OVERPOWERED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OVERPOWERED?

Need another word that means the same as “overpowered”? Find 30 related words for “overpowered” in this overview.

Associations of "Overpowered" (30 Words)

beatIndicate by beating as with the fingers or drumsticks.
Pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets.
captorA person who captures and holds people or animals.
He managed to escape from his captors two nights later.
The director was somewhat chastened by his recent flops.
chastiseCensure severely.
The General cruelly chastised them with a whip.
conquerTake possession of by force, as after an invasion.
Conquer your fears.
conquestThe invasion and assumption of control of England by William of Normandy in 1066.
She was someone he could display before his friends as his latest conquest.
curbKeep to the curb.
She promised she would curb her temper.
defeatAn instance of defeating or being defeated.
A 1 0 defeat by Grimsby.
disarm(of a country or force) give up or reduce its armed forces or weapons.
A well executed disarm.
enslaveCause (someone) to lose their freedom of choice or action.
They were enslaved by their need to take drugs.
inhibitControl and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior.
His father s cold and distant demeanor inhibited him emotionally.
inhibitionAn order or writ of prohibition, especially against dealing with a specified piece of land or property.
She showed an enthusiasm for sex and a lack of inhibition which was entirely alien to him.
kingdomA country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen.
The untroubled kingdom of reason.
limitPlace limits on extent or access.
The city limits.
overaweImpress (someone) so much that they are silent or inhibited.
The eleven year old was overawed by the atmosphere.
overcomeOvercome as with emotions or perceptual stimuli.
You must overcome all difficulties.
overthrowA score made because the ball has been overthrown.
Their subversive activities are calculated to overthrow parliamentary democracy.
overwhelmDefeat completely.
The Irish side was overwhelmed 15 3 by Scotland.
predominanceThe state or condition of being greater in number or amount.
The predominance of women in such professions as social work and nursing.
repressSuppress in order to conceal or hide.
The uprisings were repressed.
restrainControl (a strong urge or emotion.
Amiss had to restrain his impatience.
simplisticCharacterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity.
A simplistic theory of the universe.
subdueBring under control by force or authority.
Subdue one s appetites.
subjectionForced submission to control by others.
The country s subjection to European colonialism.
subjugateMake someone or something subordinate to.
The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land.
suppressPrevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain.
The report had been suppressed.
surmountOvercome (a difficulty or obstacle.
The scarf surmounted the gown.
transcendBe greater in scope or size than some standard.
He doubts that he will ever transcend Shakespeare.
tyranny(especially in ancient Greece) rule by one who has absolute power without legal right.
The tyranny of the nine to five day.
warring(of two or more people or groups) in conflict with each other.
Belligerent or warring nations.

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