CONFORMS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONFORMS?

Need another word that means the same as “conforms”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “conforms” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Conforms” are: adapt, adjust

Conforms as a Verb

Definitions of "Conforms" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “conforms” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
  • Be similar, be in line with.

Synonyms of "Conforms" as a verb (2 Words)

adaptAdapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
Hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice.
adjustAdapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
A single control adjusts the water flow.

Associations of "Conforms" (30 Words)

accedeTo agree or express agreement.
Elizabeth I acceded to the throne in 1558.
acclimateRespond physiologically or behaviourally to a change in an environmental factor under controlled conditions.
This should help new students acclimate to college life.
accordGo together.
The government and the rebels are in accord on one point.
accordanceConcurrence of opinion.
There is good accordance between the values.
adaptAdapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
The film was adapted from a Turgenev short story.
admissibleAcceptable or valid, especially as evidence in a court of law.
Foreigners were admissible only as temporary workers.
admittedlyUsed to express a concession or recognition that something is the case.
Admittedly the salary was not wonderful.
agreeBe in accord be in agreement.
Your body language does not agree with what you are saying.
agreedUnited by being of the same opinion.
The agreed date.
approbationOfficial recognition or approval.
A term of approbation.
approvalThe formal act of approving.
He bought it on approval.
approveBelieve that someone or something is good or acceptable.
I don t approve of romance.
assentAgreement with a statement or proposal to do something.
A loud murmur of assent.
coincideOccur at the same time.
Our views on this matter coincided.
complyAct in accordance with someone’s rules, commands, or wishes.
We are unable to comply with your request.
concurAgree with (a decision or opinion.
We strongly concur with this recommendation.
conformanceCorrespondence in form or appearance.
Conformance testing.
conformingAdhering to established customs or doctrines (especially in religion.
consensusAgreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole.
The lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions.
consentPermission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
No change may be made without the consent of all the partners.
correspondCommunicate by exchanging letters, emails, or other messages.
My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years.
exactlyUsed as a reply to confirm or agree with what has just been said.
He was doing precisely or exactly what she had told him to do.
fitThe manner in which something fits.
The landlord had not seen anyone fitting that description.
obedientlyIn an obedient manner.
The dog had been sitting obediently by her side.
obligationThe social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force- John.
They are under no obligation to stick to the scheme.
okA state in south central United States.
Things are okay.
ratifyApprove and express assent, responsibility, or obligation.
Both countries were due to ratify the treaty by the end of the year.
respectivelySeparately or individually and in the order already mentioned (used when enumerating two or more items or facts that refer back to a previous statement.
They received sentences of one year and eight months respectively.
unanimityAgreement by all people involved; consensus.
There is almost complete unanimity on this issue.
unanimouslyWithout opposition; with the agreement of all people involved.
A committee of MPs has unanimously agreed to back his bill.

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