Need another word that means the same as “somber”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “somber” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Somber” are: drab, sober, sombre, melancholy
Somber as an Adjective
Definitions of "Somber" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “somber” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Grave or even gloomy in character.
- Lacking brightness or color; dull.

Synonyms of "Somber" as an adjective (4 Words)
drab | Of a dull light brown colour. Drab faded curtains. |
melancholy | Having a feeling of melancholy sad and pensive. We acquainted him with the melancholy truth. |
sober | Completely lacking in playfulness. His expression became sober. |
sombre | Lacking brightness or color; dull. He looked at her with a sombre expression. |

Usage Examples of "Somber" as an adjective
- A suit of somber black.
- Children in somber brown clothes.
- A somber mood.

Associations of "Somber" (30 Words)
blue | The blue ball in snooker billiards and similar games. He s feeling blue. |
cheerless | Gloomy; depressing. Something cheerless about the room. |
contemplative | A person devoted to the contemplative life. She regarded me with a contemplative eye. |
dejected | Sad and depressed; dispirited. He stood in the street looking dejected. |
depressed | (of an object or part of an object) in a lower position, having been pushed down. Depressed inner city areas. |
depression | A state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention. Self doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression. |
despair | The complete loss or absence of hope. We should not despair. |
despairing | Arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope. The last despairing plea of the condemned criminal. |
despondent | In low spirits from loss of hope or courage. She grew more and more despondent. |
dismal | Pitifully or disgracefully bad. The first dismal dispiriting days of November. |
dispirited | Marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm. A dispirited and divided Party. |
downcast | A shaft dug in a mine for extra ventilation. A downcast glance. |
dreary | Depressingly dull and bleak or repetitive. A series of dreary dinner parties. |
elegiac | Verses in an elegiac metre. Haunting and elegiac poems. |
gloom | Be or look depressed or despondent. A year of economic gloom for the car industry. |
gloomy | Depressingly dark. A gloomy corridor badly lit by oil lamps. |
grieve | Cause great distress to (someone. It grieves me to think of you in that house alone. |
grim | Depressing or worrying to consider. Took a grim view of the economy. |
hopeless | Feeling or causing despair. He is a hopeless romantic. |
joyless | Not experiencing or inspiring joy. She had to face the thought of a joyless future. |
melancholy | Having a feeling of melancholy sad and pensive. We acquainted him with the melancholy truth. |
mourning | The passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief. She s still in mourning after the death of her husband. |
pensive | Showing pensive sadness. A pensive mood. |
sad | Of things that make you feel sad. A sad day for us all. |
sadden | Make unhappy. He was greatly saddened by the death of his only son. |
sadness | Emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being. A source of great sadness. |
sorry | Without merit; of little or no value or use. A sorry state of affairs. |
sullen | Showing a brooding ill humor. A sullen crowd. |
unhappy | Not happy. Unhappy with her raise. |
wistful | Showing pensive sadness. The sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty. |