Need another word that means the same as “typically”? Find 30 related words for “typically” in this overview.
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Associations of "Typically" (30 Words)
always | Repeatedly and annoyingly. He always arrives on time. |
anymore | At the present or from now on; usually used with a negative. Alice doesn t live here anymore. |
barely | In a simple and sparse way. Their barely furnished house. |
chiefly | For the most part; mostly. He is remembered chiefly for his organ sonatas. |
commonly | Very often; frequently. A commonly used industrial chemical. |
ever | At all times all the time and on every occasion. Why ever did you do it. |
exponentially | (with reference to an increase) more and more rapidly. The coefficients show an exponentially decaying trend. |
frequently | Regularly or habitually; often. They go abroad frequently. |
generally | In general terms; without regard to particulars or exceptions. The best scheme is generally reckoned to be the Canadian one. |
habitually | By way of habit; customarily. Does he lie habitually. |
hardly | Almost not. I hardly think so. |
infrequently | Not many times. He cooks but only infrequently. |
mainly | For the most part. The west will be mainly dry. |
mostly | Usually; as a rule. I made some good friends but mostly met closed minded people. |
normally | In a normal manner. Try to breathe normally. |
occasionally | Sporadically and infrequently. Very occasionally the condition can result in death. |
often | Frequently or in great quantities. We often met over a cup of coffee. |
ordinarily | Usually. A person who is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom. |
pantechnicon | A large van for transporting furniture. |
rare | Marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind-J.R.Lowell. Rare gasses. |
rarely | To an unusual degree; exceptionally. I rarely drive above 50 mph. |
rareness | Noteworthy scarcity. |
routinely | Frequently and without proper consideration of the consequences. Large scale producers routinely vaccinate their birds against the disease. |
seldom | Not often. An old seldom used church. |
sometimes | Occasionally, rather than all of the time. Sometimes I want to do things on my own. |
sparsely | In a sparse manner. A sparsely attended press conference. |
sporadically | Occasionally or at irregular intervals. He only works sporadically. |
uncommonly | Exceptionally; very. He is an uncommonly good talker. |
universally | By everyone; in every case. Progress is not always universally welcomed. |
usually | Under normal conditions; generally. He usually arrives home about one o clock. |