PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW?

Need another word that means the same as “pure as the driven snow”? Find 30 related words for “pure as the driven snow” in this overview.

Associations of "Pure as the driven snow" (30 Words)

blamelessInnocent of wrongdoing.
Has lived a blameless life.
blizzardA severe snowstorm with high winds.
A blizzard of lawsuits.
chasteAbstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse.
A chaste consoling embrace.
cleanClean one s body or parts thereof as by washing.
A clean sweep.
cloudMake overcast or cloudy.
The only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French.
coveredOverlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form.
Women with covered faces.
flawlessWithout a flaw.
Her smooth flawless skin.
hailHail falls.
It hailed so hard we had to stop.
immaculateUniformly coloured without spots or other marks.
An immaculate safety record.
immiscibleIncapable of mixing.
Benzene is immiscible with water.
impeccableNot capable of sin.
Speaks impeccable French.
innocenceThe quality of innocent naivete.
The trial established his innocence.
innocentA person involved by chance in a situation, especially a victim of crime or war.
Innocent of literary merit.
loweringThe act of causing to become less.
The painting depicts the lowering of the Count s body into his tomb.
precipitationThe quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time.
Cora was already regretting her precipitation.
pristineImmaculately clean and unused.
A pristine white shirt.
puristSomeone who insists on great precision and correctness (especially in the use of words.
Purist fans of the original comic strip.
purityA woman’s virtue or chastity.
The purity of our drinking water.
sinlessFree from sin.
The sinless life of Christ.
sleetSleet falls.
It was sleeting so hard we could barely see.
snowyOf the white color of snow.
A long snowy winter.
spotlessAbsolutely clean or pure; immaculate.
Spotless behaviour is seemingly the norm in his organization.
uncontaminatedNot contaminated.
Uncontaminated air and food.
unimpeachableNot able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy.
An unimpeachable reputation.
unmixedNot mixed.
Bold unmixed colours.
unspottedWithout soil or spot or stain.
The network of avian enthusiasts ensures that no rarity goes unspotted.
untainted(of reputation) free from blemishes.
The island remains virtually untainted by commercialism.
virtuousChaste (typically used of a woman).
She considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked.
whiteThe player of the white pieces in chess or draughts.
Lips white with terror.
wintryCharacteristic of or occurring in winter.
Brown wintry grasses.

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