NERVE WRACKING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NERVE WRACKING?

Need another word that means the same as “nerve wracking”? Find 30 related words for “nerve wracking” in this overview.

Associations of "Nerve wracking" (30 Words)

anesthetizeAdminister an anesthetic drug to.
Anesthetize the gum before extracting the teeth.
axonThe long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses are conducted from the cell body to other cells.
boldnessImpudent aggressiveness.
These works display a great boldness of forms.
bravePeople who are brave.
His medals made a brave show.
braveryFeeling no fear.
Perhaps I ll get a medal for bravery.
cerebralInvolving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct.
A cerebral haemorrhage.
courageA quality of spirit that enables you to face danger or pain without showing fear.
He fought his illness with great courage.
cranialOf or relating to the cranium which encloses the brain.
daringDisposed to venture or take risks.
The daring of the players brings fortune or ruin.
deafnessThe condition of lacking the power of hearing or having impaired hearing.
The baby is at risk of being born with profound deafness.
fortitudeStrength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage.
She endured her illness with great fortitude.
insensitivityThe inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment.
Signs of malnutrition include insensitivity to pain.
manlinessThe fact of being typically male; masculinity.
The author s alleged lack of manliness.
mettleA person’s ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience.
The team showed their true mettle in the second half.
neuralOf or relating to the nervous system.
Neural disorder.
neuronA cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses.
neuroscientistAn expert in neuroscience.
There is a significant and growing need among neuroscientists to exchange experimental data.
neuroticallyIn a neurotic manner.
olfactoryRelating to the sense of smell.
The olfactory organs.
palsyAffect with palsy.
Is the calmness of philosophy or the palsy of insensibility to be looked for.
paralysisLoss of the ability to move a body part.
The paralysis gripping the country.
pathwayA sequence of chemical reactions undergone by a compound or class of compounds in a living organism.
These neural pathways control vocalization.
prowessA superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation.
His prowess as a fisherman.
resourcefulnessThe ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.
A man of great resourcefulness.
sensoryOf a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system.
Sensory experience.
synapseA junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.
Nerve impulses cross a synapse through the action of neurotransmitters.
unflinchingNot showing fear or hesitation in the face of danger or difficulty.
He has shown unflinching determination throughout the campaign.
valorThe qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle.
He received a medal for valor.
virilityThe masculine property of being capable of copulation and procreation.
Great importance is placed on a man s virility.

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