Need another word that means the same as “horrifying”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “horrifying” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Horrifying” are: atrocious, frightful, horrible, ugly
Horrifying as an Adjective
Definitions of "Horrifying" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “horrifying” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Provoking horror.
- Provoking horror- Winston Churchill.
- Causing horror; extremely shocking.

Synonyms of "Horrifying" as an adjective (4 Words)
atrocious | Exceptionally bad or displeasing. Atrocious weather. |
frightful | Provoking horror. Her hair was a frightful mess. |
horrible | Provoking horror- Winston Churchill. A horrible massacre. |

Usage Examples of "Horrifying" as an adjective
- A horrifying incident.
- An alarming, even horrifying, picture.

Associations of "Horrifying" (30 Words)
alarming | Worrying or disturbing. Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate. |
appalling | An experience that appalls. Is it better to view the appalling or merely hear of it. |
atrocious | Provoking horror. Murder is an atrocious crime. |
chilling | Horrifying or frightening. A chilling account of the prisoners fate. |
diabolical | Showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil. The diabolical expression on his face. |
disgusting | Arousing revulsion or strong indignation. A disgusting smell. |
dreadful | (of a person) unwell or troubled. I feel dreadful I hate myself. |
eyesore | A thing that is very ugly, especially a building. The office crumbled into an eyesore. |
formidable | Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. A formidable opponent. |
frightening | Causing fear or dread or terror. A frightening experience. |
frightful | Extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact. Her hair was a frightful mess. |
frustration | The feeling of being upset or annoyed as a result of being unable to change or achieve something. The inherent frustrations of assembly line work. |
ghastly | Causing great horror or fear. One of the most ghastly crimes ever committed. |
grisly | Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. A grisly murder. |
gruesome | Extremely unpleasant. The most gruesome murder. |
hellish | Extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell. An unearthly hellish landscape. |
hideous | So extremely ugly as to be terrifying. A hideous scar. |
horrible | Causing or likely to cause horror; shocking. A horrible massacre. |
horrific | Causing fear or dread or terror. Horrific conditions in the mining industry. |
infernal | Relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld. You re an infernal nuisance. |
macabre | Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. A macabre series of murders. |
repulsive | So extremely ugly as to be terrifying. A repulsive mask. |
scary | Frightening; causing fear. It was scary the way they bonded with each other. |
sepulchral | Suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial. Hollow sepulchral tones. |
terrible | Extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact. The terrible conditions in which the ordinary people lived. |
terrifying | Causing extreme terror. A terrifying wail. |
unlovely | Not attractive; ugly. Unlovely tower blocks. |
unsightly | Unpleasant to look at; ugly. Unsightly billboards. |
unspeakable | Exceptionally bad or displeasing. Unspeakable happiness. |