TORN APART: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TORN APART?

Need another word that means the same as “torn apart”? Find 30 related words for “torn apart” in this overview.

Associations of "Torn apart" (30 Words)

aloneOn one’s own.
Could be alone in a crowded room.
As wide asunder as pole from pole.
avulsionThe sudden separation of land from one property and its attachment to another, especially by flooding or a change in the course of a river.
cloisteredKept away from the outside world; sheltered.
The cloistered academic world of books.
detachedBeing or feeling set or kept apart from others.
Detached youth workers.
dichotomous(of branching) in which the axis is divided into two branches.
A dichotomous view of the world.
disjointedTaken apart at the joints.
A disjointed fowl.
fartherTo or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage further is used more often than farther in this abstract sense.
Farther north.
individuallyApart from others.
Partnerships and individually owned firms.
individuationThe quality of being individual.
isolatedBeing or feeling set or kept apart from others- Sherwood Anderson.
He lived a very isolated existence.
isolationA country’s withdrawal from international politics.
Isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety.
partitionThe act of dividing or partitioning separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart.
The cafe was divided up by glass partitions.
reclusiveAvoiding the company of other people; solitary.
He led a reclusive life.
remoteA remote control device.
A second feature allows pagers to be alerted from remote alarm sensors.
rendTear (something) into pieces.
The speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world.
riveSplit or tear apart violently.
The party was riven by disagreements over Europe.
schismThe formal separation of a Church into two Churches or the secession of a group owing to doctrinal and other differences.
The persistence of this group could produce schism within society.
secludedProviding privacy or seclusion.
The gardens are quiet and secluded.
segregationA social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups.
The segregation of pupils with learning difficulties.
separableAble to be separated or treated separately.
The siamese twins were not considered separable.
separateA garment that can be purchased separately and worn in combinations with other garments.
A problem consisting of two separate issues.
separatedSeparated at the joint.
A separated shoulder.
separatelyApart from others.
They arrived together but left separately.
separationThe action or state of moving or being moved apart.
Fragile items require separation and cushioning.
severPut an end to (a connection or relationship); break off.
The head was severed from the body.
solitary(of a flower or other part) borne singly.
Each spider like bloom is solitary.
splitThe act of rending or ripping or splitting something.
A 75 25 split of proceeds.
unattachedNot associated in an exclusive sexual relationship.
She began to wonder if he was unattached.
uncommittedNot committed to a cause, activity, etc.
There is very little uncommitted money to fund new policies.

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