Need another word that means the same as “discovers”? Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “discovers” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Discovers” are: detect, find, notice, observe, describe, distinguish, identify, key, key out, name, find out, get a line, get wind, get word, hear, learn, pick up, see, break, bring out, disclose, divulge, expose, give away, let on, let out, reveal, uncover, unwrap, attain, chance on, chance upon, come across, come upon, fall upon, happen upon, light upon, strike
Discovers as a Verb
Definitions of "Discovers" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “discovers” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Identify as in botany or biology, for example.
- Make a discovery, make a new finding.
- See for the first time; make a discovery.
- Find unexpectedly.
- Get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally.
- Discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of.
- Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret.
- Make a discovery.

Synonyms of "Discovers" as a verb (38 Words)
attain | Find unexpectedly. He attained the rank of Brigadier. |
break | Break down literally or metaphorically. Break cigarette smoking. |
bring out | Be sold for a certain price. |
chance on | Be the case by chance. |
chance upon | Come upon, as if by accident; meet with. |
come across | Develop into. |
come upon | Extend or reach. |
describe | To give an account or representation of in words. The man was described as tall clean shaven and with short dark hair. |
detect | Discern (something intangible or barely perceptible. Cancer may soon be detected in its earliest stages. |
disclose | Disclose to view as by removing a cover. They disclosed her name to the press. |
distinguish | Detect with the senses. It was too dark to distinguish anything more than their vague shapes. |
divulge | Make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret. I do not want to divulge my plans at the moment. |
expose | Expose while ridiculing especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas. He has been exposed as a liar and a traitor. |
fall upon | To be given by right or inheritance. |
find | Make a discovery make a new finding. I can t find my keys. |
find out | Get or find back; recover the use of. |
get a line | Apprehend and reproduce accurately. |
get wind | Communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone. |
get word | Cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition. |
give away | Convey or reveal information. |
happen upon | Chance to be or do something, without intention or causation. |
hear | Examine or hear evidence or a case by judicial process. No doubt you heard about the raid. |
identify | Identify as in botany or biology for example. The judge ordered that the girl should not be identified. |
key | Enter or operate on data by means of a computer keyboard or telephone keypad. His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot. |
key out | Provide with a key. |
learn | Find out learn or determine with certainty usually by making an inquiry or other effort. She learned dancing from her sister. |
let on | Leave unchanged. |
let out | Grant use or occupation of under a term of contract. |
light upon | Begin to smoke. |
name | Mention by name. They named their son David. |
notice | Notice or perceive. I noticed that she was looking tired. |
observe | Observe with care or pay close attention to. A minute s silence will be observed. |
pick up | Pilfer or rob. |
reveal | Make visible. God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind. |
see | Go to see for a social visit. I want to see results. |
strike | Undertake strike action against an employer. We must strike the enemy s oil fields. |
uncover | Remove one’s hat, especially as a mark of respect. The newspaper uncovered the President s illegal dealings. |
unwrap | Remove the wrapping from (a package. Unwrap the evidence in the murder case. |

Usage Examples of "Discovers" as a verb
- The story is false, so far as I can discover.
- Who discovered the North Pole?
- Roentgen discovered X-rays.

Associations of "Discovers" (30 Words)
ascertain | Establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study. An attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident. |
conceive | Become pregnant; undergo conception. He conceived of a robot that would help paralyzed patients. |
decide | Cause to decide. The vote in New Hampshire often decides the outcome of the Presidential election. |
detect | Discover or identify the presence or existence of. Cancer may soon be detected in its earliest stages. |
detection | The detection that a signal is being received. Early detection can often lead to a cure. |
determine | Find out learn or determine with certainty usually by making an inquiry or other effort. My wife had determined that I must swap my old bike for a car. |
discern | Detect with the senses. I can discern no difference between the two policies. |
discovered | Discovered or determined by scientific observation. The discovered behavior norms. |
discovery | Something that is discovered. The discovery of the body. |
espy | Catch sight of. She espied her daughter rounding the corner. |
exploration | A careful systematic search. He called for a careful exploration of the consequences. |
explore | Examine (organs) for diagnostic purposes. Explore unknown territory in biology. |
find | Come upon after searching find the location of something that was missed or lost. I can t find my keys. |
hide-and-seek | Go to or towards. |
know | Know how to do or perform something. I know it s time. |
locate | Assign a location to. The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles. |
malfunction | A failure to function normally. The unit is clearly malfunctioning. |
newfound | Newly discovered. Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea. |
notice | Notice or perceive. She had good notices in her first film. |
observe | Observe with care or pay close attention to. She observed that his presentation took up too much time. |
perceive | Interpret or regard (someone or something) in a particular way. She finally perceived the futility of her protest. |
pinpoint | Absolutely precise; to the finest degree. A pinpoint of light. |
prevention | The act of preventing. The treatment and prevention of malaria. |
rummage | (of a customs officer) make a thorough search of (a vessel. We rummaged through the drawers. |
searching | Having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect. Searching insights. |
see | Go to see for a social visit. This program will be seen all over the world. |
seek | Inquire for. She always seeks to do good in the world. |
seismograph | A measuring instrument for detecting and measuring the intensity and direction and duration of movements of the ground (as an earthquake. |
sight | Take a detailed visual measurement of something with or as with a sight. John was a familiar sight in the bar for many years. |
witness | Be a witness to. The nuclear family is a vulnerable institution witness the rates of marital breakdown. |