DESCENDED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DESCENDED?

Need another word that means the same as “descended”? Find 30 related words for “descended” in this overview.

Associations of "Descended" (30 Words)

abateReduce or remove (a nuisance.
This action would not have been sufficient to abate the odour nuisance.
declensionThe class to which a noun or adjective is assigned according to the manner of this variation.
The first declension in Latin.
declineRefuse to accept.
The roof declines here.
declivityA downward slope.
A thickly wooded declivity.
decreaseThe amount by which something decreases.
The rate of decrease became greater.
descending(of sound) becoming lower in pitch.
The categories are listed in descending order of usefulness.
descentA downward slope.
The plane had gone into a steep descent.
diminishDecrease in size, extent, or range.
The pain will gradually diminish.
dipDip into a liquid while eating.
A reference work to dip into time and time again.
downBring down or defeat an opponent.
One down and only six more to go.
downturnA worsening of business or economic activity.
The market took a downturn.
downwardUsed to indicate that something applies to everyone in a certain hierarchy or set.
He lay face downward.
dropThe act of dropping something.
They dropped bombs on Caen during the raid.
fallGo as if by falling.
The hills around here fall towards the ocean.
fallingMoving from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control.
A falling market.
granteeA recipient of a grant.
immerseCause to be immersed.
She was still immersed in her thoughts.
lessenMake or become less; diminish.
The years have lessened the gap in age between us.
lowIn or into a low position or state.
Low hills.
parachuteDrop from an aircraft by parachute.
The former Conservative minister was controversially parachuted into the safe seat.
plummetA steep and rapid fall or drop.
The bird has a circular display flight followed by an earthward plummet.
plungeBegin with vigor.
A car swerved to avoid a bus and plunged into a ravine.
settleSettle into a position usually on a surface or ground.
They had not yet settled on a date for the wedding.
sinkCause a ship to sink.
You can relax on the veranda as the sun sinks low.
slumpAssume a drooping posture or carriage.
She slumped against the cushions.
submergeCause (something) to be under water.
Submerge your head completely.
submergenceThe action of completely covering or obscuring something.
Politicians may be blamed for submergence of principle.
Pellets were then submersed in agar.
subsideWear off or die down.
The mud subsides when the waters become calm.
underUnder water.
An under secretary.

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