INVENTIONS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INVENTIONS?

Need another word that means the same as “inventions”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “inventions” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Inventions” are: innovation, conception, design, excogitation

Inventions as a Noun

Definitions of "Inventions" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “inventions” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The act of inventing.
  • A creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation.
  • The creation of something in the mind.

Synonyms of "Inventions" as a noun (4 Words)

conceptionAn abstract idea; a concept.
The conception of a balance of power.
designA decorative pattern.
Good design can help the reader understand complicated information.
excogitationThinking something out with care in order to achieve complete understanding of it.
innovationThe creation of something in the mind.
Innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization.

Associations of "Inventions" (30 Words)

abstractionThe act of withdrawing or removing something.
She sensed his momentary abstraction.
artworkIllustrations, photographs, or other non-textual material prepared for inclusion in a publication.
A collection of artwork from tribal cultures.
conceiveJudge or regard; look upon; judge.
The dam project was originally conceived in 1977.
conceptionAbility to imagine; understanding.
Our conception of how language relates to reality.
contriveCome up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort.
They contrived to murder their boss.
createCreate or manufacture a man made product.
He was created a baronet.
creationGod’s act of bringing the universe into existence.
Creation of a coalition government.
creativeA person whose job involves creative work.
The most important people in the mix will be creatives and direct marketing specialists.
creativelyIn a creative manner.
This article inspires you to think creatively.
creativenessThe ability to create.
creativityThe ability to create.
Firms are keen to encourage creativity.
devisePlan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
Devise a plan to take over the director s office.
discoveryThe act of discovering something.
The drug is not a new discovery.
feignMake a pretence of.
He feigned that he was ill.
figmentA contrived or fantastic idea.
It really was Ross and not a figment of her overheated imagination.
freshnessThe quality of being pleasantly new or different.
The restaurant s selling point is the freshness of its ingredients.
groundbreakingInnovative; pioneering.
Groundbreaking research into fertility problems.
hallucinatoryOf or resembling a hallucination.
A hallucinatory fantasy.
ideaThe aim or purpose.
It s a good idea to do some research before you go.
imaginationThe ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems.
Imagination reveals what the world could be.
imaginativeHaving or showing creativity or inventiveness.
He was imaginative beyond all other architects.
ingeniousShowing inventiveness and skill.
An ingenious solution to the problem.
ingenuityThe property of being ingenious.
Considerable ingenuity must be employed in writing software.
innovationThe creation of something in the mind.
Technological innovations designed to save energy.
innovativeBeing or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before.
Innovative ways to help unemployed people.
inventiveShowing creativity or original thought.
A courageous and inventive piece of film making.
makeCompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way.
He waited confidently for his band to make it.
newBeginning anew and in a transformed way.
The new Madonna album.
noveltyThe quality of being new, original, or unusual.
A novelty teapot.
originalityThe quality of being new and original (not derived from something else.
She s a writer of great originality.

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