DELEGATED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DELEGATED?

Need another word that means the same as “delegated”? Find 30 related words for “delegated” in this overview.

Associations of "Delegated" (30 Words)

allowAllow or plan for a certain possibility concede the truth or validity of something.
The river was patrolled and few people were allowed across.
appellationA geographical indication used to identify where the grapes for a wine are grown.
The city fully justifies its appellation the Pearl of the Orient.
appointDetermine or decide on (a time or a place.
They appointed her as personnel manager.
assignGive an assignment to a person to a post or assign a task to a person.
She has been assigned to a new job.
assignmentThe allocation of someone or something as belonging to a particular group or category.
The assignment of individuals to particular social positions.
authorizeGrant authorization or clearance for.
She authorized her assistant to sign the papers.
candidateA person or thing regarded as suitable for or likely to receive a particular fate, treatment, or position.
The Green Party candidate.
caucusHold or form a legislative caucus.
There is one Independent who caucuses with the Democrats.
colonelA commissioned military officer in the United States Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general.
commissioned(especially of a work of art) produced specially to order.
Those interested in pursuing careers as commissioned officers.
commissionerA person appointed to regulate a particular sport.
A baseball commissioner.
delegationA body of delegates or representatives; a deputation.
The delegation of power to the district councils.
denominate(of sums of money) be expressed in a specified monetary unit.
The borrowings were denominated in US dollars.
deputationA group of representatives or delegates.
He had been a member of a deputation to Napoleon III.
deputyA person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others.
His deputy has been largely running the business for the past year.
designateDecree or designate beforehand.
Certain schools are designated science schools.
designationThe action of choosing a place for a special purpose or giving it a special status.
Dibden Bay s designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
empowerGive or delegate power or authority to.
Members are empowered to audit the accounts of limited companies.
excellencyAn outstanding feature or quality.
The characteristic excellencies of Wordsworth's poetry are listed.
glyphA hieroglyphic character or symbol.
These glyphs refer to an ancient Olmec ruler.
leaderA shoot of a plant at the apex of a stem or main branch.
A leader in the use of video conferencing.
mayor(in the US, Canada, and certain other countries) the head of a municipal corporation, elected by the public.
nameGive a name to.
She was named Head of the Committee.
nominatePut forward nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position.
The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission.
ordainedFixed or established especially by order or command.
An ordained priest.
permitAllow for; admit of.
This will permit the rain to run off.
presidentThe head of a university.
The Irish president.
qualifyMake fit or prepared.
She felt obliged to qualify her first short answer.
representBe representative or typical for.
The painter represented his wife as a young girl.
representativeOf a government or political system based on elected or chosen representatives.
A PLO representative attending a meeting in Damascus.

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