CRACK DOWN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CRACK DOWN?

Need another word that means the same as “crack down”? Find 30 related words for “crack down” in this overview.

Associations of "Crack down" (30 Words)

abyssA catastrophic situation seen as likely to occur.
The abyss between the two nations.
apertureA device that controls amount of light admitted.
The bell ropes passed through apertures in the ceiling.
bifocalA pair of glasses with bifocal lenses.
Bifocal eyeglasses.
bifurcatedDivided into or made up of two parts.
Socially bifurcated populations.
breakBecome fractured break or crack on the surface only.
I was acting as referee and telling them to break.
cleavageThe act of cleaving or splitting.
Holly and Bridget checked their cleavages and rearranged their hair.
cleftSplit or divided.
A cleft chin.
collapseCollapse due to fatigue an illness or a sudden attack.
Some cots collapse down to fit into a holdall.
creviceA long narrow opening.
Many creatures hide in crevices in the rock.
descendingComing down or downward.
A rocky descending path.
differentialAn infinitesimal difference between successive values of a variable.
The differential features between benign and malignant tumours.
differentiateEvolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment.
Little now differentiates the firm s products from its rivals.
disjunctionThe act of breaking a connection.
There is a disjunction between the skills taught in education and those demanded in the labour market.
distinctionA discrimination between things as different and distinct on the basis of their characteristics or attributes.
She graduated with the highest distinction.
divergeDevelop in a different direction.
The coverage by the columnists diverged from that in the main news stories.
divergentDiverging from another or from a standard.
Divergent thinking.
divideForce, take, or pull apart.
3 divides into 15.
dividedDistributed in portions (often equal) on the basis of a plan or purpose.
A divided party leadership.
fallingComing down freely under the influence of gravity.
Falling temperatures.
fissureBreak into fissures or fine cracks.
The bacteria survive around vents or fissures in the deep ocean floor.
flopWith a flopping sound.
He landed on the bed with a great flop.
gapMake an opening or gap in.
The explosion made a gap in the wall.
incisedCut or impressed into a surface.
An incised design.
intersticeA small structural space between tissues or parts of an organ.
The interstices of a network.
partibleInvolving or denoting a system of inheritance in which a deceased person’s estate is divided equally among the heirs.
The entire family lost status as a consequence of partible inheritance.
ruptureThe act of making a sudden noisy break.
One of the boys was ruptured and needed to be fitted with a truss.
separatedSeparated at the joint.
A separated shoulder.
snapA card game in which cards from two piles are turned over simultaneously and players call snap as quickly as possible when two similar cards are exposed.
Snap your fingers.
splitA split osier used in basketwork.
The ice cracked and split.

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