Need another word that means the same as “spell”? Find 19 synonyms and 30 related words for “spell” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Spell” are: import, write, spell out, lead to, result in, bring about, bring on, cause, be the cause of, charm, magic spell, enchantment, trance, go, tour, turn, patch, piece, while
Spell as a Noun
Definitions of "Spell" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “spell” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition.
- A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.
- A time period for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else.
- A time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else.
- A verbal formula believed to have magical force.

Synonyms of "Spell" as a noun (10 Words)
charm | A characteristic property of certain subatomic particles specifically charm quarks charm antiquarks and hadrons containing these expressed as a quantum number. The charm begins with ritual instructions. |
enchantment | A feeling of great pleasure; delight. The enchantment of the mountains. |
go | Vigorous activity. There s no go in me at all these days. |
magic spell | Any art that invokes supernatural powers. |
patch | A small disc of black silk worn attached to the face for adornment by women in the 17th and 18th centuries. They spent Sundays digging their vegetable patch. |
piece | A sandwich or other item of food taken as a snack. A 10p piece. |
tour | A time period for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else. She joined the Royal Shakespeare Company on tour. |
trance | A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation. In the Hades Warehouse there s the finest in trance and techno. |
turn | A place where a road meets or branches off another a turning. The turn of the century. |
while | At the same time meanwhile. He starts to draw talking the while. |

Usage Examples of "Spell" as a noun
- He whispered a spell as he moved his hands.
- A spell of work.
- A spell of good weather.

Spell as a Verb
Definitions of "Spell" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “spell” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Take turns working.
- (of letters) make up or form (a word.
- Be a sign or characteristic of.
- Mean or have as a result.
- Place under a spell.
- Write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word.
- Indicate or signify.
- Relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn.
- Orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of.
- Write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence.

Synonyms of "Spell" as a verb (9 Words)
be the cause of | Happen, occur, take place. |
bring about | Advance or set forth in court. |
bring on | Be accompanied by. |
cause | Cause to do cause to act in a specified manner. Cause an accident. |
import | Indicate or signify. New beliefs were often imported by sailors. |
lead to | Tend to or result in. |
result in | Issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end. |
spell out | Place under a spell. |
write | Write and send a letter to. She writes code faster than anybody else. |

Usage Examples of "Spell" as a verb
- He spelled the word wrong in this letter.
- Dolly spelled her name.
- The plans would spell disaster for the economy.
- Journals have a house style about how to spell.
- The workers spell every four hours.
- I'm afraid this spells trouble!
- How do you spell this word?
- We had to spell out our names for the police officer.
- The letters spell the word ‘how.
- She had the chic, efficient look that spells Milan.
- She spelled her husband at the wheel.

Associations of "Spell" (30 Words)
amulet | An ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease. |
bewitchment | A magical spell. |
charm | Induce into action by using one s charm. A good luck charm. |
charmed | (of a particle) possessing the property charm. A charmed quark. |
conjure | Implore (someone) to do something. They hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend. |
entrance | The right, means, or opportunity to enter somewhere or be a member of an institution, society, or other body. Her final entrance is as a triumphant princess. |
fascinate | Cause to be interested or curious. I ve always been fascinated by computers. |
genie | (Islam) an invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals. |
hypnotist | A person who induces hypnosis. An expert clinician and skilled hypnotist. |
hypnotize | Induce hypnosis in. A witness had been hypnotized to enhance his memory. |
incantation | The use of words as a magic spell. There was no magic in such incantation. |
indite | Produce a literary work. He indites the wondrous tale of Our Lord. |
invocation | An incantation used to invoke a deity or the supernatural. His invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish. |
litany | A litany contained in the Book of Common Prayer. The patient recited a litany of complaints. |
magic | An illusory feat considered magical by naive observers. The magic of the theatre. |
magical | Beautiful or delightful in a way that seems removed from everyday life. It was a magical evening of pure nostalgia. |
magician | Someone who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience. He was the magician of the fan belt. |
mystic | Relating to or resembling mysticism. Mystical intuition. |
necromancer | A person who practises necromancy; a wizard or magician. Dr Faustus a necromancer of the 16th century. |
potion | A liquid with healing, magical, or poisonous properties. A healing potion. |
recite | Recite in elocution. She recited a poem. |
shaman | In societies practicing shamanism one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds practices sorcery for healing or divination. |
sleight | The use of dexterity or cunning, especially so as to deceive. Except by sleight of logic the two positions cannot be harmonized. |
sorcerer | A person who claims or is believed to have magic powers; a wizard. |
sorcery | The belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits to produce unnatural effects in the world. |
talisman | An object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck. He s a quiet man off the field but on it he s our talisman. |
trance | Put into a trance. In the Hades Warehouse there s the finest in trance and techno. |
witch | A follower or practitioner of Wicca or of modern witchcraft. Mrs Mucharski had somehow witched the house. |
witchcraft | The practice of magic, especially for evil purposes; the use of spells. Children and goods were believed to be vulnerable to the witchcraft of jealous neighbours. |
wizard | (in legends and fairy tales) a man who has magical powers. I ve just had a wizard idea. |