REGRETFULLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REGRETFULLY?

Need another word that means the same as “regretfully”? Find 30 related words for “regretfully” in this overview.

Associations of "Regretfully" (30 Words)

announceAnnounce publicly or officially.
The President s office announced that the siege would be lifted.
apologeticOffering or expressing apology.
She was very apologetic about the whole incident.
apologizeAcknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing.
He apologized for the many typoes.
confessOf a priest listen to the confession of.
150 people confessed faith in Christ.
confessionThe religious body or Church sharing a confession of faith.
He signed a confession to both the murders.
contriteFeeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.
A contrite tone.
contrition(in the Roman Catholic Church) the repentance of past sins during or after confession.
To show contrition for his crime he offered to do community service.
deplorableBringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure.
My finances were in a deplorable state.
forgiveStop blaming or grant forgiveness.
I was willing to forgive all her faults for the sake of our friendship.
pardonGrant a pardon to.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
penanceImpose a penance on.
He had done public penance for those hasty words.
penitenceRemorse for your past conduct.
A public display of penitence.
penitentA person who repents their sins and (in the Christian Church) seeks forgiveness from God.
A penitent expression.
penitentialRelating to or expressing penitence or penance.
Wrote a penitential letter apologizing for her hasty words.
pityAn unfortunate development.
It s a pity you didn t contact us first.
professTeach a subject as a professor.
Though knowing little of the arts I professed he proved a natural adept.
regretExpress with regret.
Any inconvenience to readers is regretted.
regretfulFeeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone.
Regretful over mistakes she had made.
regrettable(of conduct or an event) giving rise to regret; undesirable; unwelcome.
It s regrettable that she didn t go to college.
remorseA feeling of deep regret (usually for some misdeed.
They were filled with remorse and shame.
remorsefulFeeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.
The defendant was remorseful for what he had done.
repentView or think of (an action or omission) with deep regret or remorse.
Marian came to repent her hasty judgement.
repentanceThe action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse.
Each person who turns to God in genuine repentance and faith will be saved.
repentantFeeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds.
He is truly repentant for his incredible naivety and stupidity.
rueBitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen) and wish it undone.
With rue my heart is laden.
ruefulFeeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses.
She gave a rueful grin.
scepticA person who doubts the truth of Christianity and other religions; an atheist.
sinnerA person who sins (without repenting.
God forgives repentant sinners.
sorrowAn event or circumstance that causes sorrow.
A bereaved person needs time to work through their sorrow.
sorryFeeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone.
Sorry I was trying not to make a noise.

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