Need another word that means the same as “uncontrolled”? Find 24 synonyms for “uncontrolled” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Uncontrolled” are: unrestrained, unconstrained, unrestricted, unchecked, unbridled, uncurbed, unlimited, unfettered, untrammelled, uninhibited, unconfined, unimpeded, unhampered, unbounded, unsuppressed, undisciplined, out of control, out of hand, rampant, wild, runaway, incontinent, immoderate, intemperate
Uncontrolled as an Adjective
Definitions of "Uncontrolled" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “uncontrolled” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Not being under control; out of control.
- Not controlled.

Synonyms of "Uncontrolled" as an adjective (24 Words)
immoderate | Not sensible or restrained; excessive. Immoderate laughter. |
incontinent | Not having control over urination and defecation. Elderly incontinent parents. |
intemperate | (of weather or climate) not mild; subject to extremes. An intemperate social occasion. |
out of control | No longer fashionable. |
out of hand | Outer or outlying. |
rampant | Rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile. Rampant sex. |
runaway | Completely out of control. Runaway inflation. |
unbounded | Having or appearing to have no limits. The possibilities are unbounded. |
unbridled | Uncontrolled; unconstrained. Unbridled rage. |
unchecked | (especially of something undesirable) not controlled or restrained. The broadcast was sloppy it was unchecked there was no investigation of the facts. |
unconfined | Free from confinement or physical restraint. Sows should be unconfined at farrowing. |
unconstrained | Not restricted or limited. Idle unconstrained gossip. |
uncurbed | Not restrained or controlled. Their activities continue to be largely uncurbed. |
undisciplined | Lacking in discipline or control. Undisciplined talent. |
unfettered | Unrestrained or uninhibited. Unfettered artistic genius. |
unhampered | Not impeded or encumbered. This would give black people the opportunity to live unhampered by racism. |
unimpeded | Not obstructed or hindered. An unimpeded view across the headland. |
uninhibited | Not having been restrained or suppressed. A lively and uninhibited girl. |
unlimited | Having no limits in range or scope- Philip Rahv. Offshore reserves of gas and oil are not unlimited. |
unrestrained | Not restrained or restricted. A display of unrestrained delight. |
unrestricted | Not restricted or modified in meaning. Unrestricted access to both military bases. |
unsuppressed | Not restrained or repressed. Unsuppressed feelings. |
untrammelled | Not deprived of freedom of action or expression; not restricted or hampered. A mind untrammelled by convention. |
wild | Produced from wild animals or plants without cultivation. Who even in their wildest dreams could have anticipated such a victory. |
Usage Examples of "Uncontrolled" as an adjective
- Uncontrolled growth.
- In mice, the growth was uncontrolled and resembled cancer.
- The greatest uncontrolled health problem is AIDS.
- Some uncontrolled children rather marred the proceedings.