TRIBE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRIBE?

Need another word that means the same as “tribe”? Find 27 synonyms and 30 related words for “tribe” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Tribe” are: clan, kin, kin group, kindred, kinship group, federation of tribes, folk, ethnic group, people, race, nation, group, crowd, gang, company, body, band, host, bevy, party, pack, army, herd, flock, drove, horde, mob

Tribe as a Noun

Definitions of "Tribe" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “tribe” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A social division of (usually preliterate) people.
  • (in ancient Rome) each of several political divisions, originally three, later thirty, ultimately thirty-five.
  • A federation (as of American Indians.
  • A large number of people.
  • A distinctive or close-knit group.
  • A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
  • Group of people related by blood or marriage.
  • A taxonomic category that ranks above genus and below family or subfamily, usually ending in -ini (in zoology) or -eae (in botany).
  • (biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily.
  • A taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily.

Synonyms of "Tribe" as a noun (27 Words)

armyThe army of the United States of America the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare.
An army of photographers.
bandA stripe or stripes of contrasting color.
Look for a leg band on the osprey.
bevyA group of roe deer, quails, or larks.
He was surrounded by a bevy of beauties in bathing attire.
bodyA resonating chamber in a musical instrument as the body of a violin.
They found the body in the lake.
clanA group of people with a strong common interest.
Civil strife has followed as rival clans jockey for power.
companyAn institution created to conduct business.
I really enjoy his company.
crowdAn audience, especially one at a sporting event.
He d become just another face in the crowd.
droveA mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine.
ethnic groupA person who is a member of an ethnic group.
federation of tribesAn organization formed by merging several groups or parties.
flock(often followed by `of’) a large number or amount or extent.
A flock of gulls.
folkFolk music.
They re just country folk.
gangAn organized group of people doing manual work.
A street gang.
groupTwo or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule.
I ve always been a fan of the guitarists in the group.
herdA group of cattle or sheep or other domestic mammals all of the same kind that are herded by humans.
He is not of the common herd.
hordeA large group of people.
A horde of beery rugby fans.
hostA person who acts as host at formal occasions makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers.
Innsbruck once played host to the Winter Olympics.
kinAnimals or plants that are related to a particular species or kind.
He s kin.
kin groupGroup of people related by blood or marriage.
kindredGroup of people related by blood or marriage.
Ties of kindred.
kinship groupRelatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption.
mobAn Aboriginal extended family or community.
He stood out from the rest of the mob with his silver hair and stacked shoes.
nationThe people who live in a nation or country.
The Shawnee nation.
packA convenient package or parcel as of cigarettes or film.
We picked up our packs and trudged off.
partyA person or people forming one side in an agreement or dispute.
Draft the party s election manifesto.
peopleThe common people generally.
The native peoples of Canada.
raceA series of races for horses or dogs held at a fixed time on a set course.
The race is to the swift.

Usage Examples of "Tribe" as a noun

  • Indigenous Indian tribes.
  • Tribes of children playing under the watchful eyes of nurses.
  • She made a stand against the social codes of her English middle-class tribe.
  • Brands are adopted by a tribe of users.
  • An outburst against the whole tribe of theoreticians.

Associations of "Tribe" (30 Words)

aboriginalAn aboriginal inhabitant of a place.
Aboriginal forests.
aborigineAn aboriginal inhabitant of Australia.
ancestralInherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent.
Ancestral home.
boothA polling station.
He installed a soundproof booth for private phone calls.
clanA large family.
Civil strife has followed as rival clans jockey for power.
comrade(among men) a colleague or a fellow member of an organization.
Hewett turned and rushed to help his comrade.
consanguineousRelated by blood.
Consanguineous marriages may give rise to recessive syndromes.
cubicleSmall area set off by walls for special use.
Each cubicle is equipped with a PC and printer and there are two fax machines in the east alcove.
dutchThe West Germanic language of the Netherlands.
endogamyThe fusion of reproductive cells from related individuals; inbreeding; self-pollination.
familyA taxonomic group containing one or more genera.
I could not turn him away for he was family.
folkFolk music.
Meanwhile folks why not relax and enjoy the atmosphere.
folksPeople in general (often used in the plural.
Folks around here drink moonshine.
forefatherPerson from an earlier time who contributed to the tradition shared by some group.
The forefathers of modern British socialism.
indianAny of the languages spoken by Amerindians.
kinAnimals or plants that are related to a particular species or kind.
He s kin.
kindredGroup of people related by blood or marriage.
Kindred clans.
kinsfolkPeople descended from a common ancestor.
kioskSmall area set off by walls for special use.
lineageThe kinship relation between an individual and the individual’s progenitors.
The myeloid lineage.
lombardA member of a Germanic people who invaded northern Italy in the 6th century.
nativeUsed in names of animals or plants resembling others familiar elsewhere e g native bee.
One s native language.
pioneerOpen up a road or terrain as a pioneer.
A famous pioneer of birth control.
primogenitorAn ancestor in the direct line.
progenitorAn ancestor in the direct line.
His children were the progenitors of many of Scotland s noble families.
puebloA member of any of about two dozen Native American peoples called Pueblos by the Spanish because they live in pueblos villages built of adobe and rock.
The Pueblo people.
relativeA relative pronoun determiner or adverb.
A relative stranger.
settlerA clerk in a betting shop who calculates the winnings.
The early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution.
sisterA fellow woman seen in relation to feminist issues.
I had nine brothers and sisters.
stallCause an airplane to go into a stall.
His career had stalled hers taken off.

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