Need another word that means the same as “hardly”? Find 15 synonyms and 30 related words for “hardly” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Hardly” are: barely, scarce, scarcely, hard, just, only just, not much, faintly, narrowly, slightly, rarely, little, only with difficulty, only with effort, almost not
Hardly as an Adverb
Definitions of "Hardly" as an adverb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “hardly” as an adverb can have the following definitions:
- Harshly.
- Scarcely (used to qualify a statement by saying that it is true to an insignificant degree.
- Only a very short time before.
- Almost not.
- No or not (suggesting surprise at or disagreement with a statement.
- Slowly and with difficulty.
- Only with great difficulty.

Synonyms of "Hardly" as an adverb (15 Words)
almost not | Slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but. |
barely | Only a very short time before. It was barely 5 a m. |
faintly | To a faint degree or weakly perceived. She smiled faintly. |
hard | Causing great damage or hardship. It was raining hard. |
just | Only a very short time before. That s just what I need. |
little | Only to a small extent; not much or often (used for emphasis. He had slept little these past weeks. |
narrowly | Only just; by only a small margin. Narrowly defined tasks. |
not much | To a great degree or extent. |
only just | Without any others being included or involved. |
only with difficulty | And nothing more. |
only with effort | Never except when. |
rarely | To an unusual degree; exceptionally. We rarely met. |
scarce | Scarcely. A babe scarce two years old. |
scarcely | Only just; almost not. She had scarcely dismounted before the door swung open. |
slightly | To a small degree or extent. The children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other. |

Usage Examples of "Hardly" as an adverb
- We hardly knew them.
- I nodded, hardly able to breath.
- I can hardly hear what she is saying.
- I hardly think so.
- He was so dizzy he could hardly stand up straight.
- He hardly ever goes fishing.
- A thing hardly bigger than a credit card.
- The rule worked hardly.
- She could hardly sit up.
- The little house in which he lived was hardly bigger than a hut.
- The party had hardly started when the police arrived.
- We hardly know each other.

Associations of "Hardly" (30 Words)
anymore | At the present or from now on; usually used with a negative. Alice doesn t live here anymore. |
barely | In a sparse or scanty way. They had barely sat down before forty policemen swarmed in. |
coincidentally | Happening at the same time. The three are coincidentally reunited when captured by the enemy. |
curio | Something unusual — perhaps worthy of collecting. They had such fun over the wonderful box of curios that Jack had sent from India. |
deficient | Insufficient or inadequate. This diet is deficient in vitamin B. |
frequently | Regularly or habitually; often. They go abroad frequently. |
infrequently | Not often; rarely. A storage area for infrequently used items. |
meagerly | Deficient in amount or quality or extent. These voices are meagerly represented at the conference. |
no | Not in any degree or manner not at all. His no was loud and clear. |
occasional | Employed for a particular occasion or on an irregular basis. Took an occasional glass of wine. |
occasionally | Now and then or here and there. Very occasionally the condition can result in death. |
oddity | A strange attitude or habit. She was regarded as a bit of an oddity. |
often | In many cases or instances. We often met over a cup of coffee. |
rare | Not widely distributed. A rare skill. |
rarely | Not often. The rarely fine Sheraton bookcase. |
rareness | Noteworthy scarcity. |
rarity | A rare thing, especially one having particular value. The rarity of the condition. |
scant | Barely amounting to a specified number or quantity. The press regularly scants a host of issues relating to safety and health. |
scanty | (of clothing) revealing the body. Her dress was scanty and revealing. |
scarce | Scarcely. A babe scarce two years old. |
scarcely | Only a very short time before. Her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what she is saying. |
seldom | Not often. An old seldom used church. |
sometimes | Occasionally, rather than all of the time. Sometimes I want to do things on my own. |
sparse | Thinly dispersed or scattered. Information on earnings is sparse. |
sparsely | In a sparse manner. A sparsely populated region. |
special | For a special service or occasion. Television s election night specials. |
sporadically | Occasionally or at irregular intervals. He only works sporadically. |
typically | With the distinctive qualities of a particular type of person or thing. Typically she showed no alarm. |
uncommonly | Exceptionally; very. He is an uncommonly good talker. |
unusual | Being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird. The government has taken the unusual step of calling home its ambassador. |