Need another word that means the same as “vindictive”? Find 11 synonyms and 30 related words for “vindictive” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Vindictive” are: revengeful, vengeful, despiteful, spiteful, out for revenge, unforgiving, resentful, implacable, unrelenting, acrimonious, bitter
Vindictive as an Adjective
Definitions of "Vindictive" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “vindictive” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite.
- Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
- Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge- Shakespeare- M.R.Cohen.
- Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge.

Synonyms of "Vindictive" as an adjective (11 Words)
acrimonious | (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter. An acrimonious dispute about wages. |
bitter | Causing a sharp and acrid taste experience. Bitter about the divorce. |
despiteful | Malicious. A despiteful fiend. |
implacable | Unable to be appeased or placated. An implacable enemy. |
out for revenge | Directed outward or serving to direct something outward. |
resentful | Full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will. A sullen resentful attitude. |
revengeful | Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge. The average Briton is not naturally vindictive and revengeful. |
spiteful | Showing or caused by malice. The teachers made spiteful little jokes about me. |
unforgiving | Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty. He was always a proud and unforgiving man. |
unrelenting | Not giving way to kindness or compassion. The heat was unrelenting. |
vengeful | Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge. A vengeful ex con. |
Usage Examples of "Vindictive" as an adjective
- More vindictive than jealous love.
- The criticism was both vindictive and personalized.
- A vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment.
- Punishments…essentially vindictive in their nature.
Associations of "Vindictive" (30 Words)
adversary | One’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute. The confrontations of adversary politics. |
aggressor | A person or country that attacks another first. |
avenge | Take revenge for a perceived wrong. He vowed in silent fervour to avenge their murders. |
enemy | A personal enemy. The enemy attacked at dawn. |
factious | Dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion. A factious country. |
foe | An armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force. His work was praised by friends and foes alike. |
futilely | In a futile and unproductive manner. |
gloat | An act of gloating. I would join her for a good gloat. |
harassment | Aggressive pressure or intimidation. They face daily harassment and assault on the streets. |
killing | Exhausting or unbearable. The community was shocked by the brutal killings. |
objector | A person who expresses opposition to or disagreement with something. Objectors claim the motorway will damage the environment. |
opponent | A person who disagrees with or resists a proposal or practice. The news will delight opponents of GM foods. |
opposed | Being in opposition or having an opponent. Parties opposed to the ruling party. |
rancor | A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will. |
reprisal | A retaliatory action against an enemy in wartime. Three youths died in the reprisals which followed. |
requital | A justly deserved penalty. |
retaliate | Make an attack in return for a similar attack. The blow stung and she retaliated immediately. |
retaliation | Action taken in return for an injury or offense. The bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects. |
retribution | A justly deserved penalty. Divine retribution. |
revenge | Take revenge for a perceived wrong. Other spurned wives have taken public revenge on their husbands. |
revengeful | Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge- Shakespeare- M.R.Cohen. The average Briton is not naturally vindictive and revengeful. |
spite | Malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty. It seemed as if the wind had a spite at her. |
spurn | An act of spurning. It is a spurn of God s sovereignty and a slight of his goodness. |
stern | Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor forbidding in aspect. The stern demands of parenthood. |
swear | An offensive word used especially to express anger a swear word. Griffin made contact with the coach which led to him yelling a swear back in his direction. |
unforgiving | Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty. A surly unforgiving old woman. |
vendetta | A feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other. He has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him. |
vengeance | Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. Voters are ready to wreak vengeance on all politicians. |
vengeful | Disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge- Shakespeare- M.R.Cohen. A vengeful ex con. |
wreak | Inflict (vengeance. Torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday. |