WIND DOWN MEANING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WIND DOWN MEANING?

Need another word that means the same as “wind down meaning”? Find 30 related words for “wind down meaning” in this overview.

Associations of "Wind down meaning" (30 Words)

abyssA deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.
The abyss between the two nations.
beneathExtending or directly underneath something.
A house built on stilts to allow air to circulate beneath.
debaseCorrupt debase or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones.
The love episodes debase the dignity of the drama.
declensionA condition of decline or moral deterioration.
The first declension in Latin.
declineInflect for number, gender, case, etc.
Caroline declined the coffee.
decreaseDecrease in size extent or range.
He decreased his staff.
depressLower (prices or markets.
Depress the lever.
descend(of a feeling) develop suddenly and affect a place or person.
The chords descended in spectacular style from the upper register to the lower.
descendingMoving or sloping downwards.
A rocky descending path.
descentThe transmission of qualities, property, or privileges by inheritance.
The plane had gone into a steep descent.
disparagementA communication that belittles somebody or something.
downdraftA strong downward air current.
downgradeAn instance of reducing someone or something’s rank, status, or level of importance.
A steep downgrade for which he had to put the car in second.
downturnA decline in economic, business, or other activity.
The market took a downturn.
downwardMoving or leading towards a lower place or level.
The downward course of the stream.
dropLet or cause to fall in drops.
They only just avoided the drop last season.
fallGo as if by falling.
The barometer had fallen a further ten points.
fallingComing down freely under the influence of gravity.
Falling rain.
lowBelow average in amount extent or intensity.
He had a low opinion of himself.
lowerThe lower of two berths.
The lower levels of the building.
Nether regions.
rundown(especially of a building or area) in a poor or neglected state after having been prosperous.
He gave his teammates a rundown on the opposition.
settleBring to an end settle conclusively.
We finally settled the argument.
sinkCause to sink.
You can relax on the veranda as the sun sinks low.
sinuosityThe ability to curve or bend easily and flexibly.
He hated the sinuosity of mountain roads.
slumpFall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly.
Land prices slumped.
submergenceThe action of completely covering or obscuring something.
Total submergence of plants results in heavy crop losses.
substrateThe surface or material on or from which an organism lives, grows, or obtains its nourishment.
Optical disk substrates.
underUnder water.
An under secretary.
vertically(with reference to passage of diseases) from one generation to the next.
The wheel hangs vertically from a wire.

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