Need another word that means the same as “plug”? Find 84 synonyms and 30 related words for “plug” in this overview.
The synonyms of “Plug” are: hack, jade, nag, stopper, stopple, ballyhoo, hoopla, hype, fire hydrant, fireplug, male plug, spark plug, sparking plug, chaw, chew, cud, quid, wad, bung, cork, seal, spigot, spile, stop, peg, pillar, column, piece of publicity, advertisement, promotion, recommendation, mention, good word, commercial, twist, lure, decoy, fly, troll, jig, teaser, inferior horse, tired-out horse, worn-out horse, punch, secure, stop up, plug away, seal off, seal up, close, close off, close up, block, block off, block up, dam, dam up, fill, fill up, pack, stuff, publicize, promote, give publicity to, advertise, give a mention to, write up, build up, bang the drum for, beat the drum for, commend, draw attention to, shoot, hit, shoot down, gun down, pick off
Plug as a Noun
Definitions of "Plug" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “plug” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- An electrical device with two or three pins that is inserted in a socket to make an electrical connection.
- A mass of solidified lava filling the neck of a volcano.
- A baby's dummy.
- A socket into which an electric plug can be fitted.
- Blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly.
- A piece of solid material fitting tightly into a hole and blocking it up.
- Blatant or sensational promotion.
- Tobacco in large cakes designed to be cut for chewing.
- An old or over-worked horse.
- A device for making an electrical connection between an appliance and the mains, consisting of an insulated casing with metal pins that fit into holes in a socket.
- Electrical device that fits into the cylinder head of an internal-combustion engine and ignites the gas by means of an electric spark.
- A circular piece of metal, rubber, or plastic used to stop the plughole of a bath or basin and keep the water in it.
- A wad of something chewable as tobacco.
- A lure with one or more hooks attached.
- (in gardening) a young plant or clump of grass with a small mass of soil protecting its roots, for planting out.
- A piece of publicity promoting a product, event, or establishment.
- An upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire.
- A tired or old horse.
- A piece of tobacco cut from a larger cake for chewing.

Synonyms of "Plug" as a noun (44 Words)
advertisement | A person or thing regarded as a means of recommending something. Advertisements for alcoholic drinks. |
ballyhoo | Blatant or sensational promotion. After all the ballyhoo the film was a flop. |
chaw | Something chewed, especially a quid of tobacco. Enjoying a good chaw. |
chew | A wad of something chewable as tobacco. A dog chew. |
column | A vertical glass tube used in column chromatography a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands. A great column of smoke. |
commercial | A commercially sponsored ad on radio or television. They looked like a family from a breakfast cereal commercial. |
cork | A small float usually made of cork attached to a fishing line. Cork tiles. |
cud | Food of a ruminant regurgitated to be chewed again. |
decoy | A person or thing used to mislead or lure someone into a trap. A decoy duck. |
fire hydrant | Intense adverse criticism. |
fireplug | An upright hydrant for drawing water to use in fighting a fire. A feisty fireplug who played six seasons as a league catcher. |
fly | Flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent. We decided to give it a fly. |
good word | Benefit. |
hack | An act of computer hacking. This hack doesn t work on machines that have a firewall. |
hoopla | Unnecessary fuss surrounding something. I really didn t know what the hoopla was all about. |
hype | Blatant or sensational promotion. His first album hit the stores amid a storm of hype. |
inferior horse | A character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character. |
jade | A semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish is usually green but sometimes whitish consists of jadeite or nephrite. A jade figurine. |
jig | Music in three four time for dancing a jig. |
lure | Something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed. The film industry always has been a glamorous lure for young girls. |
male plug | An animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova. |
mention | An instance of being mentioned in dispatches. He received a special mention and a prize of 100. |
nag | A person who nags someone. He felt a little nag of doubt. |
peg | A place marked by a peg and allotted to a competitor to fish or shoot from. The Mexican peso linked to the dollar by a crawling peg was distinctly too high. |
piece of publicity | A period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition. |
pillar | Something shaped like a pillar. A thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite. |
promotion | A sporting event, especially a series of boxing matches, staged for profit. A sales promotion company. |
quid | One pound sterling. We paid him four hundred quid. |
recommendation | The action of recommending something or someone. Her pleasant personality is already a recommendation. |
seal | A design resembling a seal embossed in paper as a guarantee of authenticity. Attach a draught seal to the door itself. |
spark plug | A small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger. |
sparking plug | Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field. |
spigot | A device for controlling the flow of liquid in a tap. |
spile | A small wooden peg or spigot for stopping a cask. |
stop | A short length of rope used to secure something a stopper. All business came to a stop. |
stopper | A plug for sealing a hole, especially in the neck of a bottle or other container. A crime stopper. |
stopple | Blockage consisting of an object designed to fill a hole tightly. |
teaser | A person who tempts someone sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused. A teaser is used to disentangle the fibers. |
tired-out horse | A framework for holding wood that is being sawed. |
troll | A fisherman s lure that is used in trolling. He used a spinner as his troll. |
twist | Force producing twisting torque. She takes conventional subjects and gives them a twist. |
worn-out horse | A padded gymnastic apparatus on legs. |

Usage Examples of "Plug" as a noun
- The cable is fitted with a two-pin plug.
- He threw in a plug, boasting that the restaurant offered many entrées for under £5.
- Somewhere in the pipes there is a plug of ice blocking the flow.
- He was always chewing plug and cracking jokes.
- The vacuum cleaner cord snaked away to a hidden plug.
- She pulled out the plug and got out on to the sodden bath mat.
- They sold chewing tobacco in bars and plugs.

Plug as a Verb
Definitions of "Plug" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “plug” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Shoot or hit (someone or something.
- Deliver a quick blow to.
- Persist in working hard.
- Insert a plug into.
- Block or fill in (a hole or cavity.
- Replace the center of a coin with a baser metal.
- Make a plug for; praise the qualities or in order to sell or promote.
- Insert (something) into an opening so as to fill it.
- Fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug.
- Insert as a plug.
- Mention (a product, event, or establishment) publicly in order to promote it.

Synonyms of "Plug" as a verb (40 Words)
advertise | Describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance. He advertised for dancers in the trade papers. |
bang the drum for | Close violently. |
beat the drum for | Be a mystery or bewildering to. |
block | Stamp or emboss a title or design on a book with a block. The narrow roads were blocked by cars. |
block off | Block passage through. |
block up | Stop from happening or developing. |
build up | Be engaged in building. |
close | Engage at close quarters. The stock market closed high this Friday. |
close off | Cease to operate or cause to cease operating. |
close up | Come together, as if in an embrace. |
commend | Present as suitable for approval or acceptance recommend. His paintings commend him to the artistic world. |
cork | Draw with burnt cork. He corked his thigh and limped off. |
dam | Obstruct with or as if with a dam. The river was dammed to form Lake Powell. |
dam up | Obstruct with, or as if with, a dam. |
draw attention to | Select or take in from a given group or region. |
fill | Fill satisfy or meet a want or need or condtion ro restriction. He said the scheme would fill a gap in the market. |
fill up | Become full. |
give a mention to | Bestow. |
give publicity to | Transmit (knowledge or skills. |
gun down | Shoot with a gun. |
hit | Hit with a missile from a weapon. Hit a ball. |
mention | Make mention of. He is still regularly mentioned as a possible secretary of state. |
pack | Hike with a backpack. If you have a nosebleed try packing the nostrils with cotton wool. |
pick off | Pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion. |
plug away | Deliver a quick blow to. |
promote | Of an additive act as a promoter of a catalyst. They were promoted from the Third Division last season. |
publicize | Make (something) widely known. Judy had started to publicize books and celebrities. |
punch | Drive forcibly as if by a punch. He punched me in the stomach. |
seal | Affix a seal to. Heat the oil and seal the lamb on both sides. |
seal off | Affix a seal to. |
seal up | Cover with varnish. |
secure | Fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug. Pins secure the handle to the main body. |
shoot | Of a plant or seed send out buds or shoots germinate. Shoot a goal. |
shoot down | Cause a sharp and sudden pain in. |
stop | Stop and wait as if awaiting further instructions or developments. He grew nervous about the deal and asked his bank manager to stop the cheque. |
stop up | Prevent completion. |
stopper | Use a stopper to seal a bottle or other container. The mothers stoppered their babies mouths with pacifiers. |
stuff | Fill with a stuffing while cooking. Town got stuffed every week. |
write up | Produce a literary work. |

Usage Examples of "Plug" as a verb
- Plug the hole.
- She plugged a cork in the wine bottle.
- The baby plugged his thumb into his mouth.
- Trucks arrived loaded with gravel to plug the hole and clear the road.
- During the show he plugged his new record.
- Plug a nickle.
- Plug the wall.
- Students must plug away at this problem.
- He got plugged in the head while he was taking a nap.

Associations of "Plug" (30 Words)
adapter | A person who adapts a text to make it suitable for filming, broadcasting, or the stage. The adapter converts the lens focal length to 5 5 mm. |
audio | The audible part of a transmitted signal. They always raise the audio for commercials. |
battery | A set of similar units of equipment, typically when connected together. A battery of equipment to monitor blood pressure. |
broadcasting | Taking part in a radio or tv program. The state monopoly on broadcasting. |
cable | Send a message to someone by cablegram. Transatlantic phone calls went by cable. |
camera | A device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals. She faced the cameras. |
cameraman | A photographer who operates a movie camera. |
charger | A device for charging or recharging batteries. |
converter | A retort used in steel-making. The would be converter of a building to domestic use. |
cordless | A cordless phone. I keep the cordless with me at all times. |
device | The design or look of something. A rhetorical device. |
digital | Relating to using or storing data or information in the form of digital signals. Digital computer. |
electric | The system of electric wiring and parts in a house or vehicle. Diesels and electrics were included in the display of locomotives. |
electronic | Relating to electronics. An electronic organ. |
infix | Put or introduce into something. It is a habit of thought deeply infixed in modern readers. |
insert | An artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted. Claudia inserted her key in the lock. |
keyboard | Enter data by means of a keyboard. She plays keyboards and guitar. |
laptop | A portable computer small enough to use in your lap. |
microprocessor | Integrated circuit semiconductor chip that performs the bulk of the processing and controls the parts of a system. A disk drive contains a microprocessor to handle the internal functions of the drive. |
modem | Send data by modem. Iva and Bill were modeming new programs to New Orleans. |
radio | Indicating radiation or radioactivity. Radiochemistry. |
recharge | (of a battery or battery-operated device) be refilled with electrical energy. Extensive areas of trees reduce recharge to the underlying aquifers. |
screen | Project onto a screen for viewing. The Special Branch man remained hidden behind the screen for prosecution witnesses. |
socket | Place in or fit with a socket. By then arrowheads were normally socketed. |
synthesizer | An intellectual who synthesizes or uses synthetic methods. |
television | An electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a screen. A television camera. |
tripod | A stool, table, or cauldron resting on three legs. |
wire | A wire stretched across and above the start and finish of a racecourse. Electricians wired up searchlights. |
wireless | Broadcasting, computer networking, or other communication using radio signals, microwaves, etc. Listening to the news on the wireless. |
workstation | An area where work of a particular nature is carried out, such as a specific location on an assembly line. |