Need another word that means the same as “confidential”? Find 8 synonyms and 30 related words for “confidential” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Confidential” are: secret, private, personal, intimate, privileged, quiet, restricted, exclusive
Confidential as an Adjective
Definitions of "Confidential" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “confidential” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Given in confidence or in secret.
- Entrusted with private information and the confidence of another.
- Entrusted with private or restricted information.
- (of a person's tone of voice) indicating that what one says is private or secret.
- Denoting confidence or intimacy.
- (of information) given in confidence or in secret.
- Intended to be kept secret.
- The level of official classification for documents next above restricted and below secret; available only to persons authorized to see documents so classified.

Synonyms of "Confidential" as an adjective (8 Words)
exclusive | Catering for or available to only a few, select customers; high class and expensive. Prices are exclusive of VAT. |
intimate | Innermost or essential. Their intimate involvement with their community. |
personal | Of or arising from personality. He had the cheek to make personal remarks. |
private | Concerning things deeply private and personal. Secret or private thoughts. |
privileged | Confined to an exclusive group. Privileged information. |
quiet | Of the sun characterized by a low level of surface phenomena like sunspots e.g. Molly spoke with quiet confidence. |
restricted | Restricted in meaning as e g man in a tall man. The mechanism of restricted virus replication. |
secret | Of information given in confidence or in secret. Their secret signal was a wink. |

Usage Examples of "Confidential" as an adjective
- Confidential information.
- A confidential secretary.
- This arrangement must be kept confidential.
- He dropped his voice to a confidential whisper.
- In confidential tone of voice.
- A confidential approach.

Associations of "Confidential" (30 Words)
anonymity | Lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; impersonality. The anonymity of big city life definitely has its advantages. |
bruit | A sound, especially an abnormal one, heard through a stethoscope; a murmur. I didn t want to have our relationship bruited about the office. |
clandestine | Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods. Clandestine intelligence operations. |
classified | Small advertisements placed in a newspaper and organized in categories. Classified advertisements. |
concealed | Hidden on any grounds for any motive. A concealed compartment in his briefcase. |
conclave | The meeting place for a conclave. |
covert | A covering that serves to conceal or shelter something. Covert actions by the CIA. |
den | A wild mammal s hidden home a lair. A female mink had set up her den there. |
effluence | The process of flowing out. |
encode | Convert into a coded form. Encode pictures digitally. |
esoterica | Secrets known only to an initiated minority. A professor of such esoterica as angelology and comparative shamanism. |
furtive | Attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive. The look in his eyes became furtive. |
inward | Directed or moving inward or toward a center. She felt an inward sense of release. |
lavatory | A flush toilet. He locked himself in the downstairs lavatory. |
leak | An instance of leaking. A report was leaked to the press. |
leakage | Deliberate disclosure of confidential information. We re saving water by reducing leakage. |
outflow | A natural flow of ground water. An outflow of foreign currency. |
personal | Of or arising from personality. For your personal use. |
private | Concerning things deeply private and personal. His private plane. |
privy | A room or building equipped with one or more toilets. Privy to the details of the conspiracy. |
rendezvous | Meet at a rendezvous. He was waiting for them at the rendezvous. |
secret | Given in confidence or in secret. A secret formula. |
spy | Watch, observe, or inquire secretly. A spy camera. |
stealthy | Marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed. Stealthy footsteps. |
surreptitious | Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of. Low wages were supplemented by surreptitious payments from tradesmen. |
tryst | A date; usually with a member of the opposite sex. A moonlight tryst. |
undercover | Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods. An undercover investigation. |
underground | An underground railway especially the one in London. They appealed to the undergrounds to stop their violent activities. |
underhand | Slyly and secretly. Achieved success in business only by underhand methods. |
underhanded | Marked by deception. Underhanded practices. |