Need another word that means the same as “familiar”? Find 41 synonyms and 30 related words for “familiar” in this overview.
- Familiar as a Noun
- Definitions of "Familiar" as a noun
- Synonyms of "Familiar" as a noun (12 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Familiar" as a noun
- Familiar as an Adjective
- Definitions of "Familiar" as an adjective
- Synonyms of "Familiar" as an adjective (29 Words)
- Usage Examples of "Familiar" as an adjective
- Associations of "Familiar" (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Familiar” are: conversant, intimate, known about, well known, known, recognized, accustomed, acquainted with, conversant with, versed in, informed about, knowledgeable about, well informed about, skilled in, proficient in, close, dear, near, confidential, bosom, overfamiliar, unduly familiar, presumptuous, disrespectful, forward, bold, impudent, impertinent, intrusive, familiar spirit, associate, companion, comrade, fellow, friend, best friend, boon companion, confidant, confidante, second self
Familiar as a Noun
Definitions of "Familiar" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “familiar” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- (in the Roman Catholic Church) a person rendering certain services in a pope's or bishop's household.
- A close friend or associate.
- A person attached to the household of a high official (as a pope or bishop) who renders service in return for support.
- A spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard.
- A demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch, often said to assume the form of an animal.
- A friend who is frequently in the company of another.

Synonyms of "Familiar" as a noun (12 Words)
associate | A person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor. A close associate of the Minister. |
best friend | The supreme effort one can make. |
boon companion | A desirable state. |
companion | A member of the lowest grade of certain orders of knighthood. The small hot and compact companion of Sirius was discovered in 1915. |
comrade | (among men) a colleague or a fellow member of an organization. You re right comrade. |
confidant | Someone to whom private matters are confided. A close confidante of the princess. |
confidante | A female confidant. |
familiar spirit | A spirit (usually in animal form) that acts as an assistant to a witch or wizard. |
fellow | An elected graduate receiving a stipend for a period of research. Say fellow what are you doing. |
friend | A person who supports a cause, organization, or country by giving financial or other help. We were close friends. |
intimate | A very close friend. His circle of intimates. |
second self | The official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match. |

Usage Examples of "Familiar" as a noun
- Her familiars were her two little griffons that nested in her skirts.

Familiar as an Adjective
Definitions of "Familiar" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “familiar” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Well known or easily recognized.
- Well informed about or knowing thoroughly.
- Having a good knowledge of.
- (usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing thoroughly.
- Having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship.
- Within normal everyday experience; common and ordinary; not strange.
- Well known from long or close association.
- Informal or intimate to an inappropriate degree.
- Often encountered or experienced; common.
- In close friendship; intimate.

Synonyms of "Familiar" as an adjective (29 Words)
accustomed | Customary; usual. His accustomed thoroughness. |
acquainted with | Having fair knowledge of. |
bold | Clear and distinct. I slapped him when he was bold. |
close | Fitting closely but comfortably. Had a close call. |
confidential | (of information) given in confidence or in secret. A confidential approach. |
conversant | Well informed about or knowing thoroughly. You need someone who is conversant with the new technology. |
conversant with | Well informed about or knowing thoroughly. |
dear | Dearly loved. Martin my dear fellow. |
disrespectful | Showing a lack of respect or courtesy; impolite. Remarks disrespectful of the law. |
forward | Moving forward. A forward child badly in need of discipline. |
impertinent | Not pertinent to the matter under consideration. An impertinent question. |
impudent | Not showing due respect for another person; impertinent. The student was kept in for impudent behavior. |
informed about | Having much knowledge or education. |
intimate | Thoroughly acquainted through study or experience. The small room was cozy and intimate. |
intrusive | Of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock. An intrusive arm of the sea. |
knowledgeable about | Alert and fully informed. |
known | Publicly acknowledged to be. A musician known throughout the world. |
known about | Apprehended with certainty. |
near | Located on the nearside of a vehicle. His state of near despair. |
overfamiliar | Taking undue liberties. The overfamiliar teacher s voice. |
presumptuous | Excessively forward. The duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants. |
proficient in | Of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill. |
recognized | Generally approved or compelling recognition. A recognized authority. |
skilled in | Having or showing or requiring special skill. |
unduly familiar | Having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship. |
versed in | Thoroughly acquainted through study or experience-W.H.Hudson- Herbert Read. |
well informed about | Resulting favorably. |
well known | In good health especially after having suffered illness or injury. |

Usage Examples of "Familiar" as an adjective
- A day like any other filled with familiar duties and experiences.
- A familiar figure.
- Familiar guests.
- He was being overly familiar with Gloria.
- A familiar voice.
- The situation was all too familiar.
- Ensure that you are familiar with the heating controls.
- Familiar with the complex machinery.
- She had not realized they were on such familiar terms.
- Familiar songs.
- He was familiar with those roads.
- A familiar everyday scene.
- On familiar terms.
- Familiar ordinary objects found in every home.
- A familiar excuse.
- Their faces will be familiar to many of you.

Associations of "Familiar" (30 Words)
acquaintance | Acquaintances considered collectively. I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances. |
acquainted | Having fair knowledge of. They were acquainted. |
adept | Very skilled or proficient at something. Adept in handicrafts. |
adroit | Quick or skillful or adept in action or thought. An adroit technician. |
affair | A sexual relationship between two people, one or both of whom are married to someone else. It is none of your affair. |
ambient | Relating to ambient music. The liquid is stored at below ambient temperature. |
around | All around or on all sides. Weighs around a hundred pounds. |
close | Engage at close quarters. Very close or near with his money. |
closely | In a close relation or position in time or space. Both children are clearly very closely attached to their parents. |
closeness | Characterized by a lack of openness (especially about one’s actions or purposes. Apes are often selected due to their evolutionary closeness to humans. |
connected | Brought together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established. All the window alarms are connected. |
conversant | Familiar with or knowledgeable about something. You need someone who is conversant with the new technology. |
deft | Demonstrating skill and cleverness. A deft piece of footwork. |
dexterous | Showing or having skill, especially with the hands. A dexterous keyboard player. |
dextrous | Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands. |
experienced | Having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation. An experienced social worker. |
extraordinarily | To a remarkable degree; extremely. He did a good job in extraordinarily difficult circumstances. |
familiarity | Usualness by virtue of being familiar or well known. The reassuring familiarity of his parents home. |
familiarly | In an intimately familiar manner. |
informed | Having or showing knowledge of a subject or situation. She lacks the ability to make an informed decision. |
intimacy | Close familiarity or friendship. He acquired an intimacy with Swahili literature. |
intimate | Used euphemistically to refer to the genitals. An intimate little Italian restaurant. |
intimately | In a way that involves a close link or relationship. The pair laughed and talked intimately. |
involvement | The fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something. He escaped involvement in the accident. |
know | Have firsthand knowledge of states situations emotions or sensations. I know of one local who shot himself. |
prevailing | Having most appeal or influence; prevalent. Prevailing winds. |
proficient | A person who is proficient. She felt reasonably proficient in Italian. |
skillful | Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. A lesser known but no less skillful composer. |
sociality | The tendency to associate with others and to form social groups. Mammals as a class are not strong on sociality. |
tactful | Showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people. A tactful way of correcting someone. |