UNDERMINES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNDERMINES?

Need another word that means the same as “undermines”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “undermines” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Undermines” are: cave, counteract, countermine, sabotage, subvert, weaken

Undermines as a Verb

Definitions of "Undermines" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “undermines” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Hollow out as if making a cave or opening.
  • Destroy property or hinder normal operations.

Synonyms of "Undermines" as a verb (6 Words)

caveExplore natural caves.
They say they cave for the adventure challenge and physical exercise.
counteractOppose or check by a counteraction.
Should we deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming.
countermineDig a countermine against.
We countermined the banks of the river.
sabotageDestroy property or hinder normal operations.
The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war.
subvertDestroy property or hinder normal operations.
We must not let our civil liberties be subverted by the current crisis.
weakenReduce the level or intensity or size or scope of.
The prisoner s resistance weakened after seven days.

Associations of "Undermines" (30 Words)

attenuateReduce the amplitude of (a signal, electric current, or other oscillation.
The filter must severely attenuate frequencies above 10 Hz.
counteractOppose or check by a counteraction.
This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues.
dampenCheck; keep in check (a fire.
Nothing could dampen her enthusiasm.
deadenMake vapid or deprive of spirit.
Diabetes can deaden the nerve endings.
debilitateMake weak.
Hard drugs destroy families and debilitate communities.
declineShow unwillingness towards.
Caroline declined the coffee.
destabilizeBecome unstable.
The discovery of an affair can destabilize a relationship.
diluteReduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity.
A dilute solution of potassium permanganate.
diminishLessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of.
The pain will gradually diminish.
diminishedDiminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use.
She felt diminished by the report.
emasculateCastrate (a man or male animal).
The refusal to allow them to testify effectively emasculated the committee.
enervateWeaken mentally or morally.
The enervate slightness of his frail form.
enfeebleMake weak.
The breakdown in law and order enfeebled the government s authority.
fadingWeakening in force or intensity.
fatiguedDrained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted.
flaggingWeak from exhaustion.
There was a pile of flagging waiting to be laid in place.
fragileEasily broken or damaged or destroyed.
A fragile claim to fame.
impotentUnable to take effective action; helpless or powerless.
Technology without morality is barbarous morality without technology is impotent.
languishPine with love or grief.
When a visitor comes in she smiles and languishes.
reduceReduce in scope while retaining essential elements.
This compound reduces to potassium chloride.
reducedMade less in size or amount or degree.
rickety(of a structure or piece of equipment) poorly made and likely to collapse.
Poverty was evident in undernourished faces or rickety legs.
sabotageA deliberate act of destruction or disruption in which equipment is damaged.
The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war.
slowlyWithout speed slow is sometimes used informally for slowly.
They moved forward slowly.
subvertDestroy property or hinder normal operations.
Do school counselors subvert young children.
thinnerA diluting agent.
Dampen a clean rag with thinners and carefully wipe any remaining dust from the timber.
unsettleDisturb the composure of.
The crisis has unsettled financial markets.
viabilityAbility to survive or live successfully.
Pregnancy depends on the viability of the sperm and egg.
wane(of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.
Interest in the project waned.
weakenReduce the level or intensity or size or scope of.
The prisoner s resistance weakened after seven days.

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