STAY TUNED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STAY TUNED?

Need another word that means the same as “stay tuned”? Find 30 related words for “stay tuned” in this overview.

Associations of "Stay tuned" (30 Words)

I said I would abide by their decision.
beHave the quality of being copula used with an adjective or a predicate noun.
Let A be a square matrix of order n.
chromaticOf an instrument able to play all the notes of the chromatic scale.
The master of the chromatic harmonica.
clefA musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it.
colonialA house built in colonial style.
Corals can be solitary or colonial.
consistentMarked by an orderly logical and aesthetically consistent relation of parts.
A consistent explanation.
continueContinue a certain state condition or activity.
The demonstration continued after a break for lunch.
descantSing in descant.
I hear the wood thrush piping one mellow descant more.
diatonicOf a melody or harmony constructed from a diatonic scale.
dwellA slight regular pause in the motion of a machine.
Groups of people still dwell in these caves.
dwellerA person or animal that lives in or at a specified place.
City dwellers.
guitarA stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking.
inhabitInhabit or live in be an inhabitant of.
A bird that inhabits North America.
lagCover with lagging to prevent heat loss.
A time lag between infection and symptoms.
lifelongContinuing through life.
A lifelong Conservative.
lingerMove to and fro.
She let her eyes linger on him suggestively.
liveInhabit or live in be an inhabitant of.
Can you live on 2000 a month in New York City.
livingPertaining to living persons.
The benefits of country living.
loiterStand or wait around without apparent purpose.
The weather had tempted them to loiter along the banks of the Cherwell.
octaveThe two notes at the extremes of an octave sounding together.
persistBe persistent refuse to stop.
We are persisting with policies that will create jobs for the future.
remainStay the same remain in a certain state.
He remained unmoved by her tears.
resideMake one’s home in a particular place or community.
The meaning of an utterance does not wholly reside in the semantic meaning.
sojournSpend a certain length of time; reside temporarily.
Her sojourn in Rome.
sopranoA part written for a soprano voice.
A good soprano voice.
tarryLeave slowly and hesitantly.
A length of tarry rope.
tenorA singer with a tenor voice.
The Serenade for tenor horn and strings.
tonalityThe colour scheme or range of tones used in a picture.
The first bar would seem set to create a tonality of C major.
trebleSing treble.
Rents were doubled and probably trebled.
tremoloA mechanism in an organ producing a tremolo effect.

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