Need another word that means the same as “preach”? Find 29 synonyms and 30 related words for “preach” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Preach” are: prophesy, advocate, give a sermon, deliver a sermon, sermonize, spread the gospel, evangelize, address, speak, proclaim, teach, spread, propagate, expound, explain, make known, recommend, advise, urge, exhort, counsel, champion, inculcate, instil, moralize, be moralistic, pontificate, lecture, harangue
Preach as a Verb
Definitions of "Preach" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “preach” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Used to affirm one's approval of or support for a stated opinion, advocated course of action, etc.
- Give moral advice to someone in a pompously self-righteous way.
- Speak, plead, or argue in favor of.
- Deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church.
- Deliver a sermon.
- Publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief.
- Earnestly advocate (a belief or course of action.

Synonyms of "Preach" as a verb (29 Words)
address | Write the name and address of the intended recipient on an envelope letter or parcel. Address your complaints to the Trading Standards Board. |
advise | Make a proposal, declare a plan for something. I advised him to go home. |
advocate | Speak, plead, or argue in favor of. The doctor advocated a smoking ban in the entire house. |
be moralistic | Happen, occur, take place. |
champion | Protect or fight for as a champion. He championed the rights of the working class and the poor. |
counsel | Give professional help and advice to (someone) to resolve personal or psychological problems. Careers officers should counsel young people in making their career decisions. |
deliver a sermon | Utter (an exclamation, noise, etc. |
evangelize | Preach the gospel (to. Some small groups have been evangelized by Protestant missionaries. |
exhort | Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something. Come on you guys exhorted Linda. |
explain | Make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. They explained that their lives centred on the religious rituals. |
expound | Present and explain (a theory or idea) in detail. The abbess expounded the scriptures to her nuns. |
give a sermon | Give food to. |
harangue | Deliver a harangue to address forcefully. He harangued the public on their ignorance. |
inculcate | Teach (someone) an attitude, idea, or habit by persistent instruction. They will try to inculcate you with a respect for culture. |
instil | Gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person’s mind. The standards her parents had instilled into her. |
lecture | Give a lecture to a class or other audience. Did you ever lecture at Harvard. |
make known | Undergo fabrication or creation. |
moralize | Comment on issues of right and wrong, typically with an unfounded air of superiority. Moralize a story. |
pontificate | Administer a pontifical office. The new professor always pontificates. |
proclaim | Say something emphatically; declare. He had a rolling gait that proclaimed him a man of the sea. |
propagate | Cause to propagate as by grafting or layering. Sound and light propagate in this medium. |
prophesy | Deliver a sermon. Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest. |
recommend | Make attractive or acceptable. A book I recommended to a friend of mine. |
sermonize | Deliver an opinionated and dogmatic talk to someone. This man always sermonizes. |
speak | (of a musical instrument or other object) make a sound when functioning. I ll speak to him if he calls. |
spread | Spread across or over. He sighed spreading jam on a croissant. |
spread the gospel | Cover by spreading something over. |
teach | Work as a teacher. She teaches at the local high school. |
urge | Force or impel in an indicated direction. Drawing up outside the house he urged her inside. |

Usage Examples of "Preach" as a verb
- He preached to a large congregation.
- Viewers want to be entertained, not preached at.
- My parents have always preached toleration and moderation.
- He preached the word of God.
- The minister is not preaching this Sunday.
- ‘All coaches in this league need to be better—it's embarrassing.’ ‘ Preach it, Michael.
- ‘Please continue to speak up if you see bullying—it could save another's life.’ ‘Preach.
- Our pastor will preach the sermon.

Associations of "Preach" (30 Words)
altar | The table in Christian churches where communion is given. |
apostle | An important early Christian teacher or pioneering missionary. An apostle of revolution. |
baptismal | Of or relating to baptism. We will renew our baptismal vows. |
catholic | Of or relating to or supporting Catholicism. Her tastes are pretty catholic. |
christian | Relating to or characteristic of Christianity. |
confessional | Relating to confessions of faith or doctrinal systems. The priest leaned forward in his best confessional manner. |
dais | A low platform for a lectern or throne. |
doctrine | A stated principle of government policy, mainly in foreign or military affairs. The doctrine of predestination. |
epistle | A specially long, formal letter. Activists firing off angry epistles. |
evangelist | The writer of one of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. A local evangelist working with a youth mission. |
exposition | A systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic. A systematic exposition of the idea of biodiversity. |
foretell | Predict (the future or a future event. A seer had foretold that the earl would assume the throne. |
homiletics | The branch of theology that deals with sermons and homilies. |
homily | A tedious moralizing lecture. She delivered her homily about the need for patience. |
lectern | Desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text at the proper height for a lecturer. |
martyr | Torture and torment like a martyr. I m a martyr to migraine. |
missionary | Relating to or characteristic of a missionary or a religious mission. Our taxi driver shared a sense of missionary zeal with us. |
oratory | (in the Roman Catholic Church) a society of priests without vows, especially the Oratory of St Philip Neri founded in 1564. He loved the sound of his own oratory. |
ordination | The act of ordaining; the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders. The ordination of women. |
podium | Of a competitor in a sporting event finish first second or third so as to appear on a podium to receive an award. I took the score out of my briefcase and put it on the podium. |
priesthood | The body of ordained religious practitioners. There was relief among the Anglican priesthood. |
prophesy | Predict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration. Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest. |
prophet | In Christian use the books of Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel and the twelve minor prophets. He is repeatedly hailed as a prophet of modernism. |
pulpit | Religious teaching as expressed in sermons. Many ministers delivered political guidance from their pulpits. |
recitation | Systematic training by multiple repetitions. The history of an organization is more important than the recitation of details like this. |
rostrum | A raised platform supporting a film or television camera. These beetles are very easily recognized by the rostrum or beak. |
seer | An expert who provides forecasts of the economic or political future. Our seers have grown gloomier about prospects for growth. |
seminary | A college that trains students to be priests, rabbis, or ministers. |
sermon | A long or tedious piece of admonition or reproof; a lecture. I preached my first sermon on original sin. |
stump | Remove tree stumps from. Detectives are stumped for a reason for the attack. |