SHYNESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SHYNESS?

Need another word that means the same as “shyness”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “shyness” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Shyness” are: bashfulness, diffidence, sheepishness, reserve, introversion, reticence, timidity, timidness, timorousness, fearfulness, nervousness, apprehension, hesitancy, hesitation, reluctance, doubt, insecurity, wariness, suspicion, chariness, lack of confidence, constraint, repression, self-effacement, self-consciousness, embarrassment, coyness, demureness, modesty, humility, meekness

Shyness as a Noun

Definitions of "Shyness" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “shyness” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A quick throw.
  • A feeling of fear of embarrassment.
  • The quality or state of being shy.

Synonyms of "Shyness" as a noun (31 Words)

apprehensionThe cognitive condition of someone who understands.
She had some apprehensions about the filming.
bashfulnessFeeling embarrassed due to modesty.
charinessThe trait of being cautious and watchful.
constraintThe state of being physically constrained.
The availability of water is the main constraint on food production.
coynessThe quality of feigning shyness or modesty in an attempt to seem alluring.
The company s coyness about their spring offering.
demurenessThe trait of behaving with reserve and decorum.
diffidenceLack of self-confidence.
I say this with some diffidence.
doubtThe state of being unsure of something.
Some doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of this account.
embarrassmentA person or thing causing feelings of embarrassment.
The outcome of the vote was an embarrassment for the liberals.
fearfulnessThe trait of being afraid.
hesitancyA certain degree of unwillingness.
Jackson took advantage of some hesitancy in the defence to rifle in a shot.
hesitationThe action of pausing before saying or doing something.
There was a hesitation in his speech.
humilityThe quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance.
Not everyone regards humility as a virtue.
insecurityThe state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection.
She had a deep sense of insecurity.
introversion(psychology) an introverted disposition; concern with one’s own thoughts and feelings.
We expected our sample to show elevated neuroticism and introversion.
lack of confidenceThe state of needing something that is absent or unavailable.
meeknessThe feeling of patient, submissive humbleness.
All his best friends make fun of him for his meekness.
modestyBehaviour, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.
Modesty forbade her to undress in front of so many people.
nervousnessA sensitive or highly strung temperament.
There was a trace of nervousness in his voice.
reluctanceA certain degree of unwillingness.
A reluctance to commit himself.
repressionA state of forcible subjugation.
An extraordinary panoply of sexual repressions and desires.
reserveA member of the military reserve.
A reserve was allocated to the tribe on Bear Island.
reticenceThe trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessary.
The traditional emotional reticence of the British.
self-consciousnessEmbarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you.
self-effacementWithdrawing into the background; making yourself inconspicuous.
sheepishnessFeeling embarrassed about yourself.
suspicionBeing of a suspicious nature.
He tried to shield me from suspicion.
timidityLack of courage or confidence.
She believes everyone can overcome their timidity.
timidnessFear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisions.
timorousnessFearfulness in venturing into new and unknown places or activities.
warinessThe trait of being cautious and watchful.
Her mother s wariness of computers.

Usage Examples of "Shyness" as a noun

  • Gradually he overcame his natural shyness.

Associations of "Shyness" (30 Words)

bashfulDisposed to avoid notice blate is a Scottish term for bashful.
Everything you need to know but have been too bashful to ask.
coyMaking a pretence of shyness or modesty that is intended to be alluring (typically used of a woman.
He is coy about his age.
demureReserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman.
A demure young lady.
diffidentShowing modest reserve.
Stood in the doorway diffident and abashed.
faintheartedLacking conviction or boldness or courage.
finicky(of a person) fussy about their needs or requirements.
A finicky eater.
inactiveLacking activity; lying idle or unused.
The inactive X chromosome.
inarticulateNot expressed in words.
Fay gave a faint inarticulate cry.
introspectiveCharacterized by or given to introspection.
He grew withdrawn and introspective.
introversionThe quality of being shy and reticent.
I struggle with introversion and shyness.
introvertTurn inside.
He introverted his feelings.
introvertedOf, denoting, or typical of an introvert.
modestyBehaviour, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.
Modesty forbade her to undress in front of so many people.
passiveThe passive voice.
Passive sensors detect the emissions from enemy radar.
primAssume a prim appearance.
Laurie primmed up his mouth.
prissyExaggeratedly proper.
A middle class family with two prissy children.
pruderyExcessive or affected modesty.
prudishExaggeratedly proper.
The prudish moral climate of the late 19th century.
puritanSomeone who adheres to strict religious principles; someone opposed to sensual pleasures.
As the puritan ethic has weakened hedonism has replaced it.
reservedSlow to reveal emotion or opinions.
A reserved seat.
reticentCool and formal in manner.
She was extremely reticent about her personal affairs.
retiringNot arrogant or presuming.
A shy retiring girl.
taciturnHabitually reserved and uncommunicative.
After such gatherings she would be taciturn and morose.
timidShowing fear and lack of confidence.
Whitewater rafting is not for the timid.
timorousTimid by nature or revealing timidity.
Timorous little mouse.
unassertiveInclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence.
A shy unassertive person.
uncommunicativeUnwilling to talk or impart information.
The uncommunicative Emily disappeared.
unutterableToo sacred to be uttered.
Unutterable consonant clusters.
withdrawnWithdrawn from society seeking solitude.
When her husband died she became very withdrawn.

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