Need another word that means the same as “linger”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “linger” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Linger” are: dawdle, hover, footle, hang around, lallygag, loaf, loiter, lollygag, lounge, lurk, mess about, mill about, mill around, tarry, wait around, stay, remain, stay put, wait, persist, continue
Linger as a Verb
Definitions of "Linger" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “linger” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Leave slowly and hesitantly.
- Stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.
- Move to and fro.
- Remain present although waning or gradually dying.
- Spend a long time over (something.
- Take one's time; proceed slowly.
- Be slow to disappear or die.
- Be about.

Synonyms of "Linger" as a verb (21 Words)
continue | Continue talking he continued. We continue the story from the point reached in Chapter 1. |
dawdle | Take one’s time; proceed slowly. She mustn t dawdle she had to make the call now. |
footle | Be about. Where's that pesky creature that was footling about outside? |
hang around | Let drop or droop. |
hover | Linger close at hand, especially in a hesitant or uncertain manner. If you hover over the video it will play a preview with sound. |
lallygag | Be about. |
loaf | Be about. |
loiter | Walk slowly and with no apparent purpose; dawdle. The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square. |
lollygag | Spend time aimlessly; idle. We re lollygagging along. |
lounge | Lie, sit, or stand in a relaxed or lazy way. Several students were lounging about reading papers. |
lurk | Wait in hiding to attack. A ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness. |
mess about | Make a mess of or create disorder in. |
mill about | Move about in a confused manner. |
mill around | Roll out (metal) with a rolling machine. |
persist | Be persistent refuse to stop. The minority of drivers who persist in drinking. |
remain | Stay the same remain in a certain state. Despite student protests he remained Dean for another year. |
stay | Stay the same remain in a certain state. The smell stayed in the room. |
stay put | Stay put in a certain place. |
tarry | Leave slowly and hesitantly. |
wait | Wait before acting. I told my parents not to wait supper. |
wait around | Stay in one place and anticipate or expect something. |

Usage Examples of "Linger" as a verb
- The tradition seems to linger on.
- We are thankful that she didn't linger on and suffer.
- She lingered over her meal.
- Her perfume lingered on.
- She let her eyes linger on him suggestively.
- She lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine.
- The shy student lingered in the corner.

Associations of "Linger" (30 Words)
behind | A kick that sends the ball over a behind line or a touch that sends it between the inner posts scoring one point. She was behind with her rent. |
continue | Continue a certain state condition or activity. We continued to work into the night. |
dally | Have a casual romantic or sexual liaison with. Get busy don t dally. |
dawdle | Move slowly and idly in a particular direction. She mustn t dawdle she had to make the call now. |
decelerate | Reduce the speed of. The train began to decelerate. |
delay | The action of delaying or being delayed. The train was delayed. |
existing | Existing in something specified. Depletion of the oxygen existing in the bloodstream. |
glitch | A fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine. The only glitch in his year is failing to qualify for the Masters. |
hover | Move to and fro. You can hover your cursor over any button to see an explanation. |
lag | Cover with lagging to prevent heat loss. Lag pipes. |
latency | The time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it. Poor performance due to network latency. |
levitate | Rise or cause to rise and hover in the air, typically by means of supposed magical powers. The guru claimed that he could levitate. |
lingering | Lasting for a long time or slow to end. There are still some lingering doubts in my mind. |
loiter | Walk slowly and with no apparent purpose; dawdle. She saw Mary loitering near the cloakrooms. |
lurk | (of an unpleasant quality) be present in a latent or barely discernible state, although still presenting a threat. Danger lurks beneath the surface. |
onwards | In a forward direction. |
persevere | Be persistent, refuse to stop. His family persevered with his treatment. |
persist | Be persistent refuse to stop. He persisted to call me every night. |
pitchy | Having the characteristics of pitch or tar. |
postpone | Hold back to a later time. The visit had to be postponed for some time. |
procrastinate | Delay or postpone action; put off doing something. The temptation will be to procrastinate until the power struggle plays itself out. |
remain | Stay the same remain in a certain state. Despite student protests he remained Dean for another year. |
residual | Remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone. The eroded residuals of reefs built in relation to earlier higher sea levels. |
retardation | Any agent that retards or delays or hinders. The goals of treatment include retardation of disease progression. |
slowdown | The act of slowing down or falling behind. The drop in earnings was due to an extreme economic slowdown. |
sojourn | A temporary stay (e.g., as a guest. She had sojourned once in Egypt. |
stay | Fasten with stays. They had a nice stay in Paris. |
tarry | Having the characteristics of pitch or tar. A length of tarry rope. |
time | One s lifetime. It s time for bed. |
waste | Run off as waste. We can t afford to waste electricity. |