HEAD START MEANING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HEAD START MEANING?

Need another word that means the same as “head start meaning”? Find 30 related words for “head start meaning” in this overview.

Associations of "Head start meaning" (30 Words)

beginBegin to speak or say.
The convocation ceremony officially begins the semester.
beginningThe place where something begins, where it springs into being.
The Italian beginning of the Renaissance.
boosterAn amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal.
Boosters at five year intervals are recommended.
colonistA person who settles in a new colony or moves into new country.
commenceGet off the ground.
His design team commenced work.
commencementAn academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred.
The date of commencement.
earlyOf an early stage in the development of a language or literature.
Took early retirement.
emanateOriginate from; be produced by.
He emanated a powerful brooding air.
foreFront part of a vessel or aircraft.
The fore and hind pairs of wings.
frontProvide something with a front or facing of a particular type or material.
The Spartans preserving an even and unbroken front.
germinalIn the earliest stage of development.
De Beauvoir s germinal book The Second Sex.
inaugurateCommence officially.
He inaugurated a new policy of trade and exploration.
incipientOnly partly in existence; imperfectly formed.
An incipient black eye.
initialMark or sign a document with one s initials in order to authorize or validate it.
See that your client initials all alterations.
initiallyAt the beginning.
Initially he thought the new concept was nonsense.
initiateA person who has been initiated into an organization or activity.
He initiated a new program.
initiativeServing to set in motion.
Anti hunting groups have seized the initiative in the dispute.
introductionA thing preliminary to something else, especially an explanatory section at the beginning of a book, report, or speech.
Issues arising from the introduction of new technology.
launchAn act or instance of launching something.
He launched a biting attack on BBC chiefs.
originThe point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived.
Origin in sensation.
originateBring into being.
The flight originates in Calcutta.
outsetThe start or beginning of something.
The project was flawed from the outset.
pioneerOpen up a road or terrain as a pioneer.
The technique was pioneered by a Swiss doctor in the 1930s.
projectileDenoting or relating to a projectile.
A projectile weapon.
punditSomeone who has been admitted to membership in a scholarly field.
Political pundits were tipping him for promotion.
rocketAn elongated rocket propelled missile or spacecraft.
She showed the kind of form that rocketed her to the semi finals last year.
settlerA clerk in a betting shop who calculates the winnings.
The early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution.
sourceObtain from a particular source.
The writer carefully sourced her report.
stirringAgitating a liquid with an implement.
A stirring and thriving politician.
trailblazerSomeone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art.
He was a trailblazer for many ideas that are now standard fare.

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