MORE OFTEN THAN NOT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MORE OFTEN THAN NOT?

Need another word that means the same as “more often than not”? Find 30 related words for “more often than not” in this overview.

Associations of "More often than not" (30 Words)

alsoIn addition; too.
A brilliant linguist he was also interested in botany.
alwaysFor all future time; forever.
I will always be there to help you.
anymoreAt the present or from now on; usually used with a negative.
Alice doesn t live here anymore.
dabbleBob forward and under so as to feed off the bottom of a body of water.
They dabbled their feet in the rock pools.
frequencyThe fact or state of being frequent or happening often.
The frequency of his seizures increased as he grew older.
frequentlyMany times at short intervals.
They go abroad frequently.
hardlyNo or not (suggesting surprise at or disagreement with a statement.
She could hardly sit up.
infrequentlyNot often; rarely.
He cooks but only infrequently.
intermittentlyIn an intermittent manner.
An intermittently amusing plot.
That is most probably correct.
occasionalRecurring or reappearing from time to time.
He wrote occasional verse for patrons.
occasionallySporadically and infrequently.
We met up occasionally for a drink.
oftMany times at short intervals.
We often met over a cup of coffee.
oftentimesFrequently; many times.
I would oftentimes go there.
periodicRelating to the periodic table of the elements.
The periodic appearance of the seventeen year locust.
quiteTo a degree (not used with a negative.
She s quite a girl.
rareHaving low density.
Rare patches of green in the desert.
rarelyNot often.
We rarely met.
rarenessNoteworthy scarcity.
rarityA rarified quality.
To take the morning off was a rarity.
reallyUsed as intensifiers real is sometimes used informally for really rattling is informal.
A really cold day.
recurrentRecurring again and again.
The recurrent nerve leaves the hypocerebral ganglion.
repeatedDone or occurring again several times in the same way.
There were repeated attempts to negotiate.
scantBarely sufficient or adequate.
Companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations.
The freshwater shrimp becomes scarce in soft water.
seldomNot often.
An old seldom used church.
sometimesOn certain occasions or in certain cases but not always.
Sometimes I want to do things on my own.
sparseNot dense.
Areas of sparse population.
sporadicRecurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances.
Sporadic fighting broke out.
sporadicallyOccasionally or at irregular intervals.
He only works sporadically.

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