around something.
They used to circumambulate the perimeter wall.
crossPass the ball across the field towards the centre when attacking.
She has crossed the Atlantic twice.
drawbridgeA bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it.
There was a rattle of chains as the drawbridge was lowered.
escalatorA moving staircase consisting of an endlessly circulating belt of steps driven by a motor, which conveys people between the floors of a public building.
goGo through in search of something search through someone s belongings in an unauthorized way.
Come on Tony it s your go.
hereIn or at this place where the speaker or writer is.
What are we all doing here.
horizonThe great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane passes through the sensible horizon and the center of the Earth.
The upper horizon of the site showed an arrangement of two rows of features.
immigrateCome to live permanently in a foreign country.
An Australian who immigrated to Britain in 1982.
landingThe act of coming down to the earth (or other surface.
The D Day landings.
otherDenoting a person or thing that is different or distinct from one already mentioned or known about.
This is our last resort there s no other way of reaching an agreement.
overpassA bridge by which a road or railway line passes over another.
Did not its sublimity overpass a little the bounds of the ridiculous.
passPass by.
Things came to such a pass that these gentlemen sat coldly at the meetings not daring to speak out freely and honestly.
pathA line or route along which something travels or moves.
Genius usually follows a revolutionary path.
pedestrianA person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle.
The road is so dangerous pedestrians avoid it.
racetrackA racecourse.
railwayA set of tracks for other vehicles.
A railway line.
retraceGo back over (the same route that one has just taken.
We retraced the route we took last summer.
roadA railroad.
Clara had to walk in the road to avoid black plastic rubbish sacks.
routeSend via a specific route.
The many routes to a healthier diet will be described.
staircaseA set of stairs and the rooms leading off it in a large building, especially a school or college.
A mirrored staircase.
stationA bus or coach station.
Married above her station.
trackThe act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track.
The undercarriage was fully retractable inwards into the wing with a 90 inch track.
transverseExtending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis.
Transverse colon.
traverseAn area of land surveyed with a traverse.
There were three jewels in the traverse of the cross and four in the body.
walkwayA passage or path for walking along, especially a raised passageway connecting different sections of a building or a wide path in a park or garden.

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