Need another word that means the same as “tougher”? Find 30 related words for “tougher” in this overview.
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Associations of "Tougher" (30 Words)
brave | People who are brave. The home of the free and the brave. |
brogan | A coarse stout leather shoe reaching to the ankle. |
burly | Muscular and heavily built. A big burly man. |
firm | Marked by firm determination or resolution not shakable. Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly. |
gruff | Brusque and surly and forbidding. Robert s gruff no nonsense approach. |
hard | Causing great damage or hardship. Hard water requires much more soap shampoo or detergent than soft water. |
hardened | Used of persons emotionally hardened. A battle hardened veteran. |
hardheaded | Unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack. A hardheaded appraisal of our position. |
hardy | United States slapstick comedian who played the pompous and overbearing member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1892-1957. Hardy explorers of northern Canada. |
husky | Deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion- Virgil Thomson. Clothing sizes for husky boys. |
inflexible | Resistant to being bent. An inflexible knife blade. |
inured | Made tough by habitual exposure- Robert Lynd- V.S.Pritchett. A peasant dark lean faced wind inured. |
manliness | The traditional male quality of being brave and strong. Men accustomed to proving their manliness on the streets. |
masculine | A masculine word or form. The masculine rhyme of annoy enjoy. |
muscular | Having a robust muscular body build characterized by predominance of structures bone and muscle and connective tissue developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer. The muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony. |
potent | Having a strong physiological or chemical effect. Potent liquor. |
raspy | Unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound. His voice was raspy from days of non stop campaigning. |
resolute | Characterized by quickness and firmness. A resolute and unshakeable faith. |
rigidity | The quality of being rigid and rigorously severe. There was a regrettable rigidity in this decision. |
rigidness | The physical property of being stiff and resisting bending. |
robust | Marked by richness and fullness of flavor. A robust tale. |
rowdy | A cruel and brutal fellow. Rowdy teenagers. |
solid | A substance or object that is solid rather than liquid or fluid. The bank is solid and will survive this attack. |
stalwart | A loyal, reliable, and hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team. The stalwart citizens at Lexington. |
strong | Relating to or denoting the strongest of the known kinds of force between particles which acts between nucleons and other hadrons when closer than about 10 cm so binding protons in a nucleus despite the repulsion due to their charge and which conserves strangeness parity and isospin. A cup of strong coffee. |
sturdy | (of a person or their body) strongly and solidly built. The bike is sturdy enough to cope with bumpy tracks. |
uncompromising | Harsh or relentless. She was uncompromising In her convictions. |
unyielding | Stubbornly unyielding T S Eliot. An unyielding head support. |
vigorous | Strong, healthy, and full of energy. A vigorous old man who spent half of his day on horseback. |
virile | Having or characterized by strength and energy. He was a powerful virile man. |