SOLDIERS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOLDIERS?

Need another word that means the same as “soldiers”? Find 30 related words for “soldiers” in this overview.

Associations of "Soldiers" (30 Words)

armorEquip with armor.
armyThe army of the United States of America the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare.
He joined the army at 16.
bastionA natural rock formation resembling a man made bastion.
A bastion against corruption.
bomberA bomber jacket.
Manny hand rolled a couple of bombers.
brigadeForm into a brigade.
They thought the speech too closely brigaded with illegal action.
cantonmentA permanent military station in British India.
castleMove (the king) by castling.
The crumbling stonework of a ruined castle.
centurionThe leader of 100 soldiers.
commanderA commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain.
The commander of a paratroop regiment.
defendBe on the defensive; act against an attack.
They were forced to defend for long periods.
defenseThe team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring.
Sanitation is the best defense against disease.
fightingThe action of fighting violence or conflict.
He put up his fists and took a fighting stance.
flotillaA United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships.
A flotilla of cargo boats.
fortA fortified building or strategic position.
The city was guarded by a ring of forts.
fortressA fortified defensive structure.
He had proved himself to be a fortress of moral rectitude.
garrisonThe building occupied by a garrison.
Forces from these garrisons have been used against governments.
guardianA person who protects or defends something.
Self appointed guardians of public morality.
knightA chess piece typically with its top shaped like a horse s head that moves by jumping to the opposite corner of a rectangle two squares by three Each player starts the game with two knights.
In all your quarrels I will be your knight.
legionaryA soldier who is a member of a legion (especially the French Foreign Legion.
The legionary fortress of Isca.
militaryCharacteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military.
The build up of military activity.
navalRelating to a navy or navies.
A naval officer.
outpostA military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops.
The community is the last outpost of civilization in the far north.
protectorA regent in charge of a kingdom during the minority, absence, or incapacity of the sovereign.
Ear protectors.
siegeThe action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack.
Two cult members have died so far in the four day siege.
stockadeEnclose an area by erecting a stockade.
We got ashore and into the stockade.
submarineAttack by submarine.
The Germans submarined the Allies.
territorialDisplaying territoriality defending a territory from intruders.
These sharks are aggressively territorial.
warfareAn active struggle between competing entities.
Diplomatic warfare.
warriorAny of a number of standing poses in yoga in which the legs are held apart and the arms are stretched outwards.
I really love the warrior pose it makes me feel centred and strong.
warshipA ship equipped with weapons and designed to take part in warfare at sea.

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