EXERTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXERTED?

Need another word that means the same as “exerted”? Find 30 related words for “exerted” in this overview.

Associations of "Exerted" (30 Words)

belaborTo work at or to absurd length.
She was belabored by her fellow students.
catalyzeChange by catalysis or cause to catalyze.
cloutA long distance shot that hits a clout.
I clouted him round the head.
extrudeThrust or force out.
Lava was being extruded from the volcano.
gavelBring a hearing or person to order by use of a gavel.
He gavelled the convention to order.
hitHit with a missile from a weapon.
It was still night when we hit the outskirts of London.
impactThe violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat.
The book had an important impact on my thinking.
impingeImpinge or infringe upon.
Several factors impinge on market efficiency.
implicationSomething that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied.
He was suspected of implication in several robberies.
impressionAn impressionistic portrayal of a person.
Her courtesy had made a good impression.
influenceHave an influence on.
The influence of television violence.
jostleThe action of jostling.
People jostled against us.
leverageMechanical advantage gained by leverage.
We need to leverage this company.
maintainMaintain by writing regular records.
The need to maintain close links between industry and schools.
manageBe the manager of a sports team or a performer.
The skills needed to manage a young dynamic team.
militateHave force or influence; bring about an effect or change.
These fundamental differences will militate against the two communities coming together.
moderatingLessening in intensity or strength.
pierce14th President of the United States (1804-1869.
I pierced my nose and ears.
predisposeMake someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.
This illness predisposes you to gain weight.
pressPress from a plastic.
The incident was not reported in the press.
pressureThe act of pressing the exertion of pressure.
The compressed gas exerts an increased pressure.
punchDrive forcibly as if by a punch.
I punched the button to summon the lift.
pushMake strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby.
The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate.
pushingThe act of applying force in order to move something away.
The pushing is good exercise.
shoveThe act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something.
I should have told the boss to shove it.
suggestibleOpen to suggestion; easily swayed.
A suggestible client would comply.
systemic(of an insecticide, fungicide, or similar substance) entering the plant via the roots or shoots and passing through the tissues.
The disease is localized rather than systemic.
wangleAn act or an instance of obtaining something by persuasion or clever manipulation.
A rather clever wangle on the part of some of the folk at the office.
wieldHave and exercise.
A masked raider wielding a handgun.

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