Need another word that means the same as “studied”? Find 14 synonyms and 30 related words for “studied” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Studied” are: deliberate, careful, thoughtful, considered, conscious, calculated, intentional, volitional, designed, mannered, measured, studious, knowing, purposeful
Studied as an Adjective
Definitions of "Studied" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “studied” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- (of a quality or result) achieved or maintained by careful and deliberate effort.
- Produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation- V.L.Parrington.
- Produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation.

Synonyms of "Studied" as an adjective (14 Words)
calculated | (of an action) done with full awareness of the likely consequences. A calculated insult. |
careful | Full of cares or anxiety-Luke 10.41. Thou art careful and troubled about many things. |
conscious | (of the mind or a thought) directly perceptible to and under the control of the person concerned. Remained conscious during the operation. |
considered | Having been thought about carefully. A considered opinion. |
deliberate | Careful and unhurried. A deliberate attempt to provoke a response. |
designed | Done or made or performed with purpose and intent. Style is more than the deliberate and designed creation. |
intentional | Done or made or performed with purpose and intent- Havelock Ellis. Intentional wrongdoing and harm. |
knowing | Showing or suggesting that one has knowledge or awareness that is secret or known to only a few people. A knowing act of fraud. |
mannered | Having unnatural mannerisms. Bad mannered. |
measured | (of speech or writing) carefully considered and restrained. With measured irony. |
purposeful | Serving as or indicating the existence of a purpose or goal. Purposeful activities. |
studious | Spending a lot of time studying or reading. He made a studious inspection of the buffet. |
thoughtful | Taking heed giving close and thoughtful attention. A thoughtful paper. |
volitional | With deliberate intention. Acceptance is a volitional act. |

Usage Examples of "Studied" as an adjective
- He treated them with studied politeness.
- A note of biting irony and studied insult.
- A studied smile.

Associations of "Studied" (30 Words)
automated | Operated by automation. An automated stoker. |
consistently | In a systematic or consistent manner. Students have to be treated consistently by all staff members. |
culturally | In a way that relates to the arts and to intellectual achievements. The story is culturally insensitive. |
deactivation | The act of deactivating or making ineffective (as a bomb. |
deconstruct | Analyse a text or linguistic or conceptual system by deconstruction. I want to deconstruct this myth that poverty breeds crime. |
detail | Provide details for. The essay contained too much detail. |
detailed | (of a work of art) executed with many minor decorative features. A detailed plan. |
disorganized | Not properly planned and controlled. She s very muddled and disorganized. |
echelon | Arrange in an echelon formation. The upper echelons of the business world. |
exhaustive | Including or considering all elements or aspects; fully comprehensive. The guide outlines every bus route in exhaustive detail. |
governmental | Relating to or denoting the government of a country or state. A governmental agency. |
intercom | An electrical device allowing one-way or two-way communication. The pilot s voice comes over the intercom. |
methodical | Characterized by method and orderliness. She was so methodical she kept everything documented. |
musicology | The scholarly and scientific study of music. |
orderly | A soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer. The orderly sergeant. |
organizational | Relating to the action of organizing something. A company s organizational structure. |
organized | Arranged or structured in a systematic way. How well organized she is. |
plan | Design or make a plan of something to be made or built. They drew up a six step plan. |
planned | Planned in advance. The planned outlays for new equipment. |
regimental | Relating to a regiment. Regimental traditions. |
replenishment | Filling again by supplying what has been used up. A target for replenishment of depleted fish stocks. |
scheme | Arrange according to a colour scheme. He schemed to bring about the collapse of the government. |
sensitive | Easily damaged, injured, or distressed by slight changes. Sensitive to light. |
setup | An act that incriminates someone on a false charge. It takes time to learn the setup around here. |
specific | A medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease. Needed a specific amount. |
step | An interval in a scale a tone whole step or semitone half step. Always a step behind. |
systematic | Of or relating to taxonomy. The investigation was very systematic. |
systematically | In a systematic or consistent manner. Villages were systematically destroyed by bombing. |
thorough | Performed comprehensively and completely. A thorough nuisance. |
uniformly | With equal space between each or in equal amounts; evenly. Immigrants are not uniformly distributed in the country. |