STARE DOWN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STARE DOWN?

Need another word that means the same as “stare down”? Find 30 related words for “stare down” in this overview.

Associations of "Stare down" (30 Words)

abateBecome less in amount or intensity.
The storm abated.
declensionThe inflection of nouns and pronouns and adjectives in Indo-European languages.
This declension involves only two endings a nominative and an oblique.
declivityA downward slope or bend.
A thickly wooded declivity.
decreaseDecrease in size extent or range.
He decreased his staff.
decrementThe ratio of the amplitudes in successive cycles of a damped oscillation.
The instruction decrements the accumulator by one.
demoralizeCorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.
She hastened her daughter s steps lest she be demoralized by beholding the free manners of these mad English.
descend(of sound) become lower in pitch.
Groups of visiting supporters descended on a local pub.
descendingComing down or downward.
The categories are listed in descending order of usefulness.
descentThe descendants of one individual.
A descent on the Channel ports.
diminishCause to seem less impressive or valuable.
The trial has aged and diminished him.
dismayFill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised.
They were dismayed by the U turn in policy.
downgradeReduce to a lower grade, rank, or level of importance.
Some jobs had gradually been downgraded from skilled to semi skilled.
downturnA worsening of business or economic activity.
The market took a downturn.
downwardMoving or leading towards a lower place or level.
He lay face downward.
dropAn act of dropping supplies or troops by parachute.
Warders standing on planks invariably flanked the prisoners on the drop.
fallingDecreasing in number, amount, intensity, or quality.
Falling attendance figures.
flopWith a flopping sound.
He landed on the bed with a great flop.
gazeLook steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
The male gaze.
lowOf a vowel pronounced with the tongue held low in the mouth open.
We were talking low so we wouldn t wake Dean.
lowerSet lower.
Lower a rating.
mandibleEither of the upper and lower parts of a bird’s beak.
The drake is all black except for an orange mark on the upper mandible.
reductionThe act of reducing complexity.
Special reductions on knitwear.
shrinkageProcess or result of becoming less or smaller.
Shrinkage is the retail trade s euphemism for shoplifting.
sinkCause a ship to sink.
They planned to sink a gold mine in Oklahoma.
sitAdopt or be in a position in which one s weight is supported by one s buttocks rather than one s feet and one s back is upright.
I cannot baby sit tonight I have too much homework to do.
submergenceThe action of completely covering or obscuring something.
Politicians may be blamed for submergence of principle.
substrateThe surface or material on or from which an organism lives, grows, or obtains its nourishment.
Brachiopods attached to the substrate by a stalk.
underUnder water.
An under secretary.
verticallyIn a way that involves different levels or stages of a hierarchy or process.
Vertically integrated companies.
yawnUtter a yawn as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired.
The yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop.

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